
  • 网络Red Moon;redmoon
  1. 一轮红月正从树林后面徐徐升起,天上几乎见不到星星。

    Through the trees rises the red moon and the stars are scarcely seen .

  2. 乌迪尔出生在红月之下的草丛中,一直受到本能的驱使。

    Born in a grassy clearing under a red moon , Udyr has always been compelled by the primal drive within him .

  3. 图像被用作默认的电脑壁纸的“红月”在WindowsXP主题。

    The image is used as the default computer wallpaper for the " Luna " theme in Windows XP .

  4. 我选择了最好的篮子红月桂果来吃。

    I chose the best basket of red bayberries to eat .

  5. 红月却灼伤了我的手。

    My hand that holds the moon has burned .

  6. 红十字与红月会国际联合会

    League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

  7. 一轮红月正从树林后面冉冉升起。

    Through the trees rises the red moom .

  8. 见一轮红月倚在树篱上。

    Like a red faced farmer .

  9. 见一轮红月倚在树篱上,如同一个红脸膛的农夫。

    I walked abroad , And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge Like a red faced farmer .

  10. 随之,一轮巨大的红月由林间冉冉浮升,且因尘埃和暑汽之故而形态颇异。

    Then , the rising moon , huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere , loomed up out of the woods .