
  • 网络first impression;first feeling;first feel
  1. 默默地想想你最享受的一天或某个时刻,尝试抓住第一感觉。

    Silently think of a day or moment which you truly enjoyed and try to recapture that very first feeling .

  2. 他的第一感觉便是如释重负,然而见那健壮苗条的身体走在前,红腰带恰恰显出漂亮的臀部,自卑的感觉立刻压上了心头。

    His first feeling was relief , but as he watched the strong slender body moving in front of him , with the scarlet sash that was just tight enough to bring out the curve of her hips , the sense of his own inferiority was heavy upon him .

  3. FirsthandFunds首席投资官凯文•兰迪斯(KevinLandis)说:我的第一感觉是,这好像低了点。FirsthandFunds目前已持有Facebook的股份。

    My first impression is , it sounds low , said Kevin Landis , chief investment officer of Firsthand Funds , which already owns Facebook stock .

  4. 这种女人对于购物,试穿及购买的第一感觉帮助Gayla?Bentley发展有她的永恒系列。

    This first-hand view of how women shop , try on and wear their purchases has helped Gayla develop her timeless collections .

  5. 吉姆•鲍登,CNN记者这是看到诺基亚N-Gage的第一感觉——它是一个移动电话,它是一个音乐播放器,最重要的是它是一个游戏机。

    This is the first look at the Nokia N-Gage - it 's a mobile phone , it 's a music player , most importantly it 's a games console4 .

  6. 确实,我在从项目经理向ScrumMaster转换角色时,我的第一感觉是团队不再需要我了,但其实不是这样,我只是被以不同的方式需要而已。

    Indeed , when I changed role from Project Manager to ScrumMaster my initial feeling was that I was not needed but that was not the case ; I was just needed in a different way .

  7. 你对这个名字的第一感觉怎么样。

    Do you have a gut feeling about this name .

  8. 两次,狄更斯三次,有什么第一感觉吗?

    Twice . Dickens three times . Any first thoughts ?

  9. 不不我要你的第一感觉

    No. No , I want ... I want your immediate reaction .

  10. 我认为第一感觉往往很准。

    Gregory : and I think one 's first instinct is often the best .

  11. 外观给人的第一感觉非常震撼。

    The look and feel is immediately striking .

  12. 北京给你的第一感觉是什么?

    What 's your first impression of Beijing ?

  13. 相信自己的第一感觉,因为你的潜意识看到的比你了解得更多。

    Trust your first instinct because your subconscious mind may be seeing more than you do .

  14. 当我踏进那些大铁门之后,第一感觉是……沉重。

    The first thing I felt when I walked through those iron gates was ... heavy .

  15. 影片给我的第一感觉是很独特有种让人想进入这样环境的感觉。

    The first thing by which I was impressed was the beauty of the trees and flowers .

  16. 当我们被俘时,我的第一感觉是又害怕又怀疑。

    When we were first captured , my own reaction was mainly one of fear and suspicion .

  17. 面对危机,人的第一感觉是无能为力,之后就陷入破罐破摔的消沉悲观。

    The first mood is to feel powerless , and to turn this into a defiant pessimism .

  18. 要跟着第一感觉走!把答案改错的历史教训是数不胜数的。

    Normally go with your first choice ! . history is replete with regret over changing from one answer to another !

  19. 我的第一感觉是,现实中的苏丹和我从媒体上了解的苏丹有天壤之别。

    I felt there was a huge difference between the Sudan I was in and that I used to learn from the media .

  20. 我看了这部影片后,第一感觉就是故事情节曲折离奇很受当前观众喜爱。

    I saw the film , I feel that is very popular with bizarre plot twists and turns of the current audience favorite .

  21. 他们都曾向同学敞开心扉,这种做法给人的第一感觉是,它与商学院的环境格格不入。

    But they both opened up to their peers in ways that may seem , at first glance , out of place in a business school setting .

  22. 甚至现在,在回归中国10年后,它给人的第一感觉仍是一个属于更广泛世界的城市。

    Restraint shows still in Hong Kong , and even now , a decade after its return to China , it feels above all a city of the wider world .

  23. 所以我对这个地段的第一感觉是,它不仅仅对于西九龙来说非常重要,对整个香港城市中心来说也是非常重要的。

    So my first impression of this land is it 's so important not only for the West Kowloon , but also for the whole urban central area of Hong Kong .

  24. 这对我来说非常重要。我的第一感觉是,诗人试图描绘的是永恒(大海)和生命(春天的花)。

    This seems important to me , because my first impression is that the author is saying something about human life ( the flowers in spring ) in the face of eternity ( the ocean ) .

  25. 是的,84岁的汉布尔顿夫人说,当她知道这幅油画是康斯特布尔的真迹时,“我觉得自己太傻了!我知道这不是我的错,但我的第一感觉就是这样的。”

    Yes , admits Lady Hambleden , 84 , when she first learned the painting was by Constable , " I felt like a fool ! I know it 's not my fault , but that was my first feeling . "

  26. 第一次感觉自我良好是因为我在做一些事情,而不是因为有人告诉我我做得很好。我感觉自己开始变得自信。

    For the first time , I feel good about myself because I 'm doing something , not because someone told me I was doing good . I feel whole .

  27. 我第一次感觉笑是那么迷人。

    The first time I felt your smile was so charming .

  28. 我第一次感觉学习跟不上了。

    I 'm behind for the first time in my academic career .

  29. 我现在第一次感觉到了探险的乐趣。

    I now felt for the first time the joy of exploration .

  30. 试车第一的感觉怎么样?

    How was it sitting in car and being quick ?