
  • 【辩证法】space observation
  1. 利用三种方法判定该信号是否具有混沌特性:在三维相空间观察奇异吸引子;分别从最大李氏(Lyapunov)指数满足的方程出发以及wolf法计算其最大李氏指数;

    Three methods are used to judge the signal maintaining chaos characteristics or not : watching the strange attractor in three-dimensional phase space , computing the largest Lyapunov exponent by the equation it meets and wolf method , and computing self-power spectrum density function .

  2. 对海战场空间观察对象中的目标分群问题进行了描述;

    Target grouping is one of the main task of sea battlefield situation assessment .

  3. 站在不同的空间观察图书馆

    To Observe the Library from Different Spaces

  4. 控制土壤和地上部营养空间观察玉米生育和产量的结果表明:改善空间因子使玉米增产170%,而改善土壤因子仅使玉米增产130%。

    The experiments were carried out to investigate soil and spatial factor on growth and grain yield in maize . The results showed that improving spatial factor increased grain yield 17.0 % and improving soil nutrient volume increased grain yield 13.0 % .

  5. 生物栅中植物根系空间结构观察与分析

    Spatial Structure of Plant Roots in Biological Grid : Observation and Analysis

  6. 研究者得以在虚拟空间中观察与模拟出部份社会网络的特性。

    The researchers can also easily observe parts of the features of social networks in the Internet .

  7. 目的研制一种可用于临床神经损伤修复的人工桥接物,并对其进行微观空间结构观察及生物相容性的研究。

    Objective To develop an artificial biomaterial which can be used to repaired injured nerve and to research on its 3 dimensional micro structure and biocompatibility .

  8. 给出了一个弹性转子系统的非线性动力学安全裕度准则·采用分解和聚合的方法将系统的积分空间与观察空间分离,在积分空间中得到高维系统的稳态轨迹;

    The safety margin criterion of nonlinear dynamic question of an elastic rotor system are given . A series of observing spaces were separated from integral space by resolving and polymerizing method . The stable_ state trajectory of high dimensional nonlinear dynamic systems was got within integral space .

  9. 该微动台被运用在STM系统,实现了对原子实空间图像的观察。

    The micro-moving stage is used in the STM system , realizing the observation of real-space images of atomic .

  10. 然后采用纹理映射的方法将体素光强值与由不透明度组成的3D数据集从物体空间投射到观察空间,再沿视方向融合为3D图象。

    The data set composed of all voxels ' illuminations ( RGB ) and opacities α is projected from object space into view space by textures mapping , and is blended from back to front along view direction into 2D image with 3D vision effect .

  11. 方法雄性昆明小鼠每天腹腔注射MLA(1.0、4.8μg/g),连续8d,采用Morris水迷宫,通过定位航行、空间探索试验观察分析小鼠的学习记忆能力。

    Methods MLA ( 1.0,4.8 μ g / g ) was injected intraperitoneally to male mice for 8 days successively . Mouse 's learning and memory functions were evaluated by fixing navigation , keno-exploration in Morris water maze .

  12. 电影留了沉默给我们倾听,留了空间给我们观察。

    We are left to listen to the silences and observe the spaces .

  13. 第四,磁共振具有对任意层面断层成像的功能,可以从三维空间上直接观察人体。

    Fourth , Magnetic Resonance Imaging could get the function of tomography at arbitrary level , we can observe on the human body from any direction .

  14. 结果口内法X线牙片与牙科用3DX比较,3DX诊断部位明确,三维重建可从各个方位、空间、立体观察病变特征。

    Results Compared with conventional dental films , 3 DX could diagnose definitely and get reconstructed three-dimensional images with distinctive characters of the disease area in different angles .

  15. 坐标轴非等值变化通过多层焦点的交互控制实现,可以充分利用坐标轴空间,在观察重点区域详细信息的同时保持总体浏览。

    The axis is not changed equivalently , through managing multiple focal levels , can fully utilize axis space , keeping overall information while observing detailed information of key area .

  16. 整个系统在高功率操作时,所用的空间滤波器没有观察到明显的热问题,这充分说明了采用这种方法能够进一步提高相干输出功率。

    When the whole system operates under high pump power level , no thermal effects for the spatial filter have been observed , which means that we can increase the coherent output power further by increasing the individual fiber laser power .

  17. 高分辨率卫星影像的出现使得在较小的空间尺度上观察地表的细节变化、进行大比例尺遥感制图以及变化检测成为可能,具有广阔的应用前景。

    It is possible for us to observe the surface in small details , draw the large scale of remote sensing maps and monitor the influences on environment from human activities when high-resolution satellite imagery appears , and it may have broad application .

  18. 正常5月龄SD大鼠空间学习记忆行为观察

    Observation on the spatial learning and memory in rats

  19. 运用金相显微镜、扫描电镜、牛津能谱分析等现代材料检测手段,对涂层的形貌、与基体的结合状态、空间位置等进行观察和研究。

    The appearance of coating was observed and studied through microscope , SEM , and EDS.

  20. 给出了一种在2维空间和3维观察坐标系下直线段在圆形窗口下的裁剪新算法。

    A new segments clipping algorithm against circle window in2D space and3D eyecooldinate system is presented .

  21. 研究了基于虚拟实景的构造方法,解决了基于虚拟实景中视域范围受限制的问题,实现了对虚拟空间的全方位观察。

    Having researched the construction method of spherical image-based virtual reality , solved the question of the limitation of scope of cylindrical image-based virtual reality , realized the omni directional observation of the virtual space .

  22. 空间对地目标观察时,由于大气环境、太阳高角及地面景物亮度的变化影响地物在靶面上成象的清晰度。

    When observing the object on ground from space , with the variation of the atmosphere , the solar altitude angle as well as the illumination of the scenery on ground affect the definition of the image on the CCD focal plane .

  23. 在此基础上结合化学学科的特点,提出了化学教学中应该重点发展学生的言语语言智力、逻辑数理智力、视觉空间智力、自然观察智力的观点,并设计了具体的教学策略。

    Then combining the characteristics of chemistry discipline , we put forward the view that chemical teaching should focus on developing the students ' language-language intelligence , logic mathematical intelligence , visual spatial intelligence , natural observation intelligence , and designed a specific teaching strategies .

  24. 空间光学遥感器是实现空间对地观察的重要手段之一,受到世界各国的普遍高度重视。

    Space optical remote sensor is one of the significant means of observation from space to earth , whose importance has been highly attached by many countries worldwide .

  25. 假定物体上有若干特征点,它们在空间的位置已由双目视觉求得。在此假定下,本文讨论如何由特征点空间位置的观察值来估计运动参数。

    Assume that there are some feature points on the object and their positions in space have been recovered by the stereo vision , this paper discusses how to estimate the motion parameters from the observed position vectors of the feature points .