
  1. 房间装饰得素素净净。

    The room was decorated in neutrals .

  2. 饲料中黄曲霉素素B1含量相当高,达475ppb。

    The content of aflatoxin Bl in the contaminated fodder was rather high with an amount of 475 ppb .

  3. 整肠生可以改善肠源性内毒素血症及肝纤维化,此作用是通过降低血浆内素素、血清ALT、AST和LDH水平及减少氧化应激来实现的。

    Bacillus licheniformis could improve intestinal endotoxemia and hepatic fibrosis , this role is achieved by reducing the blood levels of endotoxin , ALT , AST , LDH and reducing oxidative damage .

  4. 素素也没说起这桩事。

    And su-su didn 't mention this business , either .

  5. 各片段中残余素素的污染率为0~0.8%。

    The contamination of residual toxin in each fragment was about 0-0.8 % .

  6. 但是你还不知道李教授对于素素也感得失望呢

    " But Professor Li 's just as disappointed in Chang Su-su , you know !"

  7. 文章主要讨论了余秋雨的《秋雨散文》和素素的“独语东北”系列散文。

    The article mainly discusses Qiuyu s Proses by Yu Qiuyu and Susu s Soliloquys in the Northeast .

  8. 单位叶面积的叶绿素素含量在幼叶和老叶较低而成熟叶中较高,类胡萝卜素随着叶龄的增加而增加。

    Chlorophyll contents were less in young and old leaves than in mature leaves , while carotenoids were increased with leaf age .

  9. 现在她把素素看成了侠客,她不愿意自己在这位侠客跟前显得太没出息。

    She now looked up to Su-su as her champion , and she did not want to appear too silly in her champion 's eyes .

  10. 亚伯拉罕和丽莎·露低声哭着,盼盼和素素为了发泄他们的悲痛,就号啕大哭,声震四壁;王子被放进坟坑的时候,他们都站在坟坑的四周。

    Abraham and'Liza-Lu sobbed , Hope and Modesty discharged their griefs in loud blares which echoed from the walls ; and when Prince was tumbled in they gathered round the grave .

  11. 比亚伯拉罕小的是两个女孩子盼盼和素素;然后是一个三岁的男孩,最后是一个刚刚满一周岁的婴孩。

    Next in juvenility to Abraham came two more girls , Hope and Modesty ; then a boy of three , and then the baby , who had just completed his first year .