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  1. 然而,搜狐视频出品播出的最新网剧《法医秦明》扭转了这一局面。

    That changed after Chinese streaming service Sohu TV debuted its newest drama Medical Examiner Dr. Qin .

  2. 《法医秦明》改编自著名作家秦明的热门悬疑小说《第十一根手指》,故事以法医秦明的视角展开,讲述了其与法医助理大宝、刑警队大队长林涛组成的黄金破案组合屡破奇案的故事。

    Adapted from medical-examiner-turned-writer Qin Ming 's The 11th Finger , the online drama follows Dr. Qin , his assistant Da Bao and police officer Lin Tao as they solve various bizarre cases .