
lǐ jiě pínɡ hénɡ
  • dissociation equilibrium
  1. 亚硫酸钙在蔗糖溶液中离解平衡的研究

    Study on Dissociation Equilibrium of Sulfite Calcium in Solution of Sucrose

  2. 文章介绍了化学反应中的配合离解平衡与沉淀溶解和氧化还原平衡的关系及其应用。

    This paper introduces the relationship and application of dissociation equilibrium , precipitation-dissolution equilibrium , and redox equilibrium in chemical reactions .

  3. 在循环冷却水系统中,由碳酸离解平衡并引入修正系数推导出循环冷却水经浓缩后总碱度和pH值的理论模型,然后运用VISUALBASIC编写程序进行预测。

    Based on carbonate equilibrium and citation of amending coefficients , the theoretical expressions of total alkalinity and pH can be obtained after concentration in cooling water and can be predicted through Visual Basic program .

  4. 本模型结构为:(1)以NH3-H-2O-CO2三元系为基础,液相内的平衡运用分子热力学原理&离解平衡、电荷平衡、质量平衡三原则;

    On the basis of the NH3-H2O-CO2 system , the molecular thermodynamic principle is used for calculating liquid-phase equilibria .

  5. 电导法测定醋酸的离解平衡常数

    Determination of Ionization Equilibrium Constant of CH_3OOH with Conductivity Method

  6. 电导法测离解平衡常数数据处理方法的改进

    An Improvment on Date Processing Method for Ionization Constant by Conductance Measurment

  7. 腐植酸盐离解平衡性质的研究

    Study of the Separate Balance Traits of Humic Acids-salt Subtract from Coal

  8. 熔融冰晶石的离解平衡计算

    Dissociation equilibria in molten cryolite

  9. 综合对映体的物理分配、离解平衡及对映体与萃取剂的包合反应平衡等,建立了反应萃取模型用于萃取体系的模拟。

    An inclusion reactive extraction model was established involving equilibrium of physical distribution , dissociation and inclusion complexation between enantiomers and β - CD extractant .

  10. 测定了在不同硝酸根浓度和酸度下,锝在树脂相和水相间的分配比,求出了硝酸根和高锝酸根在阴离子交换树脂上的交换平衡常数以及高锝酸的离解平衡常数;

    Distribution ratio of technetium between AG1 × 4 anion-exchange resin and exchange aqueous solution containing different concentration of nitrate and nitric acid is determined .

  11. 实验结果表明,表面活性剂存在时,酸碱指示剂的离解平衡及其变色范围将发生改变,选择适当的胶束溶液作为滴定介质,可以扩大酸碱指示剂的应用范围,同时也可以提高滴定的准确度。

    The experimental results indicated that the colour-changing ranges got narrow , and the titration accuracy was increased when an appropriate surfactant micellar solution was chosen as a titration medium .

  12. 在不同因素下,通过测定亚硫酸钙固体在蔗糖溶液中的溶解度,研究亚硫酸法糖厂蔗汁澄清中亚硫酸钙沉淀的离解平衡关系。

    According to surveying the dissolubility of sulfite calcium solid in solution of sucrose at different factors , this paper discussed the dissociation equilibrium relations of sulfite calcium in cane juice clarification in cane-sugar factory of sulfitation process .

  13. 计算了氨基酸衍生物对映体以及辛可纳非对映异构体分离过程的热力学参数并利用前沿色谱法测定了辛可宁和辛可尼丁在盘状分子印迹整体柱上的离解平衡常数。

    The thermodynamic parameters in the separation of enantiomers of amino acid derivatives and diastereomers of cinchona alkaloids were calculated and the dissociation constants of cinchonine and cinchonidine on the cinchonine imprinted monolithic disk were determined by frontal analysis .

  14. 以成矿组分活化地质理论、金属离子浓度综合平衡方程和硫化物离解平衡方程为基础,提出了成矿溶液活化硫化矿物中成矿组分的理论模拟方法。

    On the basis of the geological theory on the activation of metallogenic components and the equations of metal ion concentration , comprehensive balance and sulfide mineral dissociation , the authors have established a new theoretical simulating method for the activation of metal components in sulfides by metallogenic solutions .

  15. 结果表明:通过控制烧结气氛中氧分压在NiO和Cu2O的离解反应平衡氧分压之间,可以制备出具有目标物相组成的NiFe2O4Cu金属陶瓷;

    The results show that the NiFe_2O_4-Cu cermet with the desired phase composition can be obtained by controlling the partial oxygen pressure between the decomposition oxygen pressures of NiO and Cu_2O ;