
  • 网络population dynamic;Meta-population;metapopulation dynamics
  1. 一个基于知识库的棉红铃虫种群动态预测系统

    A Prediction System for Population Dynamics of Cotton Pink Bollworm Based on Knowledge Base

  2. 玉米螟种群动态分级预报的物元模型及其应用

    Classified Prediction Model of Matter-Elements of Population Dynamics of the Corn Borer and Its Application

  3. 麦蚜复合种群动态预测的Fuzzy推理模式及应用

    A Model of Fuzzy Inference for Forecasting Complex Population Dynamics of Wheat Aphid and Its Application

  4. Bt水稻对田间非靶标害虫种群动态的影响

    Effects of transgenic Bt rice on population dynamics of non-target insect pests in rice field

  5. 转Bt基因水稻重要成分的变化及对昆虫种群动态的影响研究

    The Study on Changes of Important Materials in Transgenic Bt Rice and Effect on Insect Population Dynamic

  6. Leslie矩阵模型在油松毛虫种群动态分析中的应用研究

    The Leslie matrix model for the population dynamics of Dendrolimus tabulaeformis

  7. Leslie矩阵在大沙鼠种群动态研究中的应用

    Application of Leslie Matrix in Dynamic Study on Population of Rhombomys opimus

  8. 转BT基因抗虫棉田昆虫种群动态及综合防治研究

    The Study for Tendency of Community and Copositive Measure of Prevention or Cure on Insect in BT Transgenic Cotton Field

  9. 检测与细菌生长繁殖有关的营养物质、温度、pH、种群动态分析、物理和化学变化。

    The role of nutrient requirements , temperature , pH , population composition , geophysical and chemical changes are all examined as they relate to bacterial growth and proliferation .

  10. 棉田与玉米田棉铃虫(HelicoverpaarmigeraHübner)种群动态特征的比较

    Comparison of population dynamics of Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner ) in cotton and corn fields

  11. 转Bt基因棉和转Bt+CpTI双价基因棉对棉田主要害虫及其天敌种群动态的影响

    Effects of transgenic Bt cotton and transgenic Bt + CpTI cotton on population dynamics of main cotton pests and their natural enemies

  12. 用DGGE指纹图谱技术对污泥堆肥工艺中的细菌种群动态变化及多样性进行了研究。

    The dynamic change and diversity of bacterial community in sludge compost technology was studied using DGGE fingerprint atlas technique .

  13. 华北地区大豆蚜(Aphisglycines)的种群动态和主要天敌控制能力的研究

    Studies on the Population Dynamics of Aphis Glycines and Controlling Effect of Its Dominant Natural Enemies in Northern China

  14. A-3型松褐天牛引诱剂监测松树主要蛀干害虫林间种群动态研究

    Population Dynamic Monitoring of Principal Pine Stem-borers in Forest by A-3 Sawyer Beetle Attractant

  15. 2000~2001年,在湖北棉区系统研究了转Bt基因棉对棉田非靶标害虫及天敌种群动态的影响。

    Systematic investigations were carried out on the effect of transgenic Bt cotton on the population dynamics of non target pests and natural enemies of pests in Hubei province in 2000-2001.This experiment included three treatments .

  16. 该文研究了3种林分类型樗蚕Philosamiacynthia自然种群动态。结果表明:樗蚕世代内种群数量呈不断减少趋势;

    The result of the survey in three types of stands showed that the population density of Philosamia cynthia decreased gradually in the generation .

  17. 种群动态监测结果表明,红棕象甲在海南文昌地区,1a有4次发生高峰期。

    The result of the population monitoring of red palm weevil showed that the red palm weevil occurred in four peaks a year in the area of Wenchang , Hainan Province .

  18. 桔全爪螨(PanonychuscitriMcG.)种群动态的系统分析及其模拟&Ⅱ.系统分析、模拟及施药模拟实验


  19. 研究了1997~1998年及1999和2000年春季大亚湾日本星杆藻(Asterionellajaponica)种群动态及其与环境因子之间的关系。

    Population dynamics of Asterionella japonica and its relationship with environmental factors in Daya Bay were studied from 1997 to 1998 and the springs of 1999 and 2000 . A.

  20. 利用Leslie矩阵定量模拟种群动态,发现在受外界干扰很小条件下,该种群具有波动特点,各龄级的个体数变化趋势不同,种群由衰退型向增长型过渡。

    Based on Leslie matrix , the change of the number of individual trees was different in the different age class under the undisturbed condition and the population dynamic changed from declination type to growth type .

  21. 为了解该菌株在水稻体表的种群动态,先后选用抗生素萘啶酮酸(Nal)和利福平(Rif)标记该菌株。

    Antibiotics were used to mark the strain in order to monitor the population dynamics of the strain on the surface of rice plant . Nalidixic acid ( Nal ) and Rifampicin ( Rif ) were used one after another .

  22. 异质种群动态模型:破碎化景观动态模拟的新途径

    Metapopulation dynamic models : A novel approach to fragmented landscape dynamics

  23. 害虫种群动态的频谱分析预测

    Forecasting the Dynamics of Pest Population with the Spectrum Analysis Method

  24. 食物浓度及低浓度镉对水螅种群动态的影响

    Influence of Food Concentration and Low Cd Concentration on Hydra Population

  25. 分析昆虫种群动态关键因子的一种方法&关联度法

    Incidence degree method for analysing key factors of insect population dynamics

  26. 云南桔小寡鬃实蝇种群动态研究

    On the population dynamics of oriental fruit fly in Yunnan Province

  27. 苔藓土壤动物种群动态的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on The Population Dynamics of Moss Soil Fauna

  28. 云南香蕉根际线虫种群动态的研究

    Study on the populations of rhizosphere nematodes of banana in Yunnan

  29. 苹果园绣线菊蚜种群动态的研究

    Studies on the Population Dynamics of Spirea Aphid in Apple Yard

  30. 龙眼和荔枝卷叶蛾类种群动态及其群落结构

    Community structure of leaf rollers in longan orchard and litchi orchard