
chénɡ xù duàn
  • Program segment;program fragment
  1. 通过简单语句或程序段对C程序中一些常见错误进行例举并给出对应的编译信息。

    This article illustrates some of common mistakes and compiler messages in simple statements or program segments .

  2. 任意曲线CNC程序段分割的一种新方法

    A New Method of CNC Program Section Dividing for Arbitrary Curve

  3. 针对任意离散型曲线的CNC编程方法提出了误差控制法计算节点,控制程序段的长度。

    This paper describes a new method for CNC programming section , known as Error Control Method .

  4. DOS程序段前缀的研究

    Study on the program segment prefix of the DOS

  5. 介绍了C功能刀具半径补偿原理,根据平面内刀具半径补偿转接过渡的不同转接类型,针对C功能刀补的工程实际应用,提出了交角转接及直接转接两程序段间的软件实现方法。

    The theory of C function cutter radius compensation is presented . The Join-Turning type and the method of software performance is analyzed . The practical use is researched .

  6. 在系统的服务器端采用Web服务的方式将各个模块的程序段发布到系统中,以便客户端的调用,使得系统易于扩展和维护。

    At the server side , it releases the program of every module for the client side by using Web service , so the system can be expanded and maintained easily .

  7. 利用程序段前缀PSP来传递参数

    Transmiting Parameter Making Use of Program Segment Prefix

  8. 最后结合可重构Cache和动态电压缩放技术,提出了一种基于程序段的可重构Cache及处理器电压自适应算法。

    At last , a Phase-Based self-tuning algorithm for reconfigurable cache and processor is proposed via a combination of reconfigurable cache and dynamic voltage scaling .

  9. 在IBM操作系统VSE中,将程序段从某子库移到虚拟存储器,并将控制权移交给该程序段。

    In VSE , to bring a program phases into virtual storage from a sublibrary and pass control to this phases .

  10. 分析了packet套接字的类型和特征,阐述利用该开发接口实现分组多播通信的具体编程方法与步骤,给出了相应的系统调用和程序段分析。

    The features and types of packet socket are analyzed . The programming methods and steps of multicast by using packet socket are expatiated and the related system calls and analyses of the program are presented .

  11. Emacs会将主程序段的源代码以及GUD、本地变量、断点和栈的buffer在一个frame中。

    Emacs now displays the source code of the main routine , together with the GUD , locals , breakpoint and stack buffers , in a single frame .

  12. 在虚机扩充磁盘操作系统(VSE)中,把核心映象库中的程序段装入主存以便执行。

    In VSE , to bring a program phase from a core image library into main storage for execution .

  13. 以Mikron数控机床的Heidenhain控制系统为例,I-DEAS后置处理由INIT、START、TERMINATE三个程序段组成。

    Taking the Heidenhain control system for Mikron NC machine tool as example , I-DEAS postposition processing includes INIT program section , START program section , and TERMINATE program section .

  14. 将机器人动力学方程直接翻译成计算关节驱动力矩的FORTRAN程序段是一无分支无转移语句的程序段,但该程序段却含有很多重复计算。

    The FORTRAN code for computation of the joint drive torques directly translated from the symbolic dynamic equations of a robot consists of n arithmetic assignment statements . But this code contains many redundant computations .

  15. 为了在世界场景中应用三维观察变换,讨论了三维观察变换的原理,详细介绍了实现方法,并在此基础上给出了基于OpenGL的代码程序段。

    In order to apply 3D viewing transformation in the world scene , this paper discusses the theory of the 3D viewing transformation and introduces the realizing methods . Besides , it delivers the code segment based on OpenGL .

  16. 本文将这一方法引进图像通信,给出了用可编程逻辑器件CPLD实现邻域扩散图像放大的硬件系统设计方法,并给出了用硬件描述语言VHDL描述系统几个主要模块的程序段。

    Furthermore , the design of hardware implementation of Adjacent Diffusion , with programmable logic device CPLD , is discussed , and programs with VHDL language , which describe main functions of the hardware system , are also given .

  17. 实型数据非比较分段排序算法(简称RNCSS)是根据实型数据机内编码的特点提出来的一种快速非比较排序算法,文中给出了算法的分析和关键的源程序段。

    Non-comparative sectional sorting algorithm of real ( RNCSS ) is a non-comparative quick sorting algorithm , which is based on the characteristics of the code in computer of real . This paper provides its analysis and core source program .

  18. 单/多机环境下的程序段互连

    Interconnections of Subprograms under the Environments of Single / Multiple CPUs

  19. 所有这些路径的集合覆盖了整个程序段。

    The whole program is covered by all the paths .

  20. 针对多个程序段的加工,提出了分段常速与平滑变迁控制的策略。

    The strategy of piecewise constant speed and smooth motion control is also introduced .

  21. 五轴联动数控加工中的微小程序段插补方法

    Interpolation Method for Micro-segments on Five-axis CNC Machining

  22. 在虚拟存储器中,用于跟踪程序段的一些指针或表。

    Pointers or lists used to keep track or program segments in virtual memory .

  23. 应用遗传算法来设计、求解相应模型的待定参数,编写相关程序段,进行迭代求解。

    A genetic algorithm is designed to use the indefinite parameter of the relative model .

  24. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加子程序、函数、子例程和程序段。

    Drag onto the page to add subprograms , functions , subroutines , and segments .

  25. 第四章对自动操舵仪的相关软件进行了讨论,并给出了重要功能的程序段。

    The fourth chapter of autopilot discussed related software , and gives some important program segments .

  26. 数控系统加减速控制与程序段终点速度规划

    Acceleration / deceleration control of CNC systems and velocity layout of end points in machining segments

  27. 数控系统对零件加工程序段中的坐标值译码最为复杂。

    In CNC system , a coordinate interpreter of part manufacturing program is the most complex .

  28. 用于在软件图中添加子程序、函数、子例程和程序段。

    Use to add subprograms , functions , subroutines , and segments in your software diagram .

  29. 在前言中,两位编者提供了电子存贮程序段的统计图。

    In the introduction the two compliers provide a statistical profile of this segment of the electronic memory .

  30. 在虚拟存储系统中,将装入模块或程序段从辅助存储器移到虚拟存储器中。

    In virtual storage system , to bring load modules or program phases from auxiliary storage into virtual storage .