
  • 网络Le Ballon rouge;The red balloon;ballon rouge
  1. 挂在床边的红气球曾经在一些页面上消失过,而最后又重新出现。

    The red balloon hanging over the bed disappears in several of the color plates , then reappears at the end .

  2. 北京——台湾导演侯孝贤的上一部长片是八年前朱丽叶·比诺什(JulietteBinoche)主演的《红气球之旅》,它风格简洁,曾在戛纳国际电影节上充当“一种关注”单元的开幕影片。

    Beijing - It has been eight years since the Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-Hsien 's last feature-length film , the elliptical " Flight of the Red Balloon " starring Juliette Binoche , opened the Un Certain Regard section at the Cannes International Film Festival .

  3. 这个红气球最大。

    This red balloon is the biggest .

  4. 往前走不远,我注重到一只红气球飘在空中,它越飞越高。

    Walking further , I noticed a red balloon aloft , rising to the higher altitude .

  5. 整个葬礼中,科尔都默默站在乔舒亚的灵柩旁,看着爱他的人们放飞红气球和蓝气球,以纪念他短暂的人生。

    Cole stood by Joshua 's casket for the entire service and watched as loved ones released red and blue balloons in mark the boy 's life .

  6. 赖利·克兰:社会是如何对那些公众瞩目的事件做出反应的呢?这些事件多种多样,比如地震、海啸,甚至“找找10个红气球”这样的活动。

    Riley Crane : How does society respond to some stimulus , which could be anything ranging from an earthquake or a tsunami to a call to find ten red balloons ?