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  1. 本文还讨论了在SystemP中虚拟化的硬件、固件和操作系统支持。

    This article also discusses the hardware , firmware , and operating system support for virtualization in System p.

  2. 库存管理的系统支持-需求和营运计划(DemandandOperationPlanning–D&OP)。

    The forth part is about system support of stock management Demand and Operation Planning ( D OP ) .

  3. IP多媒体子系统支持的移动业务

    Mobile Services Supported by IP IMS

  4. 采用自下向上的设计流程,在没有嵌入式操作系统支持的条件下,自主设计和实现了嵌入式USBHost功能。

    The functions of embedded USB Host was designed and implemented by using bottom-up without supporting of embedded OS .

  5. 协同编辑系统支持编者在WEB上开展计算机支持的协同写作,分散各地的协同成员可以通过系统开展资源共享、知识、经验交流等活动,加快编著、写作的进度,提高著作的质量。

    The CSCE system supports editors to work together , share resource and knowledge , intercommunicate through Internet , which will fast work schedule and enhance the quality of productions .

  6. 下一版本的AOP系统支持这种切入点。

    Future versions of AOP systems will support this sort of pointcut .

  7. 本系统支持Ethernet方式、WLAN和TD-LTE三种传输方式。

    The system supports Ethernet , WLAN and TD-LTE three kinds of transmission mode .

  8. 与Samba的分布式文件系统支持相关的日志消息。

    Log messages relating to Samba 's distributed file system support .

  9. 在MSSqlServer管理系统支持下,以MO2.2和C为技术支撑,构建潋水河流域水土资源数据库。

    Supported by The DBMS MS SQL Server , C # and Map Objects 2.2 techniques , the Lian Shui Basin water and soil resource database is set up .

  10. 某些文件系统支持高级的安全特性,比如访问控制列表(ACL)。

    Some file systems support advanced security features , such as access control lists ( ACLs ) .

  11. 每种操作系统支持不同的JDK级别。

    Each operating system supports different levels of the JDK .

  12. 该解码系统支持多种异构输入源,目前输入源支持文件、网络和PCI采集卡。

    This decoding system supports multiple heterogeneous input sources , now including from the file , the network , and the PCI capture card .

  13. 建成的多邦药业销售数据仓库及OLAP系统支持的分析类型例如:·销售利润与药品品种的关系;

    The final dada warehouse and OLAP system can supports such analysis as : · The relationship between profit and medicine type ;

  14. 如果您的操作系统支持动态加载,那么Lua可以根据需要来动态加载并调用函数。

    If your operating system supports dynamic loading , Lua can load and call functions on demand .

  15. fuser命令要求系统支持/proc文件系统。

    The fuser command requires that your system supports the / proc file system .

  16. 但是,FlashMediaServer是商业化的多媒体系统支持软件,其代码是保密的,通信协议RTMP也是非公开的,而且它的价格较为昂贵。

    However , Flash Media Server is the commercialization of multi-media system to support the software , its code is kept secret , the communication protocol RTMP is secret , and its price is more expensive .

  17. 无操作系统支持的嵌入式系统软件,包括系统引导(BOOT)、驱动程序、动态内存管理、IO、通信以及应用软件等方面。

    Programming C on ARM embedded platform is a complicated project . Modules including system boot , drivers , dynamic memory management , I / O interface , communications and applications should be considered carefully .

  18. 该方案采用正交可变扩频因子(OVSF)与跳时相结合,使系统支持可变速率要求。

    The hybrid multiple access scheme , OVSF-TH , was presented based on the orthogonal variable spread factor ( OVSF ), and a corresponding correlation mask for this scheme was designed .

  19. 该方式需要版本控制系统支持锁定。

    This option requires a source control system that supports locking .

  20. 大多数继电保护暂态试验系统支持这种文件格式。

    Most protection transient simulation test systems support this file form .

  21. 一般来说,这些功能将由操作系统支持。

    Generally , the operating system will support these functions .

  22. 地理信息系统支持下土地评价专家模型的研究

    Study on the Land Evaluation Expert Model Based on Geographic Information System

  23. 另外,一些多处理器系统支持并行处理。

    In addition , some multiprocessor systems support parallel processing .

  24. 地理信息系统支持下东中国海潮波系统的模拟研究

    Study on modeling the tide wave system of East China Sea with GIS

  25. 综合接入系统支持以太网业务的关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Technology of Universal Access System Supporting the Ethernet Service

  26. 目前,面向对象框架的研究刚刚起步,面向框架的开发还缺乏相关工具、方法及过程的系统支持。

    We are also lack of systemic researches in the process of framework development .

  27. 农业信息系统支持下的玉米遥感估产模型研究

    Study on maize yield estimation model by remote sensing within an agricultural information system

  28. 系统支持按键操作和上位机操作两种模式。

    This system supports key-control or computer-control modes .

  29. 系统支持多用户的协同操作,并提供智能化的决策帮助。

    The system supports cooperation in the real-time environment , also provides intelligent decision-making aid .

  30. 微控制器开发和自动系统支持

    Microcontroller development and automotive system support