
  • 网络the Peruvians;peruvian;Peruanos
  1. 你知不知道秘鲁人的刀有多锋利。

    Did you know the Peruvians make blades so sharp .

  2. 这些理念无法为秘鲁人所接受。

    These philosophies found no place in the bosom of the peruvian .

  3. 共有1631人聚集在利物浦的城市中心齐唱《爱我吧(LoveMeDo)》,这些狂热追随者中不乏千里迢迢来到这里的秘鲁人与日本人。

    Aficionados poured in from as far afield as Peru and Tokyo for a weekend of live music and Beatlemania , which kicked off with 1631 people singing " Love Me Do " outside the city 's central Liver Building .

  4. 约550万秘鲁人直接或间接受益于食品行业。

    Some 5.5m Peruvians benefit directly or indirectly from the industry .

  5. 每年6月24日,秘鲁人都会将印加人的太阳节再现。这项庆典自1944年开始。

    The celebreation is held on June 24th , which was dated from 1944 .

  6. 秘鲁人参加了利马乔科省博物馆举行的糖果展销会。

    Peruvians are in for a sweet deal in Lima at the Choc ó Museum .

  7. 70000名秘鲁人因此丧生。

    Some 70000 Peruvians were killed .

  8. 羊驼源自安第斯山脉高地,已被驯化,属南美骆驼科,秘鲁人养羊驼主要是取它们的毛,有时也吃肉。

    Peruvians raise alpacas , a species of South American camelid , primarily for their warm wool and sometimes to eat .

  9. 今天,我们把一批文物移交给国家文化研究所,这是所有秘鲁人的文化遗产。

    We give today to the National Institute of Culture a group of objects which belong to the cultural patrimony of all Peruvians .

  10. 这引起了古代宇航员理论拥护者的猜测:古代秘鲁人掌握了先进的飞行技术,或曾试图与掌握这些技术的生物交流。

    This has led to speculation by the Ancient Astronaut crowd that the ancient Peruvians were capable of advanced flight , or were trying to communicate with beings that were .

  11. 西班牙媒体报道这些毒贩有委内瑞拉人,哥伦比亚人,秘鲁人,韩国人以及中国人。但是西班牙警方的发言人则称这些毒贩的国籍尚未得到确认。

    Spanish media reports said the smugglers included venezuelan , colombian , peruvian , Korean and Chinese citizens , but a Spanish police spokesman said their nationalities could not yet be confirmed .

  12. 当初秘鲁人得知坐落在乌鲁班巴河谷之上的这座“失落的印加城市”时,并没有任何的历史学家去挖掘和研究它,直到1911年,海勒姆·宾厄姆才首次着手研究马丘比丘。

    While Peruvians knew about this " Lost City of the Incas " above the Urubamba Valley , they weren 't excavated and examined by historians until Hiram Bingham did so in 1911 .

  13. 佛罗伦萨左后卫瓦尔加斯正向着外界,大唱着对紫百合的忠诚之歌。这似乎是专门唱给体育主管科尔维诺的听的,我秘鲁人把皇家马德里的流言当成耳边风。

    Fiorentina left-back Juan Manuel Vargas is singing the song of allegiance , and it is likely to be music to Pantaleo Corvino 's ears as the Peruvian has rubbished talk of Real Madrid .

  14. 这组科学家使用来自秘鲁人的样本,把他们的这种方法和两种已有方法进行了比较。这些被怀疑感染了结核病的秘鲁人来自高危人群或者是医院的艾滋病感染者。

    The researchers compared their approach to two existing methods using samples from Peruvians who were suspected of having tuberculosis ( TB ), were at high risk of TB or were hospital patients with HIV .

  15. 为了保护这只美洲虎,秘鲁人在动物园里单独圈出一块地,让它自由生存,圈地中有成群的牛、羊、鹿供老虎享用。

    In order to protect this jaguar , Peruvians singled out a pitch of land in the zoo for it , where there are herds of cattle , sheep and deer for the jaguar to eat .

  16. 在阿克瑞奥眼里,维拉德是一个很好的例子,表明烹饪已吸引新一代秘鲁人,他们渴望将这个位于安第斯山脉的国家那融合了多元文化、丰富多彩的烹饪文化,传播到全世界。

    For Mr Acurio , Ms Velarde is a good example of how the cooking bug has already bitten the new generation of Peruvians who are eager to spread the Andean country 's rich and multicultural culinary culture throughout the world .

  17. 多明戈和他的羊驼搭档在过去的几个月里,多明戈一点一点地教羊驼下水。羊驼源自安第斯山脉高地,已被驯化,属南美骆驼科,秘鲁人养羊驼主要是取它们的毛,有时也吃肉。

    Pianezzi has slowly introduced his alpaca , a domesticated animal from the Andean highlands , to the water over the past several months.Peruvians raise alpacas , a species of South American camelid , primarily for their warm wool and sometimes to eat .

  18. 如今,8万多名秘鲁年轻人把书本换成了汤勺,学习烹饪。

    Today , more than 80000 Peruvian youngsters have swapped books for spoons and are studying cookery .

  19. 第五大奇迹是马丘比丘,15世纪秘鲁印加人的隐秘山城。

    Fifth is Machu Picchu , the 15th century hidden mountain city of the Incas in Peru .

  20. 这位妇女的头发将会用她祖先当代秘鲁印加人的方式编成一百条带子般细的辫子。

    When finished , she 'll wear a hundred ribbon-thin braids in the style of her ancestors , contemporaries of Peru 's Inca .

  21. 一些住在秘鲁的人离安第斯山脉很近,生活都要依靠山顶的积雪。

    For some of Peruvians who live near the Andes , life depends on the snow that 's usually on top of mountains .

  22. 秘鲁从来没有人做过这样的手术。

    No-one in Peru had ever performed such an operation before .

  23. 因为小熊的秘鲁名字没人能明白,所以善良的人类家庭就根据车站的名字给这只小熊起名叫帕丁顿。

    Because no one can understand the bears Peru name , so according to the station , kind-hearted human family named this bear as Paddington .

  24. 然而,秘鲁的数据让人感觉精确得有点不正常。

    Yet the Peruvian good news story feels oddly precise .

  25. 探险家(尤其是指16世纪带领西班牙人对墨西哥和秘鲁进行征服的人)。

    An adventurer ( especially one who led the Spanish conquest of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century ) .

  26. 秘鲁和印度的排名紧随其后,分别有38%的秘鲁人和31%的印度人称他们是忠实足球迷。

    Peru and India rated as the next most passionate football nations , with 38 percent and 31 percent of individuals from those countries respectively saying that they were passionate followers of football .

  27. 在秘鲁和阿根廷的安第斯山脉,他发现了印加人(古代秘鲁土著人)被冻结的尸体。

    He has discovered frozen bodies of Inca Indians in the high Andes mountains of Peru and Argentina .