
nèi cún
  • Memory;RAM;internal memory;internal storage
内存[nèi cún]
  1. 此过程可借助于二维快速傅氏变换(FFT)算法来提高变换的运算速度,其效率比时间域的普通倾斜叠加算法高达二十倍以上,且可大幅度地减少对计算机内存的需要量。

    The process can be speeded up by adopting two-dimensional fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) algorithm , so that not only the efficiency is 20 times higher than ordinary slant stacking algorithm in time domain but also much less internal storage is used .

  2. 数值算例表明,使用TVD格式求解两相渗流问题比使用传统的流度上游权格式有较高的精度,且少用可观的计算机内存和CPU时间。

    Examples calculated numerically indicate that use of the TVD format is more accurate in solving the two-phase seepage flow question than traditional use of the mobility upstream weight format is , and uses less considerably internal storage of a computer and CPU time .

  3. 内存扩充卡是计算机很有用的附件。

    The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer .

  4. 这个系统内存256兆字节,可扩充到2千兆字节。

    The system has 256 MB RAM , expandable to 2GB .

  5. 计算机内存里的所有资料都可复制到磁盘上。

    Everything in the computer 's memory can be copied onto disks .

  6. 请在核实有足够的内存后再安装程序。

    Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before loading the program .

  7. 这个程序占用多少内存?

    How much memory does the program occupy ?

  8. 推荐配置为512K内存,640K内存则更佳。

    512k RAM is recommended and 640k RAM is preferred .

  9. 资料存在计算机内存里。

    The data are stored in the computer 's memory .

  10. 辐射会损坏微处理器和电脑内存,使之失灵。

    The radiation can damage microprocessors and computer memories , causing them to malfunction

  11. 这台计算机有一个储量为128兆的内存。

    The computer has a128m of memory .

  12. "恶意软件正在实时扫描内存并寻找数据,"他说。

    " Malware is scanning through the memory in real time and looking for data , " he says .

  13. 然而现在,就连吃饭这么稀松平常的事情,人们都能拍上无数张照片,需要付出的代价不过是硬盘内存和进餐伙伴的耐心而已。

    Now , the only apparent cost to taking infinite photos of something as common as a meal is the space on your hard drive and your dining companion 's patience .

  14. 我可以很肯定的说我超爱我的中国手机——小米的红米Note3pro,这款手机很便宜,但用起来像是值手机定价280美元的两倍,而且它完全可定制、灵巧,并且内存很大。

    I would definitely have to say that I love my Chinese-brand Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro3 . This phone is cheap , performs as if it costs twice it ’ s $ 280 price , is completely customizable , slick , and has a whole lot of memory storage .

  15. 主存储器(又称为内存、主存或简称存储器)

    Main memory ( also called internal memory , primary storage , or just plain memory )

  16. 因此使用计算机的第一步是把程序从软盘上拷贝到内存中,

    thus , the first step in using the machine is copying the program from diskette into memory .

  17. 计算机是存储程序控制的,因此使用计算机的第一步是把程序从软盘上拷贝到内存中。

    A computer is controlled by a stored program : thus the first step in using the machine is copying the the program from diskette into memory .

  18. “电脑狂暴症”的产生有多种原因。2013年针对美国成年人的一项调查显示,近半数(46%)的电脑问题是恶意软件或电脑病毒导致的,其次是软件问题(10%)以及内存不足(8%)。

    Users can experience computer anger and frustration for a number of reasons . American adults surveyed in 2013 reported that almost half ( 46 % ) of their computer problems were due to malware or computer viruses , followed by software issues ( 10 % ) and not enough memory ( 8 % ) .

  19. 在development和test模式下,HSQLDB使用内存中的数据存储。

    In development and test mode , HSQLDB uses an in-memory datastore .

  20. 分析Java的内存管理与垃圾收集机制。

    Analysing the managing and collecting of memeory garbage about JAVA .

  21. POWERHypervisor占用一些系统处理器和内存资源。

    The POWER Hypervisor uses some system processor and memory resources .

  22. G语言中的内存分配与管理算法

    Algorithm for Memory Allocation and Management in G Language

  23. 大多数Java堆都是作为本机内存的相邻slab实现的。

    Most Java heaps are implemented as contiguous slabs of native memory .

  24. 为了缩短文档装载和查询时间,您可以给eXist更多的内存。

    To improve both document loading and query times , you can give eXist more memory .

  25. 优化内存提高SqlServer系统性能

    Optimizing Memory to Improve SQL Server System Performance

  26. 由于C语言允许通过指针进行间接内存访问,但并不进行边界检查,因此可能存在缓冲区溢出。

    The C language allows indirect access memory location by pointer without boundary check , which may cause buffer overflow .

  27. 关于JAVA语言内存泄漏问题的探讨

    Research of Memory Leak in JAVA

  28. 每个DB2代理进程都需要获得内存,以执行其任务。

    Each DB2 agent process needs to acquire memory to perform work .

  29. Linux内存管理机制分析和改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Linux Memory Management Mechanism

  30. 但同时也带来了其自身新的设计问题,必须重新设计数据库算法及数据结构,以便更有效的利用CPU及内存空间。

    However meanwhile , new design problem of database itself has occurred .