
  • 网络Nappa;napa valley
  1. PU纳帕革的生产及其织物的选用

    Production of the PU Nappa Leather and Choice of the Fabric

  2. 详细介绍了PU纳帕革的生产工艺和配方,以及织物基布的选用对BASE性能的影响。

    This paper has introduced the production technology and prescription of the PU Nappa leather , and the impact on BASE performance of choice of the fabric cloth .

  3. 游客可以前往像纳帕谷酒乡这样远离城市喧嚣的地方游览。

    Tourists can visit outlying areas like the Napa Valley Wine Country

  4. 我觉得她现在在纳帕。

    She 's in Napa , I think

  5. 大家品尝的下一种酒是2010年的Smith-Madrone纳帕谷雷司令(Smith-MadroneNapaValleyRiesling),它成了所有人的最爱。

    The next wine , the 2010 Smith-Madrone Napa Valley Riesling , was a universal favorite .

  6. 我最近与朋友共进晚餐时,品尝了2009姚明纳帕谷赤霞珠(cabernetsauvignon)葡萄酒。

    I poured the 2009 Yao Ming Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon at a dinner with friends recently .

  7. 今年1月,杜德纳在加利福尼亚纳帕(Napa)地区组织了一场由顶尖生物学家参加的会议。

    She organized a meeting of leading biologists in Napa , Calif. , in January .

  8. SilverOakCellars于1972年由雷·邓肯(RayDuncan)和贾斯汀·梅耶(JustinMeyer)创立,在40年前的纳帕谷是少数几家正经的酒庄之一。

    Silver Oak Cellars , founded in 1972 by Ray Duncan and Justin Meyer , was one of the few serious wineries in Napa 40 years ago .

  9. 与其他所有产自纳帕谷的解百纳不同的是,SilverOak是在美国橡木桶里陈酿的,从而增加了香草的甜味,有些人甚至会说有椰子味。

    Unlike just about every other Cabernet made in Napa Valley , Silver Oak is aged in American oak , which adds sweet notes of vanilla and , some even say , coconut .

  10. 酒庄于去年11月成立,出产的首瓶葡萄酒是纳帕谷赤霞珠干红葡萄酒(NapaValleyCabernetSauvignon),每支定价1775元,约合170美元。

    The winery was founded in November , and its first bottle was a Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon priced at 1,775 yuan , or $ 170 .

  11. 拥有500名成员的纳帕谷葡萄酒商协会(NapaValleyVintners)表示,目前判断该产业遭遇的损失还为时尚早。

    Napa Valley Vintners , an association with 500 members , said it was too early to tell what damage could have been done to the industry .

  12. 纳帕县以其葡萄园闻名于世,在地震后又遭遇了5次余震。美国地质勘探局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey,简称USGS)警告说,今后7天,震区周围10到20英里范围内有54%的可能性出现更多地震。

    Napa , the county famous for its vineyards , suffered five subsequent aftershocks and the United States Geological Center warned there was a 54 per cent chance of more earthquakes in the surrounding 10 to 20 miles in the next seven days .

  13. 于是我买了一瓶1982年的SilverOakAlexanderValley(106美元),还有2008年和2009年产自纳帕谷和亚历山大谷的年份酒(分别为110美元和60美元)。

    So I bought a bottle of 1982 Silver Oak Alexander Valley ( $ 106 ) and the 2008 and 2009 vintages of both the Napa and Alexander Valley wines ( $ 110 and $ 60 , respectively ) .

  14. 英俊的吸血鬼RobertPattinson和女友KristenStewart近期已经联系了婚礼策划者,并计划在当地的纳帕山谷举行这场现实生活中真正的婚礼。

    The handsome vampire Robert Pattinson and his lovely long time girlfriend , Kristen Stewart have already spoken to wedding planners and organized to have their real wedding at the Napa Valley .

  15. 尽管巴黎品酒会为我们的葡萄酒文化创造了奇迹,但是我相信,美国的葡萄酒文化从1966年就诞生了,那时RobertMondavi在纳帕谷建立了他的同名酿酒厂。

    While the Paris tasting did wonders for our wine culture , I believe America 's wine culture started in1966 , when Robert Mondavi opened his namesake winery in Napa Valley .

  16. 她曾在纳帕谷的FrenchLaundry等著名餐馆工作,如今她在台湾台中市拥有自己的餐厅——LeMoût,它是罗兰夏朵酒店集团(Relais&Châteaux)的成员。

    The chef , who worked at high-profile restaurants like the French Laundry in Napa Valley , owns Le Mo û t Restaurant in Taichung City , Taiwan , a member of the Relais & Ch â teaux group .

  17. 我想知道现在我怎么看这款酒。于是我买了一瓶1982年的SilverOakAlexanderValley(106美元),还有2008年和2009年产自纳帕谷和亚历山大谷的年份酒(分别为110美元和60美元)。

    I wanted to see what I thought of it today . So I bought a bottle of 1982 Silver Oak Alexander Valley ( $ 106 ) and the 2008 and 2009 vintages of both the Napa and Alexander Valley wines ( $ 110 and $ 60 , respectively ) .

  18. 她曾在纳帕谷的FrenchLaundry等著名餐馆工作,如今她在台湾台中市拥有自己的餐厅LeMo251;t,它是罗兰夏朵酒店集团(RelaisCh226;teaux)的成员。

    The chef , who worked at high-profile restaurants like the French Laundry in Napa Valley , owns Le Mo # 251 ; t Restaurant in Taichung City , Taiwan , a member of the Relais Ch # 226 ; teaux group .

  19. MinnaParikka,来自赫尔辛基的针织衫和配饰,性感的针织品,纳帕软皮手套,为活泼可爱的女孩们设计的可爱的鞋和靴子。

    Minna Parikka , knits and accessories from Helsinki , sexy knitwear , nappa leather gloves , adorable shoes and boots for the sassy , cute girl .

  20. ::喝格纳帕跟吃提拉米苏你觉得怎么样?

    Drinking grappa and eating tiramisu So what do you think ?

  21. 问:你为什么决定专门在纳帕谷酿造葡萄酒?

    Why did you decide to make wine in Napa Valley specifically ?

  22. 纳帕谷似乎还可以像往常一样出口葡萄酒。

    It seems that Napa Valley will continue exporting wine as usual .

  23. 直到1979年才生产纳帕谷解百纳。

    It wasn 't until 1979 that the winery produced a Napa Cabernet .

  24. 我是说格纳帕跟提拉米苏。

    I meant about the grappa and the tiramisu .

  25. 这是周日在加州北部纳帕谷的景象。

    This was the scene on Sunday in northern California 's Napa Valley .

  26. 加州纳帕山谷世界上最好的葡萄酒产地之一。

    Napa Valley , California one of the premier wine regions of the world .

  27. 上周日,美国加利福尼亚州北部的纳帕谷地区发生地震。

    Last Sunday , an earthquake struck the Napa Valley area of northern California .

  28. 我和纳帕斯达打败了唱片公司

    I brought down the record companies with Napster

  29. 大风也被归咎于纳帕县野火的罪魁祸首。

    High winds are also being blamed for stocking the wildfire in Napa County .

  30. 这次地震是纳帕谷15年来遭遇到的最强地震。

    It was the strongest earthquake to strike the Napa Valley in 15 years .