
  • 网络the red planet
  1. 这颗红色星球是一片沙漠,温度通常低于零下60摄氏度。

    The Red Planet is a desert , where temperatures routinely drop below - 60C .

  2. 也许这是为何“火星一号”(MarsOne)的人周五来中国招募移民去红色星球。

    Maybe that 's why the people from Mars One came to China on Friday to recruit settlers for the red planet .

  3. 他们已经申请了前往这颗红色星球的单程票,由MarsOne提供,一个总部设在荷兰的组织,希望2023年在那建立一个人类定居地。

    They 've applied for one-way tickets to the red planet offered by Mars One , an organization based in the Netherlands hoping to establish a human colony there in 2023 .

  4. 他也是“红色星球有声读物”(RedPlanetAudiobook)公司的创始人兼CEO,iPhone和iPad用户对该公司的发展起到了巨大的推动作用。

    He 's also founder and CEO of Red Planet Audiobook , which has gotten a huge boost from iPhone and iPad users .

  5. MARS(火星)被称作红色星球是因为它确实有一种清楚的桔红色。它是离太阳第四远的行星。

    Mars is called the red planet because it has a definite red-orange color . It is the fourth farthest planet from the sun .

  6. 因此,火星的大气层变得越来越薄。预计Maven将于2014年抵达这颗红色星球。

    So the atmosphere becomes even thinner . Maven is scheduled to reach the red planet in 2014 .

  7. 三个登陆火星的国际任务中的首个任务于周二准备就绪,由日本的H-2A火箭搭载阿联酋的“希望号”宇宙飞船进入太空,开始为期七个月的通往这颗红色星球的航行。

    The first of three international missions to Mars gets underway Tuesday when a Japanese H-2A rocket boosts a United Arab Emirates spacecraft known as " Hope " into space for a seven-month voyage to the red planet .

  8. 它不会降落在这颗红色星球。

    It won 't set down on the red planet .

  9. 你有没有觉得这个地方看起来像红色星球(火星)?

    Don 't you think that this place resembles the Red Planet ?

  10. 是抓住一枚火箭到这颗红色星球的时候了?

    Is it time to catch a rocket to the Red Planet ?

  11. 一个叫做“火星一号”的项目在计划红色星球的载人任务。

    A project called Mars One is planning manned missions to the Red Planet .

  12. 这些是红色星球——火星——上的一些地标。

    Those are some of the physical landmarks on the red planet of Mars .

  13. 但无论这个红色星球上的液体水存在,仍然可以进行辩论。

    But whether water exists as a liquid on the Red Planet can still be debated .

  14. 它将环绕这颗红色星球,通过研究火星大气层找到过去的一些线索。

    It will circle the red planet , studying its atmosphere for clues about its past .

  15. 中国和美国,将在不久的将来发射自己的红色星球(指火星)任务。

    China and the U. S. are set to launch their own missions to the Red Planet soon .

  16. 主播天文学家们在仰望天空,以抓住这颗红色星球难得的一瞬。

    Well , stargazers are looking to the heavens to catch a rare glimpse of the red planet .

  17. 火星气候轨道器在即将进入红色星球轨道时发生了燃烧。

    The Mars Climate Orbiter apparently burned up as it was about to go into orbit around the Red Planet .

  18. 中国已经坚定不移地把目光投向火星,旨在2020年前向红色星球发射探测器。

    China has set its sights firmly on Mars and is aiming to launch a mission to the red planet by 2020 .

  19. 美国国家航空航天局称,火星迷们在登上这颗神秘的红色星球前,还需要再等上一段时间。

    Martian wannabes will have to wait a little bit longer before landing on the enigmatic red planet , according to NASA .

  20. 安·凯兰告诉我们,此项发现对于这个红色星球上存在生命的可能性提出了一些有趣的新问题。

    And , as Ann Kellan tells us , it raises intriguing new questions about the possibility of life on the Red Planet .

  21. 对这颗“红色星球”的一次载人任务是一个令人有些望而却步的挑战;从当今也从未来的技术能力方面上说。

    A crewed mission to the red planet is a daunting challenge that lies at the edge of current technological capabilities and possibly beyond .

  22. 人们可以通过此网站帮助科学家对火星的研究任务,像是改善这颗红色星球的所画图纸等等。

    The Be a Martian website allows members of the public to help scientists perform research tasks such as improving maps of the red planet .

  23. 始于尘沙笼罩下的广阔沙漠的图片,科学们认为这个“红色星球”像月球一样没有生命。

    To begin with , scientists thought the Red Planet was as lifeless as the Moon , with dust storms swirling over vast sandy deserts .

  24. 该发现表明,火星可能没有此前所想的那么宜居,这对人类探索这一红色星球会有所影响。

    The findings suggest that Mars may be more uninhabitable than previously thought , and could have implications for human exploration on the red planet .

  25. 中国2020年探测火星,国家向红色星球迈另一步,今年会发射第二个太空站

    China to go to Mars by 2020 : Nation takes another step towards red planet as it reveals it will launch second space station this year

  26. 马斯特近几年在他的尝试室措置了年夜量的火星航天器和火星试探机械人发还的关于红色星球的数据流。

    His laboratory is among those that in recent years has processed an extraordinary flow of red planet data , returned by Mars-orbiting spacecraft and surface-exploring robots .

  27. 中国月球探测工程首席科学家欧阳自远透露,火星计划主要目的在于,在这颗红色星球上建立中国的空间探测器。

    Ouyang Ziyuan , chief scientist of the country 's lunar project , said the Mars programme will focus on creating space probes on the red planet .

  28. 这使人们在该红色星球上发现数十亿年前生命迹象的希望大大增强。美国研究人员日前在火星上找到了一个古老湖泊的痕迹。这使人们在该红色星球上发现数十亿年前生命迹象的希望大大增强。

    US researchers have uncovered traces of an ancient lake on Mars boosting hopes of discovering evidence that billions of years ago the Red planet hosted life .

  29. 在犹他州荒原中的一个圆柱形小建筑物内,这些将要成为太空探险者的人们生活的每一时刻,都好像他们是这个红色星球的第一个人类前哨。

    In a small cylindrical building in the Utah desert , the would-be space explorers live every moment as if they were the first human outpost on the red planet .

  30. 这颗红色星球以创造精力与行动力而闻名,然而,使这次两年一次的穿越更加特别的是:金星将与火星几乎同时移动。

    The Red Planet is known to create energy and action , and what makes this once-in-two-year visit extra special is that Venus will move with Mars in very close proximity .