
  • 网络infrared device
  1. HQC-2型红外器件测试台的设计与调试

    Discussion on the Model HQC-2 Infrared Device Test Rig

  2. 激光束诱导电流谱技术表征红外器件几何结构

    Characterizing the HgCdTe Photovoltaic Devices by Laser Beam Induced Current Technique

  3. 热壁外延与Ⅳ-Ⅵ族半导体红外器件

    Hot wall epitaxy and IR devices made of ⅳ - ⅵ semiconductors

  4. 红外器件国内外发展动态

    The World-wide Development Status of Infrared Devices

  5. 应用于弹丸跟踪测量的红外器件工作波段选择

    The Research of Response Wave Band for Conventional Projectiles Detecting and Tracking by Using Infrared Focal Plane Sensor

  6. 但是由于红外器件的发展限制,红外图像在成像上一直不够理想。

    However , due to restrictions on the development of infrared devices , infrared image imaging has been less than ideal .

  7. 本文报导了利用四极质谱仪对红外器件真空层残气质谱分析的结果,并用它得到器件热脱刚处理工艺条件。光电导红外器件的烘烤温度可达105℃。

    The analysis results of the residual gases in vacuum jacket of infrared detectors by using quadruple mass spectrometer have been described .

  8. 代表着红外器件发展的主流方向的红外焦平面器件,其正常工作时需要驱动脉冲信号多达十几路,为了使红外焦平面阵列处于最佳工作状态,就必须设计出相应的驱动电路。

    The infrared focal plane array is the tendency of infrared imaging device . The driving circuit of IRFPA must be designed well to make IRFPA work in the best condition .

  9. 这不但具有一定物理意义,并对于BEST模式红外传感器件的光吸收有一定参考价值。

    These are of significance in physics and in the design of BEST mode infrared image sensor .

  10. InGaAs红外探测器器件与物理研究

    Study on Physics and Devices of InGaAs Infrared Detectors

  11. 工作于4K的红外集成器件读出电路性能测试

    Performance Test of Infrared Detector Array Readout Circuits Operating at 4K

  12. 概述了导电高分子(CPs)作为新型电致变色材料的特点、电致变色原理及红外发射器件的设计,并对国外在飞行器导热控制和红外、雷达伪装上的应用发展状况进行了介绍。

    Characteristic , basic electrochromic mechanism and new style IR emittance device design of conducting polymer materials are summarized using conducting polymers , and the latest development on thermal control and infrared or radar military camouflage applications for spacecraft are introduced in this paper .

  13. 短波红外光电器件及其传感应用

    Short Wavelength Infrared Optoelectronic Devices and Their Sensing Applications

  14. 天文应用的红外列阵器件发展概况

    Development of IR Array and Its Application in Astronomical

  15. 疵点的出现严重地影响了红外摄像器件的成像质量。

    The imaging quality of infrared imaging devices is severely effected by the defects .

  16. 热释电红外新器件的工作原理及其应用

    Principle and Application of Infrared Devices

  17. 光通信用红外晶体器件镀膜与物理特性研究

    The study of the coatings and it 's physical properties about the infrared crystal device used in optical communication

  18. 吸附剂在航天红外光学器件上的运用,对卫星传感系统起一定程度的防污作用。

    The use of adsorbent can prevent the optical devices of spaceborne infrared instruments from being contaminated to a certain extent .

  19. 结果表明,采用最佳切割将大大提高热释电红外探测器件的电压响应性能。

    The results show that the pyroelectric voltage response is significantly improved by using cuts at oblique angles to the pyroelectric axis .

  20. 研究表明:磁液薄膜具有良好的磁光双稳特性,可用作超长波红外波导器件。

    Experiments show that the ferrofluid thin film behaves good characteristics of optical bistability and can be used as ultra-long wave optical waveguide devices .

  21. 文章对目前红外成像器件的发展进行了分析总结,并按照不同成像方式把成像器件分为扫描成像器件和凝视成像器件两类,对其优缺点进行评述比较。

    Recent development of IR imaging detector is analysed and summarized . The advantages and disadvantages of two kinds imaging ways & scanning and staring are compared .

  22. 与红外单元器件相比,红外焦平面阵列探测器的一个最大的缺点是其固有的非均匀性,它极大的限制了红外焦平面成像系统的探测性能。

    Compared with the single element detector , the primary defect of IRFPA is the non_umformiry , and the non_uniformity limits the performance of the IRFPA greatly .

  23. 随着红外成像器件的发展,红外成像技术目前已被广泛应用于侦察、监视和制导等军事领域,此外在飞机导航、公路智能交通系统等民用领域也有着广阔的应用前景。

    With the rapid development of infrared technology , infrared video is widely used in military and civil affairs , such as reconnaissance , surveillance and weapon guidance .

  24. 但是由于红外摄像器件及探测工作环境影响,红外成像效果并不理想。

    Because of the influence of the poor quality of infrared image devices and working environment , the result of infrared image is not as good as expected .

  25. 由于红外摄像器件本身及探测环境的影响,红外图像与传统的可见光图像相比较有对比度低、边缘模糊、噪声大等不足。

    As the infrared camera itself and the environmental impact , the infrared image compared with visible light images has some defects such as low contrast , edge blur , strong noise and so on .

  26. 硒化物量子点作为一类重要的半导体量子点,广泛用在太阳能电池、发光二极管、生物标记、各种发光装置、激光与红外探测器件、红外窗口与非线性光学材料等。

    Selenides QDs are a very important group of semiconductor QDs , which are widely used in solar cells , light-emitting diodes , biological labels , luminescence devices , laser or infrared detectors , infrared window materials , nonlinear optical materials and so on .

  27. 锗、镓作为稀有金属,在电子工业、半导体、红外光学器件、光导纤维、医学、冶金、能源等领域有着广泛的应用;同时,作为稀散金属,富集提取技术至关重要。

    Germanium and gallium as rare metal were widely used in the electronics industry , semiconductor , infrared optics , optical fiber , medicine , metallurgy , energy , etc. At the same time , as the scattered metal , enrichment extraction technology was essential .

  28. 使用Pb(1-x)GexTe材料提高红外薄膜光学器件温度稳定性

    Improving the temperature stability of infrared thin-film optical filters by using Pb_ ( 1-x ) Ge_xTe

  29. LED具有发光效率高、无红外辐射、器件小、功耗低、寿命长等特点,在投影显示系统的应用中有着传统光源无法替代的优点。

    Compared to the traditional sources , the LED has the irreplaceable advantages of high efficiency , no infrared irradiation , small size , low power consumption and long lifetime .

  30. InSb红外焦平面器件γ辐照损伤初步研究

    Primary Investigation of γ - Irradiation Damage to InSb Infrared Focal Plane Arrays