
  • 网络isodense;isodensity;isopycnic
  1. 平扫CT上15个病灶中10个为低密度,5个是等密度;

    On pre-contrast scans , 10 of 15 lesions were hypodense , 5 of 15 were isodense .

  2. 延时期,脓肿增强有所消退,脓肿周围低密度环可强化为等密度,或脓肿内部强化,病变范围缩小,液化坏死区更显明显。

    In the delayed phase , the enhancement of abscess diminished in that the hypodense ring enhanced and became isodense , or the abscess enhanced diffusely and became smaller , the colliquative necrosis area more obvious .

  3. 等密度面P矢量方法在南海环流诊断研究中的应用

    Application of isopycnal P-vector method to diagnostic study of the South China Sea circulation

  4. 脑内等密度占位性病变的CT诊断途径分析(附116例报告)

    CT diagnosis of intracerebral space occupy lesion with isodensity ( analysis of 116 cases )

  5. 目的探讨等密度硬膜下血肿的CT诊断,提高对其认识和诊断水平。

    Purpose To investigate the CT features of subdural hematoma of equal density and improve its diagnostic accuracy .

  6. 目的:探讨等密度肝癌的检查步骤及CT诊断价值。

    Objective : To investigate the examination step and diagnostic value of CT for diagnosis of isodense liver cancer .

  7. CT平扫显示肿块与正常脑组织呈等密度,增强扫描呈均匀强化;

    CT scan showed uniform density of the tumor and normal brain tissue , and enhanced scan suggested even enhancement .

  8. 目的分析等密度硬膜下血肿(SDH)的CT影像学特点,提高对等密度SDH的诊断准确率。

    Objective To analyze CT features of subdural hematoma ( SDH ) with isodense .

  9. 快速动态增强CT显示肿瘤29例,1例肿瘤呈等密度强化。

    Rapid dynamic contrast enhanced CT showed better conspicuity of the tumors in 29 and to become isodense of the tumor in one .

  10. 对CT图像进行等密度分割,可以精确地显示裂纹萌生部位和扩展过程。

    The location of the crack initiation and the process of development can be precisely displayed by equivalent density cutting of CT image .

  11. 肿块与灰结节或乳头体相连,CT表现为与皮质等密度的不增强肿块。

    The mass was closely related to the tuber cinereum or the mammillary body and appeared isodense to cortex but not enhanced on CT scans .

  12. CFB锅炉内等密度颗粒的分层模型研究

    Model on Single Density Solids Segregation in CFB Boiler

  13. 结果CT平扫1例呈不均质性低密度,病变内伴有更低密度坏死区,1例接近等密度;

    Results On plain CT scan , the lesion was non-homogeneous low density with even more low density in the center in 1 case , and nearly isodensity in another case .

  14. 这意味着溶剂-反溶剂系统的临界点和等密度点对选择合适的SAS过程操作条件具有指导意义。

    The results suggest that the solvent-antisolvent critical locus and equal-density locus can be useful guides for selecting SAS operating conditions .

  15. 采用两段等密度精选工艺可显著提高分选精度,采用新型结构的旋流器工业性运行中,对极难选煤可能偏差E值达0.015。

    The separation efficiency was improved effectively using two-stagy same-density separation technology . The E value of 0.015 was achieved in industrial system using HMCC for coal difficult to be separated .

  16. 脊髓灰质炎病毒(Poliovirus)的Percoll等密度梯度离心分离

    Poliovirus Separation by Centrifugation in Percoll Isopycnic Gradients

  17. Percoll等密度梯度离心法分离利什曼原虫细胞核

    Isolation and purification of nuclei of Leishmania gerbilli by Percoll isopycnic density gradients centrifugation

  18. 结果:6例CT发现6个突出肾轮廓的癌块,呈等密度4例,略高密度2例,3例癌灶内见坏死区,1例见钙化。

    Results : CT showed 6 masses protruding the outline of kidney in all 6 cases , with isodense 4 cases , slightly hyperdense 2 cases and the region of necrosis 3 cases , calcification 1 case .

  19. 结果发病≤6hCT等密度影者9例,低密度影者1例,二者比较差异显著(P0.05);

    Results In onset time ≤ 6 h 9 cases had isopyknic image , 1 case had low density image . There was a marked difference between the two ( P0.05 ) .

  20. 结果(1)皮层和皮层下病灶:CT显示病灶58个,面包圈样改变病灶23个,局部小片状高密度7个病灶,等密度伴有钙化点病灶28个。

    Results ( 1 ) Cortical and subcortical lesions : 58 tubers were found on CT . Among them there were 23 lesions like bread cycle , 7 slightly high density lesions and 28 iso-density lesions with calcified spots .

  21. 等密度硬膜下血肿(简称ISDH)常规CT诊断较为困难,易于漏诊、误诊向延误治疗。

    Common CT Diagnosis with equal ISDH is difficult , it is easy to misunderstand diagnosis , result in delaying treatment .

  22. 肾脏肿块的磁共振诊断结果:典型肾癌CT表现为大小不等的肾脏肿块,等密度或略低密度占多数,为49例,占90.74%;

    Results : The typical CT features of renal cell carcinoma were renal tumor mass with different size . The density of most cases , was slightly lower or equal in our study , there were 49 cases ( 90 74 % ) .

  23. 对23例听神经瘤CT扫描资料,进行回顾性分析,结果发现听神经瘤的CT诊断要点为:(1)桥小脑角区均匀的等密度或者低密度占位影;

    A retrospective analysis of CT scanning on twenty three cases of acoustic neuroma was made . The main criteria for the CT diagnosis of acoustic neuroma were : ① A homogeneous space occupying mass of isodensity or low density at the pontocerebellar angle ;

  24. 7个再生性结节和腺瘤样增生中有4个结节CTHA和CTAP均呈等密度;

    Of 7 nodules with large regenerative nodule and adenomatous hyperplasia showed isodensity both on CTHA and CTAP .

  25. 认为SDH呈等密度,是由于新生血肿膜的出血状态和局部的凝血障碍,以及血肿外壁的毛细血管持续出血所致。

    The isodense that appear-ed in SDH is due to the hemorrhagic status of the hematoma-tous membrane newly formed , to local coagulative obstruction and continuous bleeding from the sinusoidal capillaries of its outer neoformative membrane .

  26. Percoll淋巴细胞分层液分离骨髓间充质干细胞,取第3代细胞,等密度接种于培养瓶中,经CD44抗体、CD45抗体、CD34抗体鉴定。

    The human MSCs were isolated by Percoll lymphocyte laminating liquor . The third passage cells were inoculated in culture flask after being identified by CD44 antibody , CD45 antibody and CD34 antibody .

  27. 方法:用等密度梯度离心法分离35例MODS患者CEC,常规进行血脂测定,并与20名健康体检者进行比较。

    Methods : CECs were separated by isopyknic centrifugation method and blood lipid was ( determined ) in ( 35 MODS ) patients and 20 healthy controls . CEC numbers and blood lipid were compared in both groups .

  28. 用TM6热红外图象作假彩色等密度分割处理,以提取随海而异的地面温度场和土壤类型垂直分带信息;

    The information of ground thermal field and soil vertical zonality which differ with elevation is extracted by using the TM6 thermal infrared image to make the pseudo-color-equidensity slicing ;

  29. 温度为40~60℃,压力为9~17MPa等温、等压和等密度3种实验条件下测定了大豆油脱臭馏出物前处理产物中生育酚与超临界CO2的气液相平衡数据。

    Experimental vapor-liquid equilibria data are determinated for supercritical carbon dioxide and complex mixtures of soybean deodorizer pretreatment containing tocopherols under isothermal , isobaric and partly isochoric conditions in the temperature range 40 ~ 60 ℃ and the pressure range 9 ~ 17 MPa .

  30. 利用光栅编码作用图像的等密度提取及边缘增强

    Realizing Edge-enhancement and Equidensitometry of Image by using Grating Encoding