
jiǎn dān shēnɡ huó
  • simple life
  1. 出演电视真人秀《简单生活》的女星希尔顿高居Google资讯搜索热门关键字排行榜榜首,演员奥兰多·布鲁姆屈居第二。

    Hilton , who starred in the reality television show " The Simple Life ," topped the list of the most frequent Google news searches , with actor Orlando Bloom ranking second .

  2. 有时候我只想过着简单生活,懂吗?

    Sometimes I think I 'd just like the simple life , you know ?

  3. 至少那样能让人感到简单生活下一些少有的舒适感。

    At least that would offer the meagre comfort of simplicity .

  4. 在与美联社(AP)的一次讨论中,利德斯通用“隐士”这个词来描述他过去的生活方式。“隐士”指的是与他人分开过简单生活的人。

    In a discussion with The Associated Press ( AP ) , Lidstone used the term hermit - a person who lives in a simple way apart from others - to describe how he used to live .

  5. 回归自然、融入自然是简单生活观念的最终目标。

    Returning to nature is the ultimate purpose of simple living .

  6. 倾尽所有,简单生活。

    Give all your best to it , and simply live .

  7. 是的。但快乐在每天的简单生活中是可以发现的。

    Right . But it can be found in simple everyday things .

  8. 可是到最后,简单生活对我而言是一种健全的生活方式。

    But in the end , simple living is sane living for me .

  9. 知足常乐和简单生活不等同于放弃。

    Settling for less and simplifying is not the same as giving up .

  10. 简单生活并非亏待自己。

    Living well on less isn 't about self-deprivation .

  11. 所以,“铭记安息日”不仅仅是简单生活方式的建议。

    So " Remember the Sabbath " is more than simply a lifestyle suggestion .

  12. 每当有人对大树的简单生活表示关心的时候,他总是这样回答。

    Big Tree always answers to the people whose carry of his simple life .

  13. 简单生活乃是节约灵魂

    Simple life , a saving of soul

  14. 简单生活,简单游戏。

    Love life , beyond the game !

  15. 品牌核心价值:品味悠闲,简单生活,自然混搭,巴西符号。

    Brand core values : Taste leisure , Simple Life , Natural mix , Symbol of Brazil .

  16. 这本书不是一本指导大家到农场养一群小鸡去过简单生活的手册。

    This is not a book about achieving simplicity by living on a farm and growing chickens .

  17. 简单生活变幻空间

    Simple Life Fluctuating Room

  18. 对于那些想简单生活的人来说,有许多很畅销的的自助书籍帮你轻松生活;

    There are a number of best-selling downshifting self-help books for people who want to simplify their lives ;

  19. 与那些人联系并开始提出关于幸福、个人成长和简单生活方式的问题。

    Connect with those folks and start asking questions about happiness , personal growth and living a simpler lifestyle .

  20. 与里奇联袂主演电影《简单生活》的豪门女星帕里斯·希尔顿由于公开反对穿皮毛衣物而有幸未被列入榜单。

    However Richie 's " The Simple Life " co-star Paris Hilton has fallen off the list after reportedly denouncing fur .

  21. 坦率的说,对于我而言,简单生活随着更替的季节甚至每周情况而不断的变化。

    I 'll be honest : the point , for me , changes from season to season , and even week to week .

  22. 我信赖如果我们所有人都像我一样简单生活,人们将不知偷盗和抢劫为何物。

    I am convinced that if all men were to live as simply as I then did , thieving and robbery would be unknown .

  23. 都市快节奏的生活使人们心生乏味和压力,人们渴望过一种回归自然、贴近传统的朴实轻松的简单生活,寻求与现实生活相悖的补偿。

    The pressure from urban life makes people longing for a simple life which is close to nature , seeking a compensation for reality .

  24. 故事大概讲述的就是她在那里开始发现和自己所处的地球上快乐的简单生活不同的事物的冒险。

    It 's basically her adventures as she starts to discover that there are things other than just her happy little life on Earth .

  25. 在纽约,我总感觉心系别处,想着在日本的简单生活会是怎么样的。

    In New York , a part of me was always somewhere else , thinking of what a simple life in Japan might be like .

  26. 然而,这种对技术的依赖似乎周而复始,摆脱它并不容易:我很怀疑你可以教人过简单生活。

    Yet jumping off this seemingly endless regress of technology dependence is not easy : I doubt that you can tell people to live simply .

  27. 19世纪的美国最流行的故事之一就是关于农民自由简单生活的故事。

    One of the most popular myths about the United States in the nineteenth century was that of the free and simple life of the farmer .

  28. 喜欢并享受现有的简单生活,没有一丝欺诈,没有一点伪装,坦然豁达的面对自己的内心与灵魂!

    Like and enjoy the simplicities of my living , without any cheat or disguise , facing my heart and soul with naked mind and thought .

  29. 用我同学的一句话说:“简单生活就像一杯白开水,无色无味但有益。”

    A word which is used by a classmate of mine : " simple life likes a cup of water , no color , tasteless but beneficial . "

  30. 你有何感想?简单生活对你来说它的意义是什么呢?我非常想听到其他人对放慢生活脚步并自由自在呼吸的看法。

    What about you ? What is the point of living simply for you ? I 'd love to hear other folks'reasons for slowing down and breaking free .