
  • 网络Naxxramas
  1. 在不驱散狂乱状态的情况下,击败纳克萨玛斯的黑女巫法琳娜(英雄难度)。

    Defeat Grand Widow Faerlina in Naxxramas on Heroic Difficulty without dispelling frenzy .

  2. 纳克萨玛斯的冰冷的核心正等待着你们!

    The frozen heart of Naxxramas awaits you !

  3. 在3分钟内杀死纳克萨玛斯的帕奇维克(英雄难度)。

    Kill Patchwerk in Naxxramas in3 minutes or less on Heroic Difficulty .

  4. 真相:萨鲁法尔有深呼吸技能,这就是为什么纳克萨玛斯从东瘟疫飞到了龙骨荒野。

    Fact : Saurfang has a deep breath . That 's why Naxxramas moved from Eastern Plaguelands to Dragonblight .

  5. 在没有人交叉正负极的情况下击败纳克萨玛斯的塔迪乌斯(英雄难度)。

    Defeat Thaddius in Naxxramas on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in the raid crossing the negative and positive charges .

  6. 大领主莫格莱尼灰烬使者,从前血色十字军团的领导者,也是血色指挥官小莫格莱尼的父亲,现在是纳克萨玛斯黑暗堡垒里四骑士中的一员。

    Highlord Mograine the Ashbringer , the former leader of the Scarlet Crusade and father of Scarlet Commander Mograine , is one of the Four Horsemen in the black citadel of Naxxramas .