
  • 网络LEAN;Lean In;JIT;Plustek
  1. X公司信号源生产线精益生产再造研究

    Study on Signal Source Production Line Lean Reengineering of X Company

  2. 采用精益数据监管策略(LeanDataGovernanceStrategy):采用业务驱动项目管道,执行灵活的架构,设立基于风险的里程碑。

    Adopt a Lean Data Governance Strategy : Use business-driven project pipelines , Implement flexible architectures and Set risk-based milestones .

  3. 并论述了H公司实施精益生产管理改善后的收益分析。

    After and elaborated H Corporation to implement the fine profit production management improvement the income analysis .

  4. 精益生产模式下汽车零部件业电子商务和ERP整合

    Integration of ERP and E-Business under the Lean Production Mode in Automobile Part Industry

  5. 近年来,精益生产(leanproduction)在全世界范围内得到广泛应用,尤其体现在航空、汽车制造领域。

    In recent years , Lean Production popularizes extensively worldwide , especially in the fields of aviation and car manufacturing .

  6. 精益生产理论指导下的CAPP系统研究

    The Research of CAPP System Under the Guide of Lean - Production

  7. 试图运用这种精益法的一家机构是BoltonNHSTrust。

    One organisation trying to apply such lean methods is Bolton NHS Trust .

  8. 然后阐述精益生产的精神与原则,以及基本的精益方法及其常用的IE手法。

    After that , represents the lean principle and sprit , the basic lean tools and IE methods .

  9. 当被进一步问到关于精益他有什么不同寻常的发现的时候,Jim用了下面这段话来结束了我们的访谈

    When asked more about what he finds great about Lean , Jim said this to close up our conversation

  10. 最后对ADL公司实施精益生产管理方案的效果进行评价。

    Finally , evaluates the effects of the ADL company imply Lean production management .

  11. 与以往的信息系统不同,ERP是以供需链管理为核心;结合精益生产、敏捷制造和同步工程的思想;

    Different from foregone information systems , ERP focuses on supply chain management , and combines lean production , agile manufacturing , as well as synchronous engineering .

  12. 本文通过对K公司的实际案例进行分析探讨,证明了基于熵理论的精益改善方法及实施体系的可行性。

    In Chapter V , this paper primarily analyzed an actual case of K Co. , and proved the feasibility of the lean improvable and implemental system based on entropy theory .

  13. 方法在精益型集成制造系统基础上用VISUALBASIC6.0软件进行开发设计,并介绍了开发过程中的关键技术如文件传输、客户机/服务器。

    Methods Software is developed and designed under Lean Integrated Manufacturing System with Visual Basic 6.0 . The key technology of the process , such as file transfer and Client / Server communication is introduced .

  14. 在ERP管理系统基础上,构建精益敏捷供应链,建立与供应商的战略合作伙伴关系也是实施精益敏捷管理的必备条件。

    Based on the ERP management system , building lean supply chain , and establish strategic partnership with suppliers become the necessary conditions for the implementation of lean agile management .

  15. RFID技术作为一种先进的信息采集技术,在对象自动标识、信息存储等方面有独特的优势,为精益生产中的信息采集提供了有力的技术支撑。

    As an advanced information acquisition technology , RFID technology has unique advantages in automatic identification and information storage , and provides strong technical support for lean production .

  16. CLM通过提升缺陷价值链的效率来支持精益软件开发。

    CLM supports lean software development by improving the efficiency of the defect value chain .

  17. 本文分析了制造企业的特征,介绍了面向制造企业的几种先进生产模式,精益生产、敏捷制造和CIMS。

    This paper discusses the manufacture enterprise 's characteristic , introduces several kind of advanced production pattern of the manufacture enterprise : Lean Production , Agile Manufacturing and CIMS .

  18. 比如,约束理论告诉精益团队怎么样对变化进行优先级排序,也告诉Scrum团队怎么样排序他们遇到的障碍。

    For example Theory of Constraints provides a way to prioritize process changes found using Lean tools or impediments found by the team using Scrum .

  19. 同年,研究员开发精益的Debian舒斯勒建议,建立一个社会契约,其用户。

    In the same year , fellow developer Ean Schuessler suggested that Debian establish a social contract with its users .

  20. Jones两位学者对精益生产和精益企业所作的颇有影响的精辟论述,并列举了国外一些著名公司在实现精益企业中的经验和模式。

    Jones 's brilliant exposition of " Lean Production " and " Lean Enterprise " is stated and experiences and modes in developing lean technique of some famous foreign companies are cited .

  21. 最近出现了很多关于欢迎UI和UX加入到敏捷团队以及精益UX的前沿讨论。

    Recently , there has been more talk about welcoming UI and UX into Agile teams and Lean UX has been at the forefront .

  22. 如果公司能够快速行动硅谷企业家埃里克•莱斯曾在2011年出版的著作《精益创业》(TheLeanStartup)一书中介绍过这种方法那么只要你能汲取教训,改正错误,失败就是可以被接受的。

    If the company moves quickly , an approach Valley entrepreneur Eric ries explained in the 2011 book the lean startup , failure is acceptable so long as you learn and can fix your mistakes .

  23. 其次,阐述了精益生产、人力资源管理、人才培养的相关理论知识,把精益生产与人力资源相联系,使我们对涉及到的各知识点有所掌握,方便将其应用于X企业的问题。

    Second , lean manufacturing , human resources management and human training theoretical knowledge are stated . Lean production and associated human resources . They give us all the knowledge points related to some grasp of convenience applied to X business problem .

  24. 本文论述了精益(Lean)化结构诊断的含义和意义,为每个控制点提出了合适的诊断问题,并用表格的形式列出了五种不同管理水平下企业所表现出来的主要特征。

    This paper discusses the meaning and significance of Lean Structural Diagnosis ; it also brings forward some suitable diagnosis questions for every control point , and list the main features of enterprises at five different management levels in form .

  25. 伴随着精益物流思想的日渐发展,世界级制造(WCM)的概念产生了。

    The concept of World-class manufacturing ( WCM ) is introduced as the method of lean logistics .

  26. 然后,结合对CAF公司精益生产体系的目的、特点以及结构、运作系统等分析,明确了工位过程控制在CAF公司精益生产体系中的功能和作用;

    Thirdly , by integrating with the analysis of CAF lean production system goal , specialty , structure , and operation , the function of In-Station Process Control in CAF lean production system are defined .

  27. 作为一个先进的生产模式,精益生产(LP)已取得伟大的成就,尤其是在发达国家如日本和美国,同时对于中国企业它也是一个巨大的机会。

    As a advanced style of production , LP ( Lean Production ) has acquired great achievement , especially in developed-country such as Japan and America ; While it is also a great opportunity for Chinese enterprise .

  28. 本论文从精益管理的基础5S入手,对NIKE公司在中国实行的5S管理情况展开了理论研究和实证分析。

    Based on 5S , the foundation of lean management , the paper has launched the fundamental research and the real diagnosis analysis on 5S management situation which implemented in China at NIKE Corporation .

  29. 为解决机加工生产线不良品率较高和设备故障率较高的问题,成立了精益生产(TPS丰田生产方式)导入及推广的项目小组。

    In order to solve the problem of higher product rejection rate and higher rate of equipment failures in machining production line , A Toyota Production System ( TPS ) implementing group has been set up .

  30. 我们先回顾一些最常见的敏捷开发方法,然后再研究“精益软件开发”(LSD)的原则。

    We will first review some of the most common agile development methods , before taking a closer look at the principles of " Lean Software Development "( LSD ) .