
  1. 只要有大量的纸媒广告,那种模式就会非常赚钱,但它让该报在面临数字化竞争时比《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)更加孤立。

    That was highly profitable as long as there was an abundance of print advertising but it left the Post more isolated than The New York Times in the face of digital competition .

  2. 全球营销顾问机构effectivebrands的马克代斯恩阿龙斯(marcdeswaanarons)表示,这意味着企业需要学习如何更多地在社交媒体上推广品牌形象,而不是像过去那样仅仅依靠电视、纸媒和在线广告。

    That means companies need to learn how to project their brand image , not just on television , in print and online , as in the old days , but increasingly on social media , according to mark de swaan arons of effective brands , the global marketing consultancy .

  3. 还有其他电视、纸媒与数码媒体广告。宣传语是两个世界即将碰撞。

    Other promotions include television , print and digital ads. The tagline is Worlds will collide .

  4. 还有其他电视、纸媒与数码媒体广告。宣传语是“两个世界即将碰撞”。

    Other promotions include television , print and digital ads. The tagline is " Worlds will collide . "