
  1. 我说你那有那么精力管理那么多的桃子。

    I say that you haven 't any energy to manage it .

  2. 关于时间管理的书籍已经出了不计其数,但我越来越经常听到大家在讨论的一个话题是精力管理。

    There are tons of books about time-management , but increasingly I hear the topic discussed in terms of energy management .

  3. 时间和精力管理是聪明人必备的技能,他们更知道怎样充分利用资源,最小化压力。

    Time and energy management is a skill all truly smart people quickly learn to manage to make the most out of life , minimize stresses .

  4. 用户需要花费大量的时间和精力来管理这些设备和它们上面的数据。

    As a result , users have to spend significant time and effort to manage those devices and their data .

  5. 任命了一位助理会计师,负责财务会计工作。会计主任集中精力搞管理会计。

    An assistant accountant was appointed to take charge of the Financial Accounting procedures and the Chief Accountant concentrated on the Management Accounts .

  6. 既然执政仅三个月的日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)成功击败了党内对其领导地位的挑战,他可以把精力集中在管理国家的日常工作上了。

    Now that Naoto Kan , just three months into his premiership , has survived a leadership challenge , he can concentrate on running Japan .

  7. 因此,该行业正将精力集中在管理支出方面。

    In light of this , the sector is focusing its efforts on managing expense .

  8. 结果使护士长集中精力进行宏观管理,培养了护理人才。

    Result Through authorization , the head nurses could focus on macroscopical management and it was beneficial for the cultivation of competent nurses .

  9. 然后企业就可以迅速将精力集中到管理和自动化方面,并发现为了提高网格的能力,他们需要复杂的自动化功能。

    Then businesses quickly turn attention to the management and automation aspects , and discover that in order to grow grid capability , they will need sophisticated automation capabilities .

  10. 即便阿里巴巴把精力集中在了管理迅速增长上,马云仍然可能会持续关注该公司最大的竞争对手腾讯(Tencent)。

    Even as Alibaba focuses on managing its rapid growth , Mr. Ma will probably be watching the company 's biggest rival , Tencent .

  11. 由于EMS企业不涉及新产品的研究和开发,而是将更多的主要精力于企业运营管理、物料管理、质量管理和制程控制。

    Due to the special operating environment of EMS Company , they would not focus on new product research & development or marketing development , they may pay more attention to operation management , material management , quality control and process control .

  12. SUMA的主要目标是让系统管理员将更多精力放在系统管理方面,而不是在重复单调的工作上浪费时间,比如下载更新。

    The primary objective of the utility is to allow systems administrators to spend more time on proactive systems administration and less time on redundant or tedious work such as downloading updates .

  13. 格雷格把精力分用在管理公司和打网球上。

    Greg divides his energies between running the company and playing tennis .

  14. 我花费所有的时间和精力去使我管理的销售代表们取得成功。

    I spent all my time and effort trying to make the Representatives I managed successful .

  15. 电子计算机在会计上的应用从根本上解脱财会人员的繁重手工劳动,腾出精力来从事财务管理工作。

    The electronic computers make financial accounting personnel free from strenuous hand labour and engaged in financial management with more energy .

  16. 不同时期、不同厂商开发的软件系统平台会出现数据信息不能共享情况,需要花费大量人力、物力、时间、精力去维护和管理。

    System platforms developed by different vendors and during different periods may have difficulty in information sharing which requires a lot of time & effort to maintain and manage .

  17. 目前公司把约40%的精力放在行政管理、财务和后勤上。美国服务于一个以上的部门和机构的政府机构提供的后勤(或行政)支持。

    About 40 % of the company is now administration , finance , and backroom functions . provision of logistic ( or administrative ) support by one or more of the military services to one or more departments or agencies of the US government .