
  • 网络take-home pay;After-tax wages;after-tax salary;net pay
  1. 从下个月开始,数以百万计的美国人的税后工资将会更多。

    and millions of Americans will have more take-home pay starting next month .

  2. 因为培训在短期内会影响生产率,进而也会相对减少税后工资。

    The training interfered with their productivity in the short term , and hence with their take-home pay .

  3. 你领的是税后工资吗?

    Is your salary taxed at source ?

  4. 尽管通过提供税后工资来挽留人才似乎很有道理,但更为重要的是避免无限期地采取这一举措。

    Although it is logical to retain expatriates by guaranteeing a net of tax salary , it is important to avoid doing this indefinitely .

  5. 人力资本投资受到税后工资影响,因此也受到税率影响,其中最直接的影响来自所得税。

    Investment in human capital is responsive to take-home pay and therefore to tax rates , with the most direct effect coming from income tax .

  6. 与此同时,美国政府以诱人的负所得税来激励低收入劳动者,负所得税让再就业者可以领到更高的税后工资。

    Meanwhile , the government dangled a juicy negative income tax in front of low-income workers , boosting pay for those who re-entered the work force .

  7. 她的核心政治格言正是如此,用她的话讲我相信每个努力工作的人都应该得到最大回报,并且保有自己的税后工资。

    Her core political message was this , in her own words : I believe the person who is prepared to work hardest should get the greatest rewards and keep them after tax .

  8. 我今年的税后实得工资比去年高得多。

    My take-home pay this year will be much higher than last year .

  9. 你税后的工资是多少?

    What are your earnings after tax ?

  10. 正常情况下,当生产率提高时,平均税后实际工资都会上升&货币工资的增幅通常高于物价。

    Average real take-home pay normally rises as productivity increases – money wages normally rise faster than prices .

  11. 税后实得工资最低的国加有拉脱维亚、智利和墨西哥,排名最末的工资每小时仅1美元。

    Countries with the lowest take-home minimum wages include Latvia , Chile and Mexico , which is bottom of the list with a rate of about $ 1 per hour .

  12. 你永远不知道你扣税后的实际工资是多少。

    You 'll never know what your take-home pay will be .

  13. 扣税后的实得工资就是扣除了税之后剩下的部分。

    Take-home pay is what is left after subtraction of deducted taxes .

  14. 人们(税后)平均工资31173美元,考虑到49.9%作为个人所得税和社保,这个数额还算不赖。

    People get ( after taxes ) an average $ 31173 salary , which is not bad considering that 49.4 % is taken away as income tax and social security contributions .