
  • 网络hollow glass beads;cenosphere;cenospheres;hgm
  1. 本文提出了以低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)为基体,以充满N2的空心玻璃微珠为气体载体,采用物理发泡模压成型工艺制备微孔LDPE塑料的方法。

    In this paper , the idea was raised that preparing Microporous low density polyethylene ( LDPE ) by N2-filled hollow glass beads as novel gas carriers and LDPE as matrix , and by physics foam and compression molding .

  2. 添加具有密度低、强度高、在树脂中分散性好的空心玻璃微珠(HGB)可为一有效的解决方法。

    Hollow glass beads ( HGB ) with series of excellent properties , such as low density , high strength and good dispersion in resins could be one of effective solutions .

  3. 空心玻璃微珠填充PP复合材料的结构与性能研究

    Structure and Properties of Hollow Microbeads Filled PP

  4. 空心玻璃微珠改性ABS复合材料的性能研究

    Study on properties of ABS composite filled with hollow bead

  5. 超细的空心玻璃微珠(GB)对橡胶的粘度无明显影响,但提高了橡胶的损耗因子;

    Ultrafine hollow glass bead ( GB ) can markedly increase the loss factor of rubber but little effect on the rubber viscosity .

  6. 为了分析微孔发泡PP材料冲击强度提高的原因,又分别研究了弹性体改性PP和空心玻璃微珠改性PP,分析了微孔发泡PP材料冲击强度提高的原因。

    In order to analyze the cause that strength of notched impact was improved , we studied PP modified of elastic and the hollow glass microsphere respectively , then compared them with microcellular foam materials .

  7. 初步的实验结果表明:在MDF加载面涂敷一层空心玻璃微珠可以防止沿铅粒子对靶面的冲击损伤。

    Primary experimental results indicate that by laying some tiny glass beads on the loaded surface , the damage due to lead particles can be weakened .

  8. 研究不同粒径、含量及不同偶联剂处理的空心玻璃微珠对(丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯)共聚物(ABS)力学性能、加工性能及阻燃性能的影响。

    The research focused on the effect of the size , content of the hollow bead and different handling method of the coupling agent on the mechanical properties , fluidity in processing and flame resistance of ABS composite .

  9. 结果表明,偶联剂KH-550处理空心玻璃微珠的效果好于KH-560。

    The results showed that hollow bead handled by KH-550 coupling agent was better than that handled by KH-560 coupling agent .

  10. 采用化学镀银的方法在空心玻璃微珠表面包覆一层金属银,使其表面具有足够高的光散射效率和合适的密度,作为示踪粒子用在PIV(particleimagevelocimetry)实验中。

    The silver was coated on the surface of hollow glass spheres by electroless plating to make the hollow glass spheres with proper density and excellent scattering performance , which will be used in PIV ( Particle image velocimetry ) experiments as tracer particles .

  11. 用空心玻璃微珠填充改性聚甲醛(POM),研究了玻璃微珠的含量、粒径对POM/玻璃微珠复合体系力学性能、流动性和分散形态等的影响。

    By compounding glass bead ( GB ) with polyoxymethelene ( POM ), the influence of GB content , diameter on the mechanical properties , the rheological behavior and dispersion morphology of POM / GB composites were investigated .

  12. 本文作者利用空心玻璃微珠的高热阻,研究了用TiO2包覆的空心玻璃微珠作热反射材料的方法,并制备了对近虹外线反射率超过80%的涂料。

    Since hollow glass particles have a high heat resistance , the authors of this article studied the process of enwrap hollow glass particles with TiO_2 , and prepared near-infrared reflecting paint with reflectivity of more than 80 % to near-infrared ray .

  13. 本文用硅烷偶联剂KH-570对滑石粉、空心玻璃微珠进行表面处理,并对改性无机填料填充UP树脂浇铸体及其GFRP的力学性能进行了测试。

    In this paper , silane coupling agent KH-570 was used to treat talc and hollow glass microsphere , the mechanical properties of cast UP resin and its GFRP filled with modified inorganic filler were also tested .

  14. 研究发现:以TBH为成膜基料,添加10g空心玻璃微珠和2g堇青石填料,制备出的复合型外墙隔热涂料的热反射率达91.67%。

    Research shows that the heat reflectance of the compound outer wall heat-insulated paint prepared with the TBH emulsion as base , 10g hollow glass micro-pellet and 2g cordierite as fillings reaches 91.67 % .

  15. 空心玻璃微珠(HGB)是一种新型的轻质无机非金属材料,具有低密度、低导热系数、低膨胀系数、高抗压强度等优点。

    Hollow glass bead ( HGB ) is a new type of lightweight inorganic non-metallic materials , with the advantages of low density , low thermal conductivity , low coefficient of expansion and high compressive strength .

  16. 空心玻璃微珠质量填充量为25%时,复合材料密度降低至0.61g/cm3,轴向压缩强度仍能保持在40MPa以上。

    Density of the materials was 0.61 g / cm ~ 3 when mass filling ratio of hollow sphere was 25 % , and its compressive strength remained above 40 MPa .

  17. 水合钛离子包膜空心玻璃微珠机理的研究

    Mechanism of Enwrapping Hollow Tiny Glass Particles with Hydrate Titanium Ions

  18. 影响空心玻璃微珠化学镀镍均匀性的因素

    Influencing Factors on the Uniformity of Electroless Nickel Plating on Cenospheres

  19. 空心玻璃微珠填充聚合物合成深海高强浮力材料

    High-strength deep-sea buoyancy material made of polymer filled with hollow glass micro-beads

  20. 空心玻璃微珠复合聚氨酯泡沫塑料的泡孔结构与性能

    The Cell-Structure and Properties of Polyurethane Foam Filled with Hollow Glass Bead

  21. 空心玻璃微珠填充聚氯乙烯复合材料拉伸力学性能的研究

    A study of the tensile properties of hollow glass bead-filled PVC Composites

  22. 深潜用空心玻璃微珠和固体浮力材料的研制及其研究现状

    Research progress of hollow glass microsphere and solid buoyant material for deep-sea application

  23. 研究了在空心玻璃微珠表面化学镀镍磷合金的无钯活化新工艺。

    The research on properities and structures of hollow glass microspheres packed epoxy resin ;

  24. 空心玻璃微珠改性环氧树脂印刷电路板基材

    Hollow Glass-Bead Modified Epoxy Resin for Printed Circuts

  25. 空心玻璃微珠的表面改性研究

    Surface Modification of Hollow Glass Micro spheres

  26. 表面活性剂对空心玻璃微珠化学镀银影响的研究

    Study on the influence of electroless silver plating on hollow glass microsphere by using surfactants

  27. 空心玻璃微珠增韧高密度聚乙烯的性能研究

    Properties of Hollow Glass Bead Filled PE-HD

  28. 聚氨酯包覆空心玻璃微珠改性环氧复合材料的制备与性能研究

    Preparation and Properties Research of Epoxy Composites Modified by Hollow Glass Bead Treated with Polyurethane

  29. 空心玻璃微珠表面化学镀镍磷合金

    Electroless Ni-P Plating on Cenosphere Surface

  30. 本文介绍了空心玻璃微珠的基本性能及其在复合材料中的应用。

    This paper introduces the basic properties of hollow glass microspheres and their application in composites .