
  • 网络Programming Methodology
  1. 本文讨论了程序设计方法学中谓词变换函数WP的性质。

    The paper discusses the properties of the predicate transformer WP in the programming methodology .

  2. 程序设计方法学引论

    Introduction to Programming Methodology

  3. 本文提出一种基于TurboProlog的OO程序设计方法学。

    This article presents an object-oriented programming discipline for Turbo PROLOG .

  4. 另外,在PAR方法中具有许多强大的工具和良好的开发环境,给目前的程序设计方法学注入了新生血液,也可为数学工作者摆脱被迫追赶流行的程序设计语言的烦恼。

    In addition . In PAR method , there are many powerful tools and appropriate developing environments , which add new blood to the present program designing methodology and therefore enable the mathematics researchers to get away from studying program design language .

  5. 程序设计方法学一直是软件工程领域的核心问题。

    The methodology of programming is one of the focuses in the field of software engineering .

  6. 其内容为近代建立的程序设计方法学中的基本知识。

    The content of prefix course is fundamental knowledge of programming design method that is established in modern times .

  7. 从程序设计方法学的观点看,此系统展现了多种程序设计风格,是逻辑、函数和面向对象程序设计模式的结合。

    From the viewpoint of programming methodology , the system emerges multiple programming styles , and is a combination of logical , functional and object-oriented programming paradigms .

  8. x&等价能使并行分解的概念嵌入结构程序设计的方法学中,而使其形式表述纳入CSP演释之中。

    X-equivalence can imbed the concept of parallel resolution into structural programming methodology , and its expression into deductions of CSP .

  9. 介绍了机械设计的步骤,机械设计程序和设计方法学,为机械设计领域勾画了概貌。

    The sequence , program and design-methodology of " Machine Design " are also recommended , thus a general pic - ture of the machine design domain is delineated .

  10. 在教学理论指导下,以程序设计理论和方法学为主要内容,设计了该课件的教学框架,注重学员程序设计能力的培养,设计的课件互动效果大大增强;

    Under the guidance of teaching theory , we designs the teaching frame of the courseware ,, focus on programming theory and improves the learner 's programming ability , the effect of interactive teaching is obvious ;

  11. 程序验证是程序设计方法学中一个十分活跃的课题,但程序验证的过程又是一项十分繁琐的工作。

    Program verification is an important subject of programming methodology , but it requires great care and is tedious .

  12. 许多程序规范与验证的形式化方法涌现出来,对程序设计方法学的发展起了积极的推动作用。

    Many formal methods of programming specification and formal correctness proof appear , which take an important role in the development of the methodology for programming design .

  13. 面向对象的程序设计给出了一种新的思考方式和一种与结构化程序设计有较大不同的新的程序设计方法学。

    Object-oriented programming presents a new way of thinking and a new methodology for programming that are quite different form the usual approach supported by structured programming languages .