
  1. 占空系数与周期线性独立可调的矩形波发生器

    Rectangle wave generator which duty factor and period can be adjusted linearly and independently

  2. 这些运动变量主要包括步态、占空系数、躯体高度、步长、最大的抬腿高度等。

    These motion variables mainly contain gait , duty factor , body height , step length and maximum height of leg raise etc. .

  3. 研制了一种强度、频率及信号占空系数均可调节的生物医学研究用低频方波电压调制四阶均匀交变磁场。

    In this paper , we have designed and prepared the low frequency square wave voltage modulating fourth order uniform alternating magnetic field . The magnetic induction dencity , the frequency and the signal duty factor of the field can be regulated .

  4. 应用双开口变量(整体空分系数(Xas)和氮气回注系数(Xgn))和折合系统效率的概念,建立了IGCC中燃气轮机全工况特性简化模型;

    The off-design characteristic model of GT with two opening variables - ASU-integrated coefficient ( Xas ) and Nitrogen-reinjected coefficient ( Xgn ) - and IGCC overall efficiency , is investigated ;

  5. 管式透空防波堤反射系数的计算

    Computation of reflection coefficient for hollow - pipe porous breakwater

  6. 本文计算了三种不同表面相关下弱散射体平动时,散斑强度涨落的时-空交叉相关系数;

    The time-spatial cross-correlation coefficient of the intensity fluctuation of the speckle is calculated for three surface correlation in ease of moving weak scatterer .

  7. 其中速度势被分解为定常和非定常小扰动两部分,并用跨音松弛法求解关于非定常扰动速势的空问变系数线性复变量微分方程。

    In this method , the velocity potential is separated into steady and unsteady parts , and the linear complex partial differential equation with spatially variable coefficients for the unsteady velocity potential of small disturbances is solved using transonic relaxation procedure .

  8. 顶板托板存在对采空区充水系数的影响

    Roof bolt plate influenced to water filling coefficient in mine goaf

  9. 老采空区残余下沉系数的神经网络模型研究

    Artificial Neural Network Model for Predicting Residual Subsidence Coefficient of Abandoned Mine Goaf

  10. 详细分析了深宽比、凹槽宽度、占空比、摩擦系数对聚合物变形的影响。

    Numerical results present that aspect ratio significantly affects the PMMA displacement , cavity width plays a key role in th .

  11. 根据淮南煤田老空水实际数据,采用非线性理论建立了采空区积水系数的预测模型,结合应用验证了模型的科学性和合理性。

    The forecasting model of value set for goaf water filled was presented according the field tested data in Huainan coal basin with the nonlinear theory analysis . The rationality of this model was validated by the application cases studies .