
jī jí tiáo jiàn
  • positive condition
  1. 法定抵销的条件分为积极条件和消极条件。

    The conditions of legal set-off are divided into positive conditions and negative conditions .

  2. 通过对现行法律规定的分析,并结合法理分析,职工在上下班途中,受到机动车事故伤害,被认定为工伤需要具备积极条件与消极条件。

    Through the analysis of the actual law and the theory of the law , the injury the employee suffers from the collision involving motor vehicles on the way between home and office recognized as an industrial injury should satisfy positive and negative condition .

  3. 各地都在积极创造条件吸引FDI以形成本地的产业集群,带动本地经济的发展。

    All regions actively attract FDI to develop local industry clusters so that can promote local economic development .

  4. 因此必须排除当前国际法适用中的某些障碍,从立法、行政和司法角度积极创造条件,为我国在WTO法构建的游戏规则中成为真正的赢家奠定基础。

    So we must improve qualifications in our legislation , administration and judicature to clear some obstacles in the application of international laws so that we can set up a foundation for China 's victory in the game regulated with WTO laws .

  5. 积极创造条件,打入国际市场。

    And actively create conditions to break into the international market .

  6. 积极创造条件,推动数字江苏建设

    Actively creating conditions and promoting the construction of Digital JiangSu

  7. 积极创造条件,发展安宁和晋宁县城为市;

    Positively creating the conditions , develop Anning and Jinning into city .

  8. 以及不断改革和完善社会保障制度,积极创造条件解决失业问题等等。

    Reform social security system to solve employment problems ; and so on .

  9. 同时他们还为建平会议的召开积极准备条件。

    In the meanwhile , they were creating conditions for preparing Jianping Meeting .

  10. 积极创造条件稳步推进学分制改革

    Vigorously Creating Conditions and Steadily Pushing Forward the Reform of the Credit System

  11. 教学中积极创造条件;

    Positively creates the condition in the teaching ;

  12. 学校要积极创设条件,开展生态道德教育;

    The school should create conditions to carry out the education of ecological morals ;

  13. 我们应该积极创造条件,适时实行通货膨胀目标制。

    So we need to create conditions for its realization in the near future .

  14. 积极创造条件进一步完善学分制

    Creating Conditions for Optimizing the Credit System

  15. 第三,积极创造条件,满足农村老年人精神生活方面的需求。

    Third , create condition actively , meet rural the elderly demand of cultural life .

  16. 第一,积极创造条件,促进中日高层的互访。

    First , conditions should be created in order to promote high-level exchanges and visits .

  17. 积极创造条件,吸引境外中小企业投资。

    China should also create conditions for attracting investment by small and medium-sized overseas enterprises .

  18. 最后,提出对策建议,积极创造条件推进人民币区域化。

    Finally , suggestions , and actively create conditions to promote the regionalization of RMB .

  19. 教学型大学,只要积极创造条件,也可以适当发展精英教育;

    Universities of teaching type also could develop elite education while conditions are created actively .

  20. 积极创造条件发展开放式基金

    Create Conditions Actively Develop Open-end Fund

  21. 应积极创造条件,实行养老金全国统筹。

    Some conditions should be created actively to put the old age pension into overall planning .

  22. 我国政府一直在积极创造条件,向健全的社会福利体系过渡。

    But our government has being strived to create positive conditions to transit to sound social welfare system .

  23. 我国公路施工企业应该积极创造条件,开展作业成本法。

    Our country Highway construction Enterprise should create the condition positively , the development cost of operation law .

  24. 积极创造条件,大力发展合作组织型模式,会加快中国农业现代化的进程。

    Creating favorable conditions actively and developing cooperatively organized patterns gready will accelerate the process of agricultural industrialization of China .

  25. 2009年《全民健身条例》规定:公办学校应当积极创造条件向公众开放体育设施。

    The provision of2009National Health Regulations is that public schools should actively create conditions for sports facilities opened to the public .

  26. 对有偿形象广告应坚决取缔,对合法的形象广告应积极创造条件,让其健康发展。

    We must cancel paid image ads and pave the way for legal image ads in order to develop them healthily .

  27. 实现校企合作办学,必须积极创造条件,建立高职院校校企合作办学良好的运行机制;

    To realize it , we must create opportunities to cooperate with enterprises on the basis of a good operating system .

  28. 我们应积极创造条件,以与时俱进的精神来不断提高高等教育质量。

    We should create conditions in an active way to improve the quality of higher education while keeping abreast of the times .

  29. (二)各级体育管理部门应当正确认识计算机在科学化运动训练中的地位和作用,为运动训练科学化管理积极创造条件,加强硬件和软件建设,提高体育科技工作者和教练员的积极性。

    The physical culture management should attach importance to the computer education of the coaches to create favorable conditions for scientific training .

  30. 职业院校参与人力资源外包既具有现实必然性,也具备自身优越性,应积极创造条件,并以一定的介入模式积极参与企业的人力资源外包活动。

    Therefore , vocational schools should actively create conditions to participate in activities of human resources outsourcing in enterprise by some interposition models .