
  • 网络Chapter XIII;chapter thirteen
  1. 第十三章主要对金融衍生工具与投资基金风险管理的相互作用和关系进行研究。

    Chapter thirteen probes into the interaction and relationship between the financial derivation tool and investment risk management .

  2. 第十三章海丝特的另一面

    Chapter 13 another view of Hester

  3. 第十三章国家商业动作的划分与国家生产力的联合

    Chapter 13 The National Division of Commercial Operations and the Confederation of the National Productive Forces

  4. 第十三章面向离散工厂自动化的无线通信及网络技术

    Technology of Industrial Wireless Communication Chapter 13 : Wireless Communication and Networking Technology for Discrete Factory Automation

  5. 第十三章简易程序

    CHAPTER XIII Summary Procedure

  6. 〔11〕这是朱熹在《中庸》第十三章注文中所说的话。

    11 . The quotation is from Chu Hsi 's commentary on the Confucian Doctrine of the Mean , Chapter 13 .

  7. 第十三章论述十七年文学中的革命成长小说,此时期在革命成长小说走向高峰,出现了一批优秀的作品。

    The 13th chapter elaborates in 17 year literature revolutionary growth novel , this time moves toward the peak in the revolutionary growth novel , presented one batch of outstanding works .

  8. 在《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要2010‐2020年》第十三章建设现代学校制度中明确指出要完善中国特色现代大学制度。

    Building contemporary university system of the article 13 in the National education reform and development of long-term planning programs ( 2010-2020 ), which pinpoint that we will perfect the contemporary university system with Chinese characteristics .

  9. 本文是一篇翻译实践报告,以《美国史》第十三版第一章作为研究对象,其作者是美国哥伦比亚大学教授艾伦·布林克利。

    This is a translation project report on the first Chapter of American History ( 13th edition ), written by Alan Brinkley , a professor of Columbia University .