
zhǒnɡ shǔ chā yì
  • species difference
  1. 结论Uro-cortin对大鼠离体心房具有很强的正性肌力作用。Urocortin的正性肌力作用具有明显的种属差异和组织学差异。

    CONCLUSION Ucn has a potent positive inotropic effect on rat isolated ( atrium ) with characteristics of species difference and histology difference .

  2. 肝亚细胞成分是研究药物代谢及种属差异的较好体外模型。

    The results suggest that hepatic subcellular fractions are useful as in vitro models for species difference study .

  3. 神经生长因子(NGF)可促进嗜铬细胞贴壁,存活和生长出神经轴突样突起,但是成人及成年大鼠肾上腺嗜铬细胞对于NGF的依赖程度存在种属差异。

    NGF could enhance the attachment , Survival and neurite outgrowth , however , there appeared species differences .

  4. 大鼠、家兔和狗之间的药代动力学过程存在着显著的种属差异,大鼠iv麝香酮12,18和24mg/kg三种剂量间的药代动力学主要参数无显著性差异。

    Significant species differences were observed in the pharmacokinetic parameters among rats , rabbits and dogs , while no significant differences were found among the three dosages of 12,18 and 24 mg / kg after iv administration to rats .

  5. 本实验结果与整体动物实验结果基本一致,表明V2O5对大鼠的发育毒性敏感,而对小鼠不敏感,存在明显的种属差异。

    This result consists with results in vivo . In comparison with effect of V 2O 5 on rat embryo cultured , indicated rat is more sensitive than mouse to developmental toxicity of vanadium .

  6. 卵巢系膜(ovarianmesenteries)是联系卵巢与阔韧带的腹膜,其发育程度存在显著的种属差异。在大多数啮齿类动物,卵巢系膜高度发育形成一个包裹卵巢的卵巢囊(ovarybursa)。

    The ovarian mesenteries is defined as the peritoneum connecting the ovary with the broad ligment . It has obvious difference in structure varying in species , hi the majority of rodents , the ovarian mesenteries develops extensively into a capsule enclosing the ovary , which called ovary bursa .

  7. 罗红霉素代谢机理及种属差异研究

    Study on the Mechanism and Species Differences of Roxithromycin Metabolism

  8. 辛伐他汀在人、食蟹猴和大鼠血浆中稳定性的种属差异

    Species-related Stability Difference of Simvastatin in Human , Cynomolgus Monkey and Rat Plasma

  9. 重组人白细胞介素&1的辐射防护作用的种属差异

    Strain difference in radioprotection of recombinant human interleukin-1

  10. 鼠兔程存着种属差异。

    Asarone exsited difference between rabbit and mouse .

  11. 结论:动物种属差异对实验性高脂血症存在显著影响。

    Conclusion : Race difference has significantly effects on experimental hyperlipidemia models in animals .

  12. 结论:预计氮烯乙茶在生物转化途径上的种属差异较小;

    CONCLUSION : The insignificant species differences in metabolic profile of etheofazine can be anticipated .

  13. 多种动物房室交界区形态结构种属差异的研究

    The Study of Species Difference in the Architecture of Atrioventricular Junction in Different Species of Animals

  14. 吡咯-2-甲醛缩N~4-(4-甲氧基苯基)氨脲亚急性毒性的种属差异

    Species Differences in Subacute Toxicity of Pyrrole Aldehyde N ~ 4 - ( 4-methoxyphenyl ) Semicarbazone

  15. 说明体细胞的种属差异不影响共培养胚胎的发育效果。

    This suggested that the number of passages of somatic cells had a remarkable effect on the development of co-cultured embryos .

  16. 本文所得结果表明,这几种成年哺乳类胰腺中都有此复合体存在,但数目很少,并有种属差异。

    There existed a few neuro-insular complexes in the pancreas of some adult mammals , and there was a difference among species .

  17. 实验动物眼组织辐射损伤程度不同,损伤具有种属差异。

    The degree of EMP-induced injury to 3 kinds of animal eyes is very different . EMR injury to eye is species different ;

  18. 目的:利用肝亚细胞成分研究I类抗癌新药氮烯乙茶的生物转化及其种属差异。

    AIM : To study the biotransformation and its species differences of etheofazine , a new anticancer drug , in hepatic subcellular fractions .

  19. 补体调节蛋白的种属差异是导致异种移植超急性排斥反应的主要原因。

    As we know that the difference of complement regulating proteins in different species was the main cause of acute rejection after xenotransplantation .

  20. 根据动物实验来预测人体的药物代谢时,代谢酶的种属差异性会使这项研究工作变得非常困难。

    Predicting of drug metabolism in humans based on animal experiments is complicated by species differences in the catalytic properties of these enzymes .

  21. 但是动物与人之间的种属差异,给临床试验和新药上市后毒性反应的监测造成很大压力。

    Because of species difference between human and animal , there are great pressure for monitoring clinical trial and toxicity of new drugs after go on sale .

  22. 本实验通过扫描电镜等方法研究豚鼠卵巢囊及卵巢囊淋巴孔的结构,并探讨了卵巢囊及其淋巴孔的种属差异。实验结果首次报道豚鼠卵巢囊内、外层上皮均存在淋巴孔;

    In order to explore its structure and speciality of species , the ovary bursa of guinea pig was studied by using dissecting microscopy and scanning electron microscopy .

  23. 目的:观察加压素样神经纤维(VP-IR)在树鼠句、大鼠、豚鼠正中隆起的分布并探讨VP-IR在正中隆起分布的种属差异及其意义。

    The distribution of vasopressin ( VP ) immunoreactive fibers in the median eminence of the tree shrew , rat and guinea pig was examined by immunocytochemical PAP technique .

  24. 研究表明,某些药(毒)物对尸食性蝇类生长发育具有一定的影响,且这种影响存在种属差异。

    These studies indicate that some drugs and poisons have a certain impact on the growth and development of necrophagous flies , and this impact has differences among species .

  25. 我们还发现,尽管清除速率存在种属差异,但不管在大鼠肝微粒体还是在人肝微粒体中Ⅱ相通路都是贝特类药物的主要代谢通路。

    It was also found that the phase II pathway in either rat liver microsomes or human liver microsomes are the major pathway for fibrates despite the species difference in term of elimination velocity .

  26. 系统进化树分析表明该基因存在较大的种属差异,但与人、马的亲缘关系较近,反映了在-定程度上该基因受到了人工选择压力的影响。

    Constructed phylogenesis tree indicated that this gene exhibited large difference among different species , but was genetically most related to that of human and horse . This indicated that this ceruloplasmin gene was affected to a certain extent by the pressure of artificial selection . 6 .

  27. AKF-PD的血浆蛋白结合率低,且在SD大鼠与人间不具备种属间差异。

    The plasma protein binding of AKF-PD was low , and there was no significant difference between rat plasma and human plasma . 5 .

  28. 初步实验表明:代谢产物MB3,MA~2,MA1的药效与毒性均远低于原形药,大鼠与小鼠对XT的转化机制相近,但也存在种属的差异。

    Preliminary observations showed that the toxicity and pharmacological activity of MB_3 , MA_2 and MA_1 decreased significantly compared with the parent drug XT . Species difference of biotransformation of XT between rat and mouse was also observed .

  29. 实验结果表明LDH同工酶具有多态现象,EST同工酶谱复杂,EST和MDH同工酶均准确反映出种属间的差异。

    Electrophorogram of both MDH isozyme and EST isozyme accurately reflects species-genera specificities .

  30. 结论:KM、NIH、ICR小鼠与绝大多数实验小鼠一样,遗传背景较为狭窄,不同品系小鼠间遗传背景的差异远远低于动物种属间的差异。

    Conclusion : The genetic background of KM , NIH and ICR mice , similar to that of most of laboratory mice , is limited and the diversity of genetic background of different strains of laboratory mice is far fewer than the interspecies diversities of other animals .