
  • 网络isointensity
  1. 表现为等信号的病灶有肾囊肿和卵巢囊腺癌。

    Renal cyst and ovarian cystadenocarcinoma were isointensity .

  2. 少部分血管瘤FL2D序列扫描时病灶可呈等信号充填增强。

    A few lesions showed isointensity signal peripheral enhancement with centripetal filling in on FL2D sequences .

  3. 大脑的这些区域会根据环境中的威胁等信号做出反应,并可能影响儿童的决策以及对局势的分析能力。

    These areas of the brain respond to cues in the environment that tend to be consequential4 , such as a threat , and may affect decision-making and processing of situations .

  4. 脊髓MRI示脊髓变细,周边见线条状等信号;

    Spinal MRI had shown spinal cord thinning , line-like equal signal was found in the periphery of the lesion .

  5. 文中详细介绍了放大、滤波等信号调理电路,A/D转换电路,D/A转换电路,LED显示电路和看门狗及其电源监控电路等。

    This system includes amplifying regulator and filter circuit , A / D circuit , D / A circuit , LED display circuit , watchdog circuit and so on .

  6. 对加速度信号进行分解,分别应用短时Fourier变换、小波变换和经验模式分解方法等信号处理方法实现了结构损伤时间确定。

    The short-time Fourier Transform , the Wavelet Analysis and the Empirical Mode Decomposition method are applied to decompose the acceleration signal for damage time identification successfully .

  7. 神经纤维在FSET2WI上呈点状或短条状等信号。

    Nerve fibers demonstrated dot and short strip on FSE T_2WI .

  8. 其中T1WI图像低信号的患者3例,T1WI图像等信号的患者14例。

    T1WI images showed low signal in3 cases and equal signal in14 cases .

  9. T1WI等信号2例,高信号2例;

    Cases were iso-intensity and 2 cases were high signal intensity in T1WI .

  10. 结果:左肾乳头状腺癌表现为T1等信号、T2低信号,增强后轻度强化。

    Results : Papillary renal cell carcinoma showed isointensity on T1-weighted image and hypointensity on T2-weighted image and enhanced slightly .

  11. 通过语音等信号实验,结果表明该方法能解决无噪声ICA算法中不能解决的源信号数大于观测信号数(over-complete)的情况。

    The experiments by speech and sound have validated the method can solve the over-complete case .

  12. 控制系统用PLC作为下位机进行现场控制,通过触摸屏输入开关、频率、温度等信号,实现对使用的热源温度,风速,流量等进行精确的调节。

    The PLC unit and the touch screen are employed for local control of the system to achieve precise adjustment to the temperature of heat source , the speed and flow of air .

  13. 此外,利用HHT等信号处理方法进行了去噪及损伤定位方面的探讨。

    In addition , the HHT etc. , signal processing methods were used to de-noising and damage locating . 4 .

  14. 声表面波(SAW)器件在战术通信设备中的应用颇广,这类器件已用来实现诸如带通滤波、延迟、匹配滤波、调制等信号处理功能及其他各种功能。

    SAW devices have found considerably wide applications in tactical communications . They have been used to realise such functions of signal processing as bandpass filtering , delaying , matched filter modulation , and various other functions .

  15. 其中,硬件设计电路产生的最小频移键控MSK信号是后续GMSK等信号产生的基础。

    The method to generate MSK signal is the foundation of generating the follow up GMSK signal .

  16. MRI平扫,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈稍高信号,增强扫描大部分呈均匀强化。

    MRI scan suggested uniform T1WI signal , and slight increase in T2WI signal , and enhanced scan suggested even enhancement .

  17. 采用数字中频采样、数字上变频、数字下变频以及DSP等信号处理技术,实现反舰导弹末制导雷达收发系统的数字化。

    Making use of the technology of sampling of intermediate frequency , digital up-conversion , the digital down-conversion , DSP and so on , realizes the digitalization of antiship missile terminal guidance radar transmitting-receiving system .

  18. 前人曾就H2O2、NO、Ca~(2+)和PK等信号分子在ABA调控气孔运动中的作用及其相互关系进行过部分研究。

    The previous researches had showed the role and relationship of H_2O_2 , NO , Ca ~ ( 2 + ), PK and other signals in ABA-induced stomatal movement .

  19. 通过对频率控制字和相位累加器的控制,实现了FSK、PSK和脉冲调制等信号。

    By control of frequency tuning word and phase accumulator , FSK , PSK and pulse wave is generated . 2 .

  20. 文章对现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)在万能试验机控制器中的应用方面作了一些探索,主要包括A/D、D/A、串口通信、光电编码器等信号的处理。

    This paper introduces the application of field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) to universal testing machines , including A / D signal input , D / A output , and communication with computer .

  21. 13例中发现18个病灶,5个在T1WI上呈等信号,4个为高信号,9个为混杂信号;

    18 lesions were found in 13 cases , 5 displayed equal signals , 4 high signals and 9 clutters .

  22. CT值为522Hu;MRT1加权呈等信号或混杂信号,T2加权高信号多见,混杂信号次之。

    The mean CT value was 52 2 Hu , the MR T 1 power signal was iso-signal intensity or mixed signal intensity , T 2 power showed high signal intensity or mixed signal intensity .

  23. 结果在急性期脑出血,T1WI可出现低信号或等信号,T2WI呈高信号;

    Results In acute cerebral hemorrhage , there were low signal or signal on T1WI and T2WI showed high signal ;

  24. 18例非出血性脑梗塞,SWI显示为稍高信号或等信号。

    In 18 cases of infarction without hemorrhage , SWI showed the lesions were slightly high or media . 3 .

  25. 从试验结果看,两种算法能够抵抗JPEG压缩以及高斯噪声等信号处理的攻击,且改进后的算法水印鲁棒性及保密性得到了增强。

    The experimental results show that both of them can resist signal distortions such as JPEG compression , Gauss noise , and the improved algorithm has better robustness and security .

  26. 该系统通过分析处理各种传感器传送来的现场轮速、车速等信号、绘制车速曲线,评价汽车ABS的工作性能。

    This test bench is able to collect wheel speed , car whole speed signals , which transferred by varieties of sensors , draw curve and evaluate performance of ABS after some special data disposal .

  27. 论文首先对组网雷达的组成以及特点进行了阐述,利用声波与电磁波反射特性的共同点,在仿真系统设计中引入了现代DSP技术等信号处理器的实现技术以完成系统设计。

    And then we take use of the similar reflective properties of acoustic and electromagnetic waves to design the simulation system . At the same time , the technology of modern DSP and signal processor implementation is used to complete the design .

  28. HO-1的细胞保护机制目前尚未明确,可能涉及CO、NO等信号分子,抗凋亡基因的表达,以及NF-кB与p38MAPK信号转导途径的介导。

    The cytoprotection mechanism of HO-1 may be connected with messenger molecule such as CO and NO , the expression of anti-apoptosis genes , NF - κ B and p38 MAPK signal transduction pathway .

  29. 对几类函数波形和一组实测高空核爆电磁脉冲(HEMP)波形的验证结果表明,HEMP波形、余(正)弦阻尼振荡波形等信号的重建波形与原始波形符合很好。

    The reconstruction of minimum phase signal , such as the HEMP waveform , cosine or sine exponentially damped waveform etc , shows good agreement with the original .

  30. 结果490例血管畸形,T1WI等信号88例,混杂信号402例;

    Results In 490 cases with soft tissue vessel malformations , 88 cases showed signal isointensity and 402 cases with heterogeneous signal intensity on T_1-weighted images ;