
shāi xuǎn
  • screen;filter;sift;preparation;sieving;rice;filtrate;winnow;preparation by screening;cherry-pick;scalp;dressing by screening
筛选 [shāi xuǎn]
  • (1) [scalp]∶指作物或树木选种的方法

  • (2) [sift;sieving;screening]∶泛指在同类事物中去掉不需要的,留下需要的

  • 人员经过筛选,办事效率更高了

筛选[shāi xuǎn]
  1. 我用电话答录机筛选打来的电话。

    I use my answerphone to screen my phone calls .

  2. 他们会对所有求职者进行筛选。

    They will screen all their candidates .

  3. 我开始认真筛选大量的证据。

    I began sifting through the mass of evidence .

  4. 经过反复筛选,选出近一百篇可能入选的小说。

    The repeated siftings have brought the number of possible stories to the neighbourhood of one hundred .

  5. 逆向工程中nurbs曲面重构的数据筛选是一个广义的概念,它所涉及的内容很广泛,包括数据获取过程中的处理

    Data riddling on reconstruction of NURBS sur-faces in reverse engineering is a generalized conception .

  6. 领导供应商预选,筛选,议价及合同的订立

    Lead supplier pre-selection , selection , price negotiation , contract finalization .

  7. 我觉得如果我能通过申请资料筛选的阶段,我就有机会通过面试。

    I think I have a fighting chance of passing the interview if I can get past the application stage .

  8. 黄曲霉产B1毒素菌株的筛选

    The Selection of Aflatoxin B_1-Genic Strain of Aspergillus Flavus

  9. AssetManager还提供单独的搜索和筛选功能。

    Asset Manager also offers stand-alone search and filter capabilities .

  10. R(-)-扁桃酸脱氢酶产生菌的筛选

    Screening of the Strain Producing Mandelic Acid Dehydrogenase

  11. 方法以HPLC法进行初步筛选。

    Methods Using HPLC methods to conduct the preliminary screening .

  12. 将打靶载体电穿孔入卡介苗,筛选并鉴定卡介苗ERP基因缺失突变株。

    BCG mutation with deleted ERP gene was constructed .

  13. 应用分类树模型筛选logistic回归中的交互因素

    Apply Classification Tree to Automatically Screen Some Potential Interaction Factors in Logistic Regression

  14. 随机RNA库筛选技术的发展与展望

    Random RNA Pool Selection : Developments and Prospects

  15. 目的筛选出肾母细胞瘤患儿特异性血清蛋白质标记物,建立肾母细胞瘤临床分期模型与CT分期进行对照分析,并评价其临床应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the different values of specific serum protein biomarkers and CT scan in the tumor stage in nephroblastoma .

  16. PCR-RFLP筛选DNA文库克隆Btcry基因的研究

    Cloning of Bt cry Genes by Rapid Screening of DNA Libraries with PCR-RFLP

  17. 利用噬菌体库筛选IL-6拮抗剂及功能研究

    Searching interleukin 6 antagonists by screening random peptide libraries

  18. 目的用地高辛标记探针的方法进行Southern杂交,以检测转人组织蛋白酶K基因小鼠外源DNA的整合情况,筛选携带目的基因的阳性小鼠。

    Objective Southern blot hybridization with DIG labeling probe was used to identify whether transgenic mice of human Cathepsin-K gene were positive .

  19. HCV包膜蛋白E2的B细胞抗原模拟表位的筛选、重组表达与抗原性鉴定

    Selection , Recombinant Expression and Antigenic Identification of an Mimotope of Hepatitis C Virus Envelope Protein E2

  20. 经G418浓度梯度筛选及PCR鉴定得到高拷贝整合的重组酵母表达菌株。

    The multicopy recombinants were obtained through G418 concentration gradient screening and PCR .

  21. 方法采用CPE法对多种植物提取物进行随机筛选。

    METHODS To screen extracts of plants at random with CPE .

  22. HBeAg肝细胞结合蛋白基因的筛选与克隆

    Screening and cloning of gene encoding HBeAg interacting protein in hepatocytes

  23. 选择中国秋大豆为试验材料,对基因组DNA进行SSR标记筛选和鉴定。

    In this study Chinese autumn soybean were used as materials , and their genomic DNAs were analyzed with SSR markers .

  24. 甜瓜F2群体性状分析及遗传图谱引物筛选

    Melon F2 Populations Traits Analyse and Genetic Map Primers Selected

  25. 结果确定了以菌液Buffer作为标本稀释液,筛选出底物A、B液以确保标准血清的准确性;

    Results The bacteria buffer was selected as sample buffer , and the substrate liquid A , B were screened to insure the accuracy of standard sera ;

  26. 利用人工筛选菌对H2S进行脱臭的试验研究。

    Experimental study on deodorization of H2S by screening bacteria has been carried out .

  27. 潮霉素和PPT对水稻愈伤组织筛选效果的比较

    Study on selection efficiency of rice calli with hygromycin and PPT

  28. 目的尝试建立鼻咽癌(NPC)化疗药敏药物的体外筛选方法。

    Objective To evaluate the value of screening assay for chemotherapy of Nasopharyngeal carcinoma ( NPC ) in vitro .

  29. 用6条ISSR引物进行筛选,有5条可扩增出清晰可辩条带。

    Of the 6 ISSR primers screened , 5 primers could produce clear bands .

  30. 通过对导入外源DNA的小麦变异后代进行抗旱性和耐盐性的鉴定,筛选到四个抗旱耐盐性较好的小麦新品系。

    By the test of salt and drought resistance of wheat variation offspring produced by exogenous DNA introduction , four variation offspring strains were screened with better salt and drought resistance .