
  • 网络systematic desensitization;systematic desensitization therapy
  1. 采用系统脱敏法能降低和消除焦虑情绪。

    The systematic desensitization , as basic way of behavior thereby , helps get rid of and slake the anxiety .

  2. 系统脱敏法治疗大鼠恐怖症研究

    The treatment of rat 's phobia by systematic desensitization

  3. 中医行为疗法包括习见习闻法(系统脱敏法)、冲击疗法、反应预防法、厌恶疗法、模仿法、气功疗法和课业疗法等。

    Behavior therapy of TCM Psychotherapy includes systematic desensitization , implosive therapy , response prevention , aversion therapy , modelling , Qigong therapy and lessons therapy .

  4. 心理治疗方法较多,有认知行为疗法(思维阻断法、暴露疗法和反应预防、系统脱敏法)及精神分析疗法和森田疗法。

    There were many psychotherapies , including cognitive-behavioral therapy ( thought stopping , exposure method , reaction prevention and systematic desensitization ), psychoanalytic therapy and Morita therapy .

  5. 研究设计为前、后测准实验设计。其中,被试被分成三个组,一组接受自我系统脱敏法训练、一组接受自我认知矫正法训练、一组未接受训练(作为对照组)。

    The part of quantitative research adapted pre-post test quasi-experimental design with two experimental groups ( one adapted self-desensitization , the other self-cognitive therapy ) and one control group .

  6. 系统性脱敏教学法在门急诊教学中的应用及效果

    The application and effectiveness of " systematic desensitization " teaching method in the teaching of emergency and outpatient department