
  1. 面对这些批评,米娜泰然自若,正准备发行第三张唱片ThePinkPrint。

    Minaj was unfazed by the criticism ahead of the release of The Pink Print , her third LP .

  2. 尽管现在就断言米娜的新专辑ThePinkPrint将完全回归她所青睐的焦土之风还为时过早,但我对此抱有极大希望。

    While it 's too soon to say whether The Pink Print will find Minaj fully back in her preferred scorched earth mode , I remain hopeful .

  3. 米娜认为这张专辑堪比JayZ的传奇之作《TheBlueprint》,自称她的新专将奠定女性说唱艺人的未来。

    Minaj has compared the album to Jay Z 's legendary The Blueprint , saying her latest will lay the groundwork for the female rappers of the future .

  4. 我建议他读《米娜,阿富汗的女英雄:创立阿富汗妇女革命联盟的殉道者》这本书,还有《灿烂千阳》(AThousandSplendidSuns)。

    I would suggest him to read " Meena , Heroine of Afghanistan : The Martyr Who Founded RAWA , the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan " and " A Thousand Splendid Suns . "

  5. 四年前,凭借在坎耶•维斯特专辑MyBeautifulDarkTwistedFantasy中Monster一歌的惊艳表现,妮琪•米娜一跃跻身主流说唱音乐最前沿,令与之合作的传奇歌手们黯然失色。

    Four years ago , Nicki Minaj rose to the forefront of the rap mainstream by spitting fire over Kanye West 's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy track Monster , leaving her legendary collaborators a pile of smoldering ash and gold chains .

  6. 但问题是,捧场的粉丝们全都是冲着年轻性感的嘻哈歌手妮琪•米娜去的,而不是为了购买Lumia900手机。

    Only trouble is , they were all there to see the performance of a hot young hip hop artist Nicki Minaj not to buy a lumia 900 .

  7. 新泽西的说唱歌手FettyWap提名最受关注艺人,布鲁诺·玛斯和马克·罗森的《UptownFunk》荣获最佳男歌手录影带,妮琪-米娜的《Anaconda》获最佳嘻哈录影带。

    New Jersey rapper Fetty Wap was named artist to watch , Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson 's summer hit " Uptown Funk ! " was named best male video and Nicki Minaj 's " Anaconda " won best hip hop video .

  8. 我读过的最早几本书里有《米娜》(Meena),讲了一个女孩支持阿富汗的女性权利与教育。

    One of the first books I read is called " Meena , " about a girl who stood up for women 's rights and education in Afghanistan .

  9. 我叫米娜我做了个蛋糕送给�

    Mmy name is meena and I baked a cake for you

  10. 好吧那很酷米娜凯莉太太

    Well , that 's cool . Meena ? Miss crawly ?

  11. 呃等会再回来跟你说这个米娜

    Uh , we 're gonna come back to this , meena

  12. 米娜你愿意再来试着表演一次吗

    Meena , how would you like to reaudition for the show ?

  13. 米娜这孩子学习努力,可有点迟钝。

    Is a hard-working child , but she 's a little dim .

  14. 可是米娜蒙混过关得到那份工作了吗?

    However did Mina manage to bluff her way into that job ?

  15. 他看看海因里奇和米娜,他们也觉得不舒服。

    He looked at Heinrich and Minna who were also feeling sick .

  16. 看来米娜将是新的全国跳马冠军了。

    Is going to be the new national vault champion .

  17. 你便是光明,亲爱的米娜。

    You are one of the lights , dear mina .

  18. 米娜怎么了你没事吧

    Meena , what 's wrong ? Are you okay ?

  19. 好吧米娜,做你的事去吧。

    All right , minne , on your way .

  20. 看米娜照片的神情让我害怕。

    The way he looked at mina 's picture fills me with dread .

  21. 这个魔鬼在探索米娜的思想。

    The black devil is reading mina 's mind .

  22. 米娜和他父亲是昨晚在去甲万那端的路上被捕的。

    Mina and her father were arrested Iast night on their way to cabanatuan .

  23. 米娜:见到你真的太好了。

    Mina : It was good seeing you .

  24. 嗨,米娜,很高兴见到你。

    Dan : Hi , Mina , it 's really good to see you .

  25. 我看见米娜,告诉她的男朋友,我得带她回家。

    When I saw Minna I told her boy friend I 'd take her home .

  26. 米娜:还有四个月,孩子预计五月底出世。

    Mina : Another four months . The baby 's due at the end of May .

  27. 在表演者中有两位风俗画的新星,章•姜•米娜和谢伊•索菲亚。

    Among the performers are two young stars of the genre , Chap Chamroeun Mina and Chey Sophea .

  28. 如果我有一副像米娜那样的歌喉我早就是个天王巨星了唱起来就好像

    If I had a voice like meena 's I 'd be a superstar by now ! just singing

  29. 米娜的确见到了那个男人,他们共度了一个美好的夜晚。但在约会中途,米娜却瘫倒在地。

    Mina met the man and they shared a lovely evening until she collapsed onto the floor mid-date .

  30. 我去拜访我的老朋友,米娜,我已经几年没有见过她了。

    I went to visit my old friend , Mina , whom I hadn 't seen in several years .