
shuì shōu dǐ miǎn
  • tax credit
  1. 目前奥巴马政府考虑对来年增募新人的企业施行税收抵免(taxcredit),正是出于这个原因。

    This is why the Obama administration is considering a tax credit for employers adding new jobs next year .

  2. 更有效的做法是,由政府对公司提供激励,使CEO薪酬合理化,比如税收抵免,以CEO与员工的薪酬比为基础确定税收抵免额。

    A more effective idea would be for the government to offer companies an incentive to rationalize CEO compensation , such as a tax credit , and to base that tax credit on the ceo-employee pay ratio .

  3. 其它数据显示,尽管投入数十亿美元用于税收抵免,但工党(labour)仍很难控制不断加剧的不平等。

    Other figures show that despite the billions that have gone into tax credits , labour has struggled to hold down rising inequality .

  4. 根据美国国会预算办公室(congressionalbudgetoffice)的数据,2009年,生物燃料的税收抵免政策,让美国总共减少了60亿美元税收。

    Biofuel tax credits , overall , reduced US excise tax revenue by $ 6bn in 2009 , according to the Congressional Budget Office .

  5. 英国的巴克莱(Barclays)在相关复杂跨境交易中充当了主要推手。按照美国国税局的说法,这些交易旨在产生虚假的外国税收抵免。

    Barclays of the UK emerges as a pivotal promoter of the complex cross-border deals , which the IRS claims were designed to generate artificial foreign tax credits .

  6. 对于RD投入,本文在安沃沙赫的理论研究的基础上,分析了税收抵免、减低公司所得税率、RD金额列支三种税收优惠方式在我国的实施情况。

    Then , the paper analyzes three kinds of tax preference and their usage in our country , such as tax credit for R D investment , decrease on enterprises income tax rate , and cost confirm of R D investment .

  7. 和大多数税收抵免不同,eitc是可退回的。

    Unlike most tax credits , the EITC is refundable .

  8. 我们为安装了E85节能汽油泵的加油站争取到了税收抵免。

    We provided tax credits to gas stations for installing E85 fuel pumps .

  9. 当公司购入特定的实物资本资产时,可在其应纳税额中扣除投资税收抵免(ITCs)。

    Investment tax credits ( ITCs ) are deducted from the firm 's tax bill when particular physical capital assets are purchased .

  10. 在联邦一级,投资税收抵免(ITC)和财政部的现金补助继续发挥重要的作用,刺激了光伏产业的投资。

    At the federal level , the Investment Tax Credit ( ITC ) and the Treasury Cash Grants continue to play an important role in stimulating investments in the PV industry .

  11. 在上面这个示例中,薪酬比越低(或CEO与普通员工薪酬差距越小),税收抵免额越高,进而鼓励公司在制定CEO薪酬与初级员工工资时会更加谨慎。

    In this example , the lower the pay ratio ( or the narrower the gap between the pay of the CEO and average workers ) , the bigger the tax credit , motivating businesses to be more thoughtful in setting compensation for CEOs as well as junior employees .

  12. 这是由于购房者的税收抵免结束。

    That followed the end of a homebuyer 's tax credit .

  13. 了解更多关于新的购房者税收抵免。

    Learn more about the new home buyer tax credit .

  14. 第四章对美国国内法所规定的外国税收抵免的限额作了讨论。

    The fourth chapter discusses limitations on FTC in U.S. internal law .

  15. 外国税收抵免是为避免纳税人双重纳税而设计的。

    Foreign tax credits are intended to prevent taxpayers paying tax twice .

  16. 我希望将为研究和实验提供的税收抵免永久性固定下来。

    I want to make the research and experimentation tax credit permanent .

  17. 完善税收抵免方法;

    To improve the method of tax credit ;

  18. 为单身者提供税收抵免,因为从比例上说,他们承担的税负太重。

    Tax credits for single people because they are too heavily taxed , proportionately .

  19. 外国税收抵免法律制度研究

    A Study on Foreign Tax Credit Legal System

  20. 经济研究小组起草的税收抵免备忘录你拿到了吗

    Did you get that tax credit memo the economic research team put together ?

  21. 国会最近还重新批准了今年和下一年的生物柴油税收抵免。

    Congress also recently reauthorised a biodiesel tax credit for this year and next .

  22. 我们还将儿童税收抵免提高了一倍。

    We also doubled the child tax credit .

  23. 贸易商出口的混合燃料中,有一部分享受每加仑45美分的税收抵免。

    For some blended exports , traders are claiming the 45 cent-per-gallon US tax credit .

  24. 第二,外国税收抵免的分类与比较。

    The second part is a classification and a comparative study on foreign tax credit .

  25. 在新计划中为招聘新员工的企业提供临时税收抵免,也是如此。

    So does the addition of temporary tax credits for employers who add jobs now .

  26. 菲律宾本土的资产设备享受税收抵免。

    Tax credits on domestic capital equipment B.

  27. 外国税收抵免特别限额

    Special limitations on the foreign tax credit

  28. 今年早些时候,英国政府给儿童税收抵免设了上限。

    Earlier this year , the British government passed a cap on child tax credits .

  29. 并为需要养老和成年受赡养者提供多$500的税收抵免。

    and provide a new $ 500 tax credit for elder-care and other adult dependents .

  30. 对税收抵免的外国收入限额

    Foreign income limitation on tax credit