
  • 网络Infrared telescope;UKIRT
  1. 那无人宇宙飞船携带有红外线望远镜。

    The unmanned spacecraft carries an infrared telescope .

  2. 卡内基科学研究所的研究员AlanDressler说,运用NRO卫星的高分辨率望远镜可以提升WFIRST的能力,也可以降低该项目的花费(红外线望远镜的当前市价为16亿美元)并缩短研制时间。

    Using a higher-resolution NRO mirror would boost the capabilities of WFIRST , says Alan Dressler , a researcher at the Carnegie Institution for Science . It could also cut the project 's cost ( its present price tag is about $ 1.6 billion ) and shorten its development time .

  3. NASA的智慧号卫星是探寻宇宙的红外线太空望远镜。

    NASA 's WISE satellite is a space telescope that carefully surveyed the universe in infrared light .

  4. 星系发出的红外线使得望远镜可以穿越宇宙尘埃和大气来观测早期星辰和银河系的进化。科学家还可以知道神秘的黑洞和能量,以及宇宙是否会永远扩散。

    Those infrared emissions will allow the telescope to through dust and gas to see things like the evolution of early stars and galaxies . Scientists also want to learn more about mysterious dark matter and energy , and whether the universe will expand forever .

  5. 一个办法就是把其中一颗卫星用于广域红外线巡天望近镜(WFIRST)项目,红外线望远镜可以用来研究暗能量——这股神秘的力量被认为是宇宙膨胀的幕后推手。

    One idea is to use one of the mirrors for the WFIRST mission , an infra-red telescope designed to investigate dark energy-the still-mysterious force thought to be behind the accelerating expansion of the universe .