
  • 网络Firstrade;First trade;Firstrade Securities Inc;Firstrposte
  1. 我的祖母在我七岁的时候,就给我上了第一节理财课。

    And my grandmother taught me about money starting at the age of seven .

  2. 因为对于很多大一新生来说,这将是他们第一次独自理财。

    Because for many freshmen , this will really be their first time handling money on their own .

  3. 论文第一章对企业理财系统柔性理论进行了回顾与概述,简述了弹性预算的原理及其编制方法;

    The first chapter reviews and summarizes the theory of business financial system , sketches the principle of flexible budget and its preparing methods .

  4. 引言以下,本文分为四个部分:第一部分,委托理财的法律性质分析。

    In the following , the paper is divided into four parts : The first part is the analysis of the legal nature of trust management .