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  1. 中国旅游研究院国际旅游研究所(InstituteofInternationalTourism)副所长蒋依依认为,外国游客数量下降的部分原因在于人民币的升值。

    Jiang Yiyi , deputy director of the Institute of International Tourism at the China Tourism Academy , attributed part of the dropoff in foreign tourists to the strengthening yuan .

  2. 中国旅游研究院的蒋依依建议,中国政府应实行一项长期的国家计划,以提升国家形象并投资于入境旅游以吸引更多游客前来。

    Jiang Yiyi at the China Tourism Academy suggests China adopt a long-term national plan to improve the country 's image and investment in inbound tourism to attract more visitors .

  3. 蒋依依说,2013年人民币兑美元汇率上涨近3%,使北京成为了一个更加昂贵的旅游目的地。

    In 2013 , the yuan appreciated almost 3 % against the U.S. dollar , making ' Beijing a more expensive destination than in the past , ' Jiang Yiyi noted .