
Jiǎnɡ jīnɡ ɡuó
  • Chiang Chingkuo
  1. 在培植地方经济基础方面,蒋经国在农业、工业、商业力行革新,也取得一定的成效。

    Chiang Ching-kuo also got the great results in agriculture , industry and commerce in Southern Jiangxi .

  2. 蒋经国首要目标在于基础教育的建立,在蒋经国推动下,赣南地区国民教育师资以及学校数量获得提升。

    Under Chiang Ching-kuo 's promotion , the quality and the quantity of qualified primary teachers and schools in Southern Jiangxi were elevated .

  3. 在他们时代,蒋介石与蒋经国两总统诚然不太守法,但尚不敢公然为之。

    In their time , the two presidents Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo had not been entirely law-abiding , but they had not violated law blatantly .

  4. 赣南《正气日报》创刊于1941年10月,是时任江西省第四区行政督察专员的蒋经国创办的一份专员公署机关报。

    Zhengqi Daily was launched by Chiang Ching-kuo in south Jiangxi who was the chief inspector of the Fourth District in Jiangxi , in October 1941 .

  5. 盛世才、蒋经国或在苏联顾问直接指导和帮助下,或下意识地从知识储存中调取苏联经验,试以苏联经济体制来建设新新疆或新赣南。

    With Soviet councillors ' direct guide or consciously learning from Soviet experience , SHENG Shi-cai and JIANG Jin-guo tried to construct a new Xinjiang and a new Gannan .

  6. 第三章主要描摹蒋经国在赣南期间当地经济的发展状况。笔者运用历史比较法对比蒋氏前后本地农业、工业、商业、城市的变化,来说明抗战期间赣南经济的进步程度。

    I use historical comparison to compare the changes of local agricultural , industrial , commercial and urban before and after Chiang Ching-kuo came to Gannan . in order to state degree of economic progress .