
  • 网络Documentary style
  1. 在艺术风格方面,史诗风格和纪实风格成为新世纪革命历史题材电影的两种主要风格。

    Epic style and documentary style are the two main styles of films on revolutionary history of the new century .

  2. 最后,论述了他这种纪实风格的意义和存在的问题,解决问题的一点建议。

    Finally , the author discusses the significance of this documentary style , the existing problems and the solution to the problem .

  3. 史诗风格的壮美浪漫和纪实风格的客观冷静常常交融在一起,使新世纪革命历史题材电影呈现出独特的美学面貌。

    The two styles are often mixed in the films , which makes the films have special aesthetic features .

  4. 其他场景也采用同样的纪实风格,感觉像是即兴发挥,而实际上却并非如此。

    Other scenes borrow the same documentary look ; a lot feels improvised , although only a few scenes actually were .

  5. 在逆向处理、纪实风格与传奇发掘,故事性的谈化与消解等方面,两部影片都具有独特的艺术品质和文化价值。

    Such as reversal treatment , documentary style , legend finding and story dispelling , they had unique artistic character and cultural value .

  6. 科学纪录片的叙事理念在秉承了科学态度和探索精神的同时,形成了特有的叙事角度,部分题材的纪录片更是大胆沿用了自伊文思以来的写意纪实风格。

    While sticking to the scientific attitude , it has developed a unique narration visual angle . Some documentaries employed the poet narrative style from Evans .

  7. 高畑勋的动画电影在影像上尊重现实时空,通常采用固定机位观测和长镜头的纪实风格拍摄手法,以及与主题完美配合的音乐。

    The animation of Isao Takahata respects the real space and time , using realistic filming techniques of fixing the position of the camera and taking long shots , chooses the appropriate music matching to the film theme .

  8. 方言影视剧所呈现出的美学风格也是异常鲜明,主要表现为:真诚的现实关注、喜剧风格和纪实风格的凸显、演员和导演个人风格的烙印。

    These TV dramas also boast extraordinarily vivid aesthetic styles , as revealed in their candid observance of social realities , the distinct feature of comic and documentary styles , and the unique personal signatures of the actors and directors .

  9. 她的大多数影片都有一种纪实的风格。

    Most ofher films have a documentary style .

  10. 他们对摄影业的现状和方式提出了质疑,试图通过新闻报道和当代艺术摄影的方式探索出一种纪实摄影的中间风格。

    They question the way of photographing reality , exploring an in between style of documentary photography through journalism and contemporary art photography .