
  • 网络Intensive listening;Detailed Listening
  1. 讲究听力策略,正确处理全听、选听、精听在听力训练中的关系。

    Pay special attention to listening strategies and deal properly with the relationship between whole listening , selective listening and intensive listening .

  2. 大学英语课堂教学中,应引导学生对听力材料进行听前预测和推断,将精听与泛听相结合。

    The students should be guided to the predication and inference of listening materials beforehand , integrating intensive listening with extensive listening in College English teaching in class .

  3. 在接受性语言技能习得中,喜欢精读、精听英语阅读材料和听力材料,而不进行广泛的课外阅读和听力训练等。

    Preference for intensive reading and listening rather than extensive reading and listening .

  4. 本文讲述了提高英语听力的三种途径,即多听课文,精听和泛听英语材料。

    The article tells us about some useful ways in improving listening comprehension and spoken English .

  5. 再听对话,就对话的细节再进行精听。

    Listen to the dialogue again and try to fill in the form about the dialogue .

  6. 提高学生听力,应采取将多种媒体用于听力教学,创造语言环境,培养听力技巧,精听与泛听相结合等多种对策。

    In order to improve students ' listening comprehension , we should apply multimedia devices in the teaching of listening , create the environment for learning language and impart listening skills .

  7. 我们应优化利用多媒体教学设备,正确处理好精听与泛听的关系,适当地进行听力微技能训练,培养学生汉语听力的实际运用能力。

    Teachers should also learn to make efficient use of those multi-media teaching assistant equipment , balance the everyday training between intensive listening and extensive listening , lay our stress on the students ' practical listening ability .

  8. 采取精听加泛听、掌握语篇理解是训练的方法,注重这些非语言因素的影响有助于提高听力训练质量。

    Using the methods of listening carefully and generally , and achieving the comprehension of an article is where the training method lies . Paying attention to the influence of these non-linguistic factors helps to improve the quality of listening training .