
yí dòng yìng pán
  • portable hard drive/disk;Mobile Hard disk;HDD;mobile disk
  1. USB移动硬盘驱动系统设计与开发

    The Design and Development of a Driving System for Mobile Hard Disk of USB

  2. 本论文致力于设计和开发一个基于Windows2000操作系统的USB移动硬盘驱动系统。

    This thesis focuses on a driving system for mobile hard disk of USB based on Windows 2000 operating system .

  3. FPGA控制MEMS强链的移动硬盘加密系统设计

    Design of Portable Hard-Disk Encryption System Based on MEMS Strong-Link Controlled by FPGA

  4. 这方面的最新的例子是生产品牌移动硬盘和USB驱动器的广颖电通(SiliconPower)。

    One example of that philosophy was on display recently at Silicon Power , which produces branded portable hard drives and USB drives .

  5. 移动硬盘VS挑战可录光盘

    Removable hard disk challenge recordable optical disc

  6. 大容量移动硬盘MP3播放器的硬件设计

    Hardware Design of MP3 Player for U-disk Based on Large Hard Drives

  7. 有一个USB接口的移动硬盘(或者大容量U盘)也不错,尤其是在电脑没有局域网接口的情况下。

    And a portable USB hard drive ( or large USB stick ) can also help , especially if either of the machines lacks a network port .

  8. 为了采集后进行大量数据的转移,进入相应的后续处理,本设计中设计了USB与硬盘的接口,设计完成了简易的移动硬盘,方便了数据的识别和转移。

    For the convenience of transferring of the collecting data , we used interface of USB in the design and fulfilled the design of a simple portable hard disk .

  9. 使用该连接器与电视相连,用户无须使用USB闪存盘与移动硬盘存放大量的影音文件即可实现电影电视剧的在线播放。

    Use the connector to the TV , users do not use USB flash drives and removable hard disk can store large video files online play movies and TV shows .

  10. 介绍了Linux系统下的磁盘分区并结合具体的操作实例介绍了在Linux系统下使用USB移动硬盘的一点经验与技巧。

    Based on a detailed configuration to USB hard Disk , a brief introduction to disk partition ? the method and skills how to configure an USB hard disk under Linux Operation system are discussed .

  11. 例如:可以根据需要,选择嵌入式处理器、存储系统再加上USB接口,裁剪相关的系统软件及驱动软件即可构成一个U盘(移动硬盘)。

    Take it as an example : You can easily assembly a U disk ( removable hard disk ) by selecting embedded processor , memory system and USB interface with corresponding system software and driver program .

  12. 便携式数码助理为一消费电子产品,它可以在没有电脑的情况下完成转存数码设备存储卡上数据的功能,又可作为一般的高速大容量USB移动硬盘使用。

    The Portable Digital Assistant is a consumer electronics , which can store the data in the memory cards of digital products without computer around , and also be used as a large high-speed portable USB hard disk .

  13. 在USB端口出现之前,为了将各种不同的设备(例如打印机、闪存或移动硬盘)连接到计算机,计算机需要具备不同的端口类型。

    Before the advent of USB ports , in order to connect different devices such as a printer , a flash memory , or a removable hard drive , to the computer , the computer required the existence of the different port types .

  14. 如果您不确定,您可以使用一个支持GPT的分区工具在一个闲置硬盘或者一个小型可移动硬盘(比如USB闪存驱动器)上建立GPT分区。

    If you 're in doubt , you can use a GPT-aware partitioning tool to set up GPT partitions on a spare hard disk or a small removable disk , such as a USB flash drive .

  15. 可以将重要的车载信息,如车内温度、车胎胎压及速度等信息,存入外围存储设备:IDE接口的CF卡或硬盘,或遵守USB1.1协议的移动硬盘中,供将来分析研究。

    The control information of automobile , such as temperature , velocity and tyre pressure , can be compressed and saved in CF card or mobile disk .

  16. inf文件,本文通过三种不同的方法:关闭移动硬盘的自动播放功能、给移动硬盘加上软件写保护、利用磁盘配额的功能等来介绍如何预防移动硬盘感染病毒。

    Inf documents , Through three different methods : Mobile hard disk capacity to shut down automatically , Mobile with software written to the hard disk protection , use functions such as disk quotas Mobile Disk on how to prevent Virus infection .

  17. 该软件甚至还可对移动硬盘里的数据加密。

    The software even encrypts the data on the USB drive .

  18. 利用过滤层驱动程序实现移动硬盘加密

    The Realization of Mobile Disk 's Encryption Through Filter Drivers Procedure

  19. 他把已经剪完的片子过录到移动硬盘上。

    He copied the cut disc to a mobile hard drive .

  20. 病毒就是通过这些移动硬盘传播的。

    The virus is believed to have spread through these removable drives .

  21. 一种指纹识别移动硬盘的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Fingerprint Identification Mobile Hard Disk

  22. 移动硬盘不就是干这个的嘛。

    That 's what external hard drives are for .

  23. 柜台后面的保险箱里有一个移动硬盘

    There 's a portable hard drive in the safe behind the counter .

  24. 橡胶隔振移动硬盘非线性系统的冲击研究

    Study on Impulse Response of Nonlinear System of Mobile Hard Disk with Rubber Isolator

  25. 此值包括所有硬盘,甚至是可移动硬盘。

    This value includes all hard drives , even hard drives that are removable .

  26. 接键盘、鼠标、打印机,可接以太网、移动硬盘。

    Interface with keyboard , mouse , printer , or Ethernet , hard-disk cartridge .

  27. 大容量移动硬盘的选购、使用和数据安全策略

    The Purchasing , Using and Data Security Policy about of High-capacity External Hard Disk

  28. 目前针对移动硬盘的计算机病毒,基本上利用Autorun。

    The current mobile hard disk of a computer virus , Basically the use of Autorun .

  29. 捕食者型和收割者型无人飞机使用移动硬盘在计算机之间更新地图和传输任务视频。

    Predator and Reaper crews use removable hard drives to load map updates and transport mission videos from one computer to another .

  30. 移动硬盘的呈现使得数据的转移和携带更加便利,但也不可避免的带来了数据安全隐患。

    The emergence of mobile harddisk makes data storage and transfer more convenient , but brings with hidden trouble of data security .