
  • 网络major grain producing area
  1. 运用DEA-Malmquist模型测算和比较粮食主产区13个省份的粮食直补效率。

    The efficiency of direct grain subsidies is also measured and compared in 13 provinces of major grain producing area by using DEA-Malmquist model .

  2. 长武县与日喀则市作为各自所在省区的粮食主产区之一,在全国兴起生态农业建设的大气候下,其农业经济系统的结构与功能有了较大的改善。

    As Changwu County and Shigatse City are the major grain producing area in the each of their provinces , their agricultural economic system structure and function have greatly improved in the context of eco-agriculture construction in China .

  3. 中部粮食主产区城镇化进程中农村土地变化的GIS分析和对策研究&以江西省为例

    GIS Analysis of Rural Land Use Change in the Urbanization Process , and Countermeasures : A Case Study of Jiangxi Province

  4. 补贴无效率的区域多集中在粮食主产区;

    No efficiency regions concentrate in the grain main producing area ;

  5. 中部地区是我国重要的粮食主产区,种植业和养殖业都居全国重要地位,粮食总产量占全国45.8%。

    The middle region is China 's major grain production area .

  6. 农户的种粮行为与政策需求&对粮食主产区6县市300多个农户的调查分析

    Farmers ' Behavior on the Production of Grain and Demand of Policy

  7. 加强与粮食主产区的协作,建立粮食生产基地,为全省粮食安全打下坚实的基础。

    Strengthening cooperation with producing area ; erecting base of producing food .

  8. 黑龙江粮食主产区森林生态系统服务功能价值研究

    Forestry Ecological Function Service to Major Food-producing Regions in Heilongjiang

  9. 我国粮食主产区及其气候变化的特点

    Chinese Main Producing Area of Grain and Their Trait of Climate Change

  10. 我国粮食主产区建设与管理问题研究

    The Research of Main Food Produce Area Construction and Management Problem in China

  11. 粮食主产区农户最优生产经营规模分析

    The Analysis of Optimized Operating Scale of Farms in Main Cereal Producing Areas

  12. 影响粮食主产区农民增收的政策评价

    Evaluation for the Policy of Affecting Framer 's Income in Grain Principal Areas

  13. 对粮食主产区农业综合生产能力的研究

    Study on the Agricultural Comprehensive Productivity in the Area of Producing Grain Mainly

  14. 我省粮食主产区建设急需解决的问题

    Problems Desperate for Being Solved in Constructing Main Corn-Producing Area in Jilin Province

  15. 粮食主产区与主销区的利益矛盾及化解对策

    The Interest Contradictions between Main Grain Production and Consumption Regions and Policy Suggestions

  16. 农业经济政策与粮食主产区农民增收耦合机制发展研究

    The Empirical Analysis about the Agricultural Economy Policies and Farmer 's Income Coupling Mechanism

  17. 粮食主产区是保障国家粮食安全的基础,要保障国家粮食安全,就要保证粮食主产区种粮农民收入持续稳定增长。

    It safeguards the national food security .

  18. 财政支持粮食主产区农业发展研究

    Study on the Agricultural Development of Main Grain Producing Areas Supported by Finance in China

  19. 建立粮食主产区与主销区利益协调机制的初探

    On Establishing an Interest Coordinating Mechanism between Main Production and Main Demand Region of Grain

  20. 第四个问题就是基于前述研究提出了粮食主产区利益补偿机制的实施路径。

    The fourth question based on afore-mentioned research presents implement way of benefits compensation system .

  21. 粮食主产区憋粮现象的背景与诊断

    The Context and Diagnosis on ' Bie Liang ' Phenomenon in Main Food Production Areas

  22. 粮食主产区农机购置补贴政策效应机理与机制研究

    Study on the Mechanism for the Effect of Agricultural Mechinery Purchase Allowance in Main Grain-producing Area

  23. 我国粮食主产区地下水管理现状及保护措施研究

    Current situation and protecting measures of groundwater management in the main grain production area of China

  24. 宁夏粮食主产区农牧结合种植模式的研究

    Study on cropping patterns for combining agriculture and animal husbandry in grain production base in Ningxia

  25. 中国粮食主产区农田生态服务价值总体评价

    General evaluation on the value of farmland ecological service in major grain production regions of China

  26. 农业新政与粮食主产区农民增收研究

    Research on Agricultural New Deal and Peasants ' Income Growth in the Main Grain Production Area

  27. 在经济发达的非粮食主产区,水稻生产收入与农户增收相关关系不明显。

    The correlation is not evident between the earning of rice production and the total increased .

  28. 粮食主产区农村居民食物消费行为的计量分析

    The Mathematical Statistical Analysis of Food Consumption Activities of Rural Residents of Main Grain Producing Areas

  29. 粮食主产区小型农田水利建设投入机制探析

    The Analysis of Input Mechanism for Small-Scale Irrigation and Water Conservancy Construction in the Main Grain-Producing Areas

  30. 结果表明森林资源对黑龙江省粮食主产区生态环境改善和黑龙江省农业(农村)可持续发展具有重要的意义。

    The results show that forestry ecological function is very important for sustainable agricultural and rural development .