
  • 网络bill
  1. 立法议案的制度规定有一定的瓶颈效应,客观上会影响到立法议案能否进入立法程序以及立法议案在立法程序中的最终命运。

    The rule of bill system , which has some bottleneck effect and objectively affects whether or not the bill will enter into legislation process and its ultimate fate .

  2. 将立法议案交归委员会的行动。

    The act of referring a legislative bill to committee .

  3. 他也传统的拒绝了我提出的任何立法议案。

    He 's traditionally blocked every piece of legislation I 've created .

  4. 每每总是小布什提出的立法议案占去了两院的精力。

    It was Bush 's legislative agenda that occupied the energy of both houses .

  5. 第二章是文章的主体部分,主要描述立法议案制度的运作概况,发现这一过程中的主要问题,揭示问题产生的原因;

    The second chapter is the body of the text that describes the operation of bill system , discovers the main problems and quest for the reasons contribute to it ;

  6. 这一去芜存菁的过程使得代议机构效率提升,集中力量审议、表决立法议案,充分发挥立法功能。

    The " filtering " process enhances the efficiency of legislature and makes the legislature dedicated to discuss and vote the bill , and bring the function of legislation into full play .

  7. 普通的国会议员,同时,在很大程度上继续他们的工作在立法的议案工厂。

    Rank-and-file lawmakers , meanwhile , have largely continued their work in the Legislature 's bill factory .

  8. 尽管通常州立法机关制定议案的程序更为简捷,但方式都是非常相似的。

    The state legislatures act in much the same way , although the process for enacting a bill within the legislatures is often more streamlined .

  9. 实际上,可能出现的结果是大量的由城市或州立法通过的议案。大型重量级体格的海鸟,嘴长而结实,以其突进地入水抓鱼而著名。

    Indeed , one likely consequence will be an outbreak of ad hoc law-making in cities and states . large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill noted for its plunging dives for fish .

  10. 但是还有一个办法是成立一个全职机构负责回审监管法规:堪萨斯州率先成立了“废止议案办公室”,功能是汇总对于议案的反对意见并向政府和立法机关提交议案的废止建议。

    And yet another is creating a full-time advocate for regulatory rollback : one state , Kansas , has created an " Office of the Repealer , " which aggregates complaints and suggests repeals to the governor and legislature .

  11. 在一个小时的漫骂演说中,立法者猛烈抨击议案通过者反对他的议案。

    In an hour long philippic , the legislator denounced the lobbyist opposing his bill .

  12. 三年前,香港游客在菲律宾遭绑架杀害,而菲律宾一直拒绝就此事道歉,立法会通过的议案是香港方面做出的最新回应。

    This is the latest Hong Kong response to the Philippines ' refusal to apologize for the Hong Kong tourists who were hijacked and murdered three years ago .

  13. 选举结果让反对党在议会中获得了超过三分之一的席位,使他们可以阻止查韦斯总统通过主要立法。通过主要议案需要三分之二的多数席位。

    The outcome gives opposition leaders more than a third of seats in the assembly , enabling them to block President Chavez from passing major legislation which requires two-thirds approval .

  14. 笔者认为,在这种现象背后代表的非职业化、过分追求效率的立法思路以及立法工作的强计划性以及由此而导致的对立法议案制度选择和淘汰功能的无视和排斥是其产生的重要原因。

    In the author 's opinion , the non-professional excessive effectiveness-oriented legislative idea and the over-planned legislation behind plus the resulted neglect and refusal of the " select " " eliminate " function of the bill system are the main reasons .

  15. 中医有望在英国立法的回顾与展望&兼评英国卫生部公布的《草药与针灸立法管理议案》

    Retrospect and Prospect of Legislation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Britain - with an Evaluation of Bill for Legislation of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture Management Promulgated by the Ministry of Public Health in Britain ;