- 名presynaptic inhibition

Because GABA can induce primary afferent depolarization ( PAD ), our results suggest that caffeine may be able to antagonize the effect of presynaptic inhibition of GABA in primary afferent .
This study suggests that the descending inhibitory system from PAG may involve presynaptic inhibition in the effect of PAG on the WDR and NS neurons .
This is the first time to report the existence of new presynaptic inhibitory autoreceptors-histamine H3 - receptors in guinea pig myocardium .
These results indicate that NT may presynaptically inhibit the transmission of primary afferent C fibers Via axoaxonic synapses and / or nonsynaptic contacts .
5 - ht_ ( 1b ) receptor mediated presynaptic inhibition in neonatal rat cortex
It has been suggested that the analgesic effect of opioid peptides in the dorsal horn is mediated by presynaptic mechanism to inhibit the release of substance P. However , ultrastructural data indicated that axo-axonal synapses between enkephalin and substance P terminals are unlikely .
Objective : To provide morphological evidence for presynaptic inhibition mechanism of enkephalin in modulating primary input of pain by observing whether ? opioid receptor in the superficial layers of the rat spinal cord is located in the primary afferent C fiber or not .
CCK-8S is one of the strongest endogenous anti-opioid substances and suppresses opioid peptides-mediated ' pre-synaptic inhibition ' of γ - aminobutyric acid ( GABA ) release .
Ultrastructural localization and nonsynaptic release of enkephalin in the medullary dorsal horn
Our work has provided some new information for further investigating presynaptic inhibition and mechanism of acupuncture analgesia .
In fact , a high density of opioid receptors are present on primary sensory fibers in this region .
Conclusions : The decrease of presynaptic inhibition and formation of new synapses by sprouting of afferent axon terminals probably play a role in spasticity of cerebral palsy .
Besides , there are a large number of special coupling structures , such as presynaptic inhibition 、 presynaptic facility and lateral inhibition , etc. These complicated synaptic configurations can change the amplitude of neuronal spiking .
Thus , the results indicate that the optic tectum takes part in the centrifugal control of somatosensory afferent activity , affects the spinal reflex , and involves in the mechanism of analgesia by way of presynaptic inhibition .
The metabotropic type-B γ - aminobutyric acid receptors ( GABABR ) on the central teminals of the small sized dorsal root ganglion ( DRG ) neurons play an important role in pain regulation by presynaptic mechanism at spinal level .
Presynaptic inhibitory action of morphine on excitatory synaptic transmission in rat SON neurons in brain slices