
lì fǎ yuàn
  • legislature;legislative body;Legislative Yuan/House
  1. 这也是立法院第一次被抗议者占领。

    It is also the first time that the legislature has been taken over by protesters .

  2. 周二,台湾立法院因为几个法案引发的争议又上演了全武行。

    Taiwan 's legislature was in full-on brawl on Tuesday over a number of controversial bills .

  3. 台湾的有些人则不那么乐观,《联合报》(UnitedDailyNews)周二在一篇评论文章中说,如今,许多人不再在乎立法院通过或否决了什么法案,因为他们已经对立委的专业性失去了信心。

    Some in Taiwan were less optimistic , including the United Daily News , which said in an editorial Tuesday , " Today , many people no longer care what legislation the Legislative Yuan passes or does not pass , because they have lost faith in the professionalism of legislators . "

  4. 台湾立法院长期以来一直因为争吵和打架出名,以至于台湾的议员会经常出现在诸如“全球六大议会打架事件”的名单上,并在1995年获得了颇具讽刺意味的搞笑诺贝尔和平奖(IgNoblePeacePrize)。

    Taiwan has long been known for feisty and combative politics , to the extent that its lawmakers regularly get shout-outs on lists with names like " Six of the best parliamentary brawls from around the world " and even landed the mocking Ig Noble Peace Prize in 1995 .

  5. 台湾立法院教育与文化委员会三位立委之一管碧玲(KuanBi-ling)表示:许多人认为向大陆学生开放学校是个好主意,因为台湾的出生率在不断下降。

    A lot of people see opening up to Chinese students as a good idea , because of the declining birthrate in Taiwan , says Kuan Bi-ling , one of three legislators on the Education and Culture Committee , which is drafting proposed changes .

  6. 省的立法院议员或国家议会代表谁?

    Who do provincial members of the legislative or national assemblies represent ?

  7. 现在立法院里只有男人。

    In the legal home there is but the man .

  8. 二事先经立法院同意签订者。

    The document has been approved by the Legislative Yuan in advance .

  9. 立法院昨天早上通过了这项预算案。

    The Legislative Yuan approved the budget bill yesterday morning .

  10. 其目的是为了减少“立法院”的混乱和经常上演的全武行。

    The idea was to make it less chaotic and prone to fisticuffs .

  11. 台湾立法院本次会期将于12月底结束。

    The legislative session ends in late December .

  12. 澳门立法院选举开始投票。

    Macao kicks off legislative election .

  13. 答:三个部门:立法院,行政院,及司法部。

    Answer : there are three branches , the legislative , the executive , and the judicial .

  14. 这将使罢免行动在立法院距离议案通过所需的三分之二多数仅有12票之差。

    This would leave the motion only 12 votes short of the required two-thirds majority in parliament .

  15. 立法院审议时,审计长应答复质询,并提供数据;

    During deliberation of audit report by legislative yuan , Auditor General shall answer inquiries and provide information ;

  16. 摘要本文试图解答何以台湾民众讨厌立法院。

    This paper tries to answer the question : why does the Taiwanese public hate the legislative yuan ?

  17. 如立法院不同意时,该紧急命令立即失效。

    In case the Legislative Yuan withholds confirmation , the said orders shall forthwith cease to be valid .

  18. 台湾立法院将从星期三开始辩论反对党提出的一项动议。

    Taiwan 's parliament is to begin debating Wednesday an opposition motion that would authorize a national referendum on removing Mr.

  19. 第一,法立法院的法官不是终身任命制,而是有固定的任期。

    First , judges of legislative courts do not have lifetime appointments , but instead serve fixed terms of office .

  20. 试析台湾政治运作中的女性因素&兼论立法院性别政治生态

    Study on the Female Factor in Political Process of Taiwan & And Review on the Gender Zoology in Politics of Legislature

  21. 台湾立法院经济委员会昨天通过了一项提案,要求政府定期提供有关台湾记忆体公司的报告。

    Legislators on the economics committee yesterday passed a motion calling on the government to give regular reports on the company .

  22. 3月17日,数百名学生冲击了台北市中心的立法院大楼,并占领了立法院会场。

    On March 17 , hundreds of students stormed the legislative building in downtown Taipei and took over the main chamber .

  23. 法院首席法官可立法院,使能更有效地行本例的目的及文。

    The chief justice may make rules of court for the better carrying out of the purposes and provisions of this ordinance .

  24. 分别考察了约法会议、立法院、国民会议、国民代表会议议员选举制度的产生、主要内容及其运行情况,并对上述选举制度的内容进行了评价。

    This dissertation inspects electoral system 's emerging , basic content and operation of them It also appraises the content of those systems .

  25. 但是抗议者要求撤销该贸易协议,并在上周二占领了立法院议事厅。

    Protesters , though , have demanded that the agreement be nullified and seized the meeting chamber of the Legislative Yuan on Tuesday .

  26. 移民署已向立法院递交了立法草案。根据这项草案,进行大额投资的外籍人士将被授予永久居留权。

    It has submitted draft legislation to parliament under which foreigners who make big investments would be granted the right of permanent residence .

  27. 行政院院长职务,在总统所提行政院院长人选未经立法院同意前,由行政院副院长暂行代理。

    Pending such confirmation , the vice president of the Executive Yuan shall temporarily exercise the functions of the president of the said yuan .

  28. 台湾需要一位全职的总统和全职立法院,特别在这段时间时间我们面对许多国内外问题的时候。

    Taiwan needs a full-time President and a full-time Legislative Yuan , particularly at this time with problems we face at home and abroad .

  29. 台湾行政院与立法院只隔一个街区,立法院从上周二开始便被数千名学生和抗议者占领。

    The Executive Yuan is a block away from the legislative building , which has been seized by thousands of students and protesters since Tuesday .

  30. 这剧的场景是一个神话般的地方,那里只有妇女参加的立法院,只有妇女执政,男子无选举权。

    The play is set in an all-female legislative assembly in a mythical province where only women held office and no man had the vote .