
  • 网络Inaba
  1. 流行菌型以稻叶1d型为主,占96.2%;

    The main pathogen was 1d type of Inaba accounted for 96.2 % .

  2. 分析认为2001年的稻叶型菌株不是2000年稻叶型菌株的延续,而是一个新的克隆群。

    This study suggests the Inaba strains in 2001 have evolved from new clones and not be an extension of those in 2001 .

  3. 维生素C保护稻叶细胞膜机理的研究

    Study on the mechanisms of protecting membrane lipid of rice leave by vitamin C

  4. 稻叶气孔性状研究新方法

    A New Method for Studying the Stomatal Characters of Rice Leaf

  5. 稻叶衰老期间光合衰退的主要内在因素

    Internal Dominant Factors for Declination of Photo-synthesis during Rice Leaf Senescence

  6. 稻叶瘟对水稻光谱特性的影响研究

    Effects of rice leaf blast on spectrum reflectance of rice

  7. 缺铁逆境胁迫下水稻叶蛋白质组的双向电泳分析

    2-DE Analysis of Differentially Displayed Proteins in Rice Young Shoots Under Iron-deficiency Stress

  8. 稻瘟灵防治稻叶瘟的试验

    Test Results of Rice Leaf Blast Control With Isoprothiolane

  9. 钾营养对稻叶光合功能及光能吸收的调节

    Regulation of potassium nutrition to photosynthetic function and light-energy absorption of rice leaf

  10. 稻叶半乳糖脂的分离纯化及脂肪酸组成分析

    Extraction and purification of rice leaf galactolipids and analyzation of their fatty acid composition

  11. 此外还初步研究了稻叶瘟对水稻冠层光谱特性的影响。

    Besides , effects of rice leaf blast on spectrum reflectance of rice was studied simply .

  12. 添加10%稻叶汁马铃薯蔗糖培养液适于菌株的生长和产毒。

    Potato sucrose broth plus 10 % rice juice ( PSBE ) favored isolate growth and toxin production .

  13. 不同叶龄或不同叶位稻叶的光合速率与叶绿素含量成正相关。

    The photosynthetic rate was positive interrelated with the chlorophyll content in rice leaf during different leaf-age or at different leaf-order .

  14. 水稻田农药使用技术研究Ⅰ.雾滴在稻叶上的沉积特性&叶尖优势

    Pesticide application techniques in paddy fields 1.deposit character of spray droplets on rice leaves & the leaf-tip preference of droplet deposition

  15. 吉林省稻叶瘟流行模拟及预测模型研究Ⅱ.YYJM模型的组建和检验

    Study on the Simulation and Forecast Model of Epidemic of Rice Leaf Blast in JiLin Province ⅱ . Establishment and Examine of the Simulation Model

  16. 文中报道了关于稻叶瘟病斑田间产孢若干问题的初步定量研究结果。

    In this paper the results of the preliminary quantitative study on the sporulation of the lesion of rice leaf blast in the field were reported .

  17. 提高稻叶叶绿素含量,增加单株叶面积和干物重,有利于光合产物积累;

    The chlorophyll content of leaves , leaf area and dry matter weight per shoot were increased , and that led to stimulating the accumulation of photoproduct ;

  18. 结论:福州市2005年流行菌株以稻叶型占绝对优势,流行优势菌株分子遗传特征具有高度的同源性。

    Conclusion : The results demonstrated that Inaba V.cholera is dominant in the strains isolated from Fuzhou in 2005 and the genetic homology of these isolates is very high .

  19. 上述研究结果为组建以田间病斑产孢为重要子模型的稻叶瘟流行模拟模型提供了基础资料。

    The above mentioned results supply basis information on building a simulation model for the rice leaf blast in which the sporulation of lesion in the field is important submodel .

  20. 培养滤液和尾孢霉毒素提取物能抑制稻种和4种作物种子胚根生长,并能在损伤稻叶上引起褪绿和枯死。

    Culture filtrates and cercosporin solution could inhibit the radicle growth on the seeds of different rice varieties and 4 crops ( mungbean , sorghum , cowpea and corn ) .

  21. 结果表明,与翻耕移栽相比,免耕移栽稻叶面积指数、光合势、穗前干物质量、穗后干物质量、总干物质量较低;

    Compared with CT , NT displayed lower leaf area index and less photosynthetic potential and lower dry matter accumulation before and after heading and less total dry matter accumulation .

  22. 本文通过对4个感染不同等级稻叶瘟的水稻冠层反射光谱进行测试,并对光谱反射曲线进行微分分析,研究了绿光区、红光区和近红外区反射光谱的变异特征。

    Rice spectrum features at green , red and near infrared regions were studied by measuring and analysing rice canopy reflectance and differential spectrums with 4 levels of rice leaf blast .

  23. 铅能促进受锰毒害的水稻对铁的吸收,提高稻叶铁、叶绿素含量以及过氧化氢酶活性,降低过氧化物酶活性;

    Lead promoted Fe absorption of the rice , increased the contents of chlorophyll and Fe in rice leaves and the activity of plant catalase , but decreased the activity of plant peroxidase ;

  24. 应用该方法成功地将44份自然发病的细条病病种接种到离体稻叶上并产生菌脓。

    With the method 44 samples of natural infected rice seeds of bacterial leaf streak were successfully inoculated onto the rice leaves in vitro , and produced lesions and bacterial beads on them .

  25. 在采用叶面喷雾和盆水接种稻白叶枯自然组合菌株B1和单细胞系菌株Ⅳ16试验中,B1处理后能引起稻株发病,且在盆水中测到噬菌体;

    When the rice plants and the rice basins ' water were inoculated with the natural composite strain of B 1 and the monocell colony strain of ⅳ 16 of X. oryzae pv .

  26. 用稻白叶枯病病原菌(Xanthomonasoryzaepv.oryzae)菲律宾小种6号接种鉴定,结果表明大多数转基因植株获得了抗病性。

    Results of inoculation with philippine race 6 of Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae indicated that most of transgenic plants obtained high resistance to rice bacterial blight disease ( Xoo ) .

  27. 分子标记辅助选育抗稻白叶枯病的低温敏核不育系3178S

    Breed a Low Critical Sterile Point TGMS Line 3178S with Bacterial Blight Resistance by Molecular Marker-assisted Selection

  28. 杂交稻不同叶位叶片的RuBP羧化酶活性低于其母本不育系,但与父本较接近。

    The results showed that RuBP carboxylase / oxygenase activities of hybrid rice were lower than that of its parents on the different leaf position , and was close to its father .

  29. 应用分子标记辅助选择培育抗稻白叶枯病光敏核不育系3418S

    Breeding of the Photo-period-sensitive Genetic Male sterile Line ' 3418S ' Resistant to Bacterial bright in Rice by Molecular Marker assisted Selection

  30. 云南大粒水稻对稻白叶枯病的抗性遗传

    Inheritance of Resistance to Bacterial Leaf Blight in Yunnan Dali