
  • 网络sacrificial culture;sacrifice culture;religious culture
  1. 马崇拜成为蒙古族传统文化的一个组成部分,在马崇拜观念的基础上形成了独特的祭祀文化,丰富了蒙古族的民俗文化。

    Horse worship becomes one part of the Mongolian traditional culture , and the unique Sacrificial culture based on horse worship enriches the Mongolian folk culture .

  2. 特别是数字的奇偶形式,其于古老的阴阳观念作用下,在上古祭祀文化中具有系统的象征意义。

    And basing upon the study , to more probe into the symbolistic meaning of the form of odd number and even number in ancient times sacrificial culture .

  3. 祭祀文化与先秦郊庙乐歌

    Sacrifice Offering and Musical Performances in Suburban Temples before Qin Dynasty

  4. 论巫傩祭祀文化与体育起源

    Research on the Relation between Exorcise Culture and the Origin of Sports

  5. 东岳泰山崇拜既是山岳崇拜的一部分,又是祭祀文化的一部分。

    Tai mountain worship is part of the mountains worship , and is part of the sacrifice culture .

  6. 社节更是以独特的饮食、祭祀文化大放异彩;

    What 's more , the catering culture and the customs to remember the dead are also quite unique .

  7. 《九歌》是《楚辞》中一组比较特殊的诗歌,它是中国文人文化和民间宗教祭祀文化的伟大结合。

    The Nine Songs is revised by great poet QuYuan , and it contains the reviser 's deep emotions ;

  8. 中国古代巫文化主要有两个基本方面,即祭祀文化和卜筮文化。

    The Chinese ancient magical culture has two main basic aspects that are the worship culture and divination culture .

  9. 由于流域内民族体育项目受外部环境影响严重,祭祀文化在逐渐淡化与消退。

    As a result of Basin National Sports affected by the external environment seriously , sacrifice culture in gradually weakened and dissipated .

  10. 兴源于远古人类的原始思维方式,产生于原始宗教的祭祀文化。

    " Hsing " technique is derived from the primitive thinking ways of the ancient people , and developed from the primitive culture of sacrifices .

  11. 祭祀文化是古代社会文化极其重要的组成部分,尤其是对于敬事鬼神的殷商民族而言。

    Sacrificial offering culture was an extremely important constituent in the ancient social culture , especially for the people in Shang Dynasty who treat the ghosts and gods matters conscientiously .

  12. 汉水女神不仅出现在《诗经》、《楚辞》文化系统之中,也存在于春秋、战国以来的祭祀文化系统之中。

    They are not only appearing in the culture systems of the Book of Odes and Chu Poems , but also in fete culture systems since Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period .

  13. 早期秦的持之以恒、对外来文化的包容吸纳且不保守的精神,在早期秦的墓葬文化、宗庙祭祀文化中都有很好的体现。

    In the spirit culture in the early stage of Qin , the spirit of the perseverance , tolerance and absorption of foreign cultures were well represented in Burial Culture and Confucian Ritual Culture .

  14. 周人在商人的废墟上立国,传承殷商祭祀文化,并进行了诸多改革,从而形成独特的周文化。

    The people in the Zhou dynasty destroyed the Shang and founded their own country . Through plenty of vital reforms on the sacrificial culture of the Shang , the unique culture of Zhou took shape .

  15. 它饱含着源自生命需求源自大自然的朴素民间信仰,围绕这朴素的信仰生成很多的民间祭祀文化,这些祭祀具有严格的仪式化特点。

    It is full of life and needs from the simple folk beliefs from the nature around it generated a lot of faith in the simple ritual of folk culture , which has strict ritual sacrifice features .

  16. 祭祀文化在国家政治生活中有着重要而特殊的地位,是中国古代文化中的重要部门,只从语言本身着眼是不够的。

    Culture about sacrifice has an important and special position in the political life of the country and is an important branch in ancient Chinese culture . Studying it only from the language itself is not enough .

  17. 同时中原地区先进的祭祀文化对早期国家的形成,社会的组织形式,生产方式的变革都起着决定性作用。

    While at the same time , the sacrifice culture of the central plains area play an critical part in formation of the early states , the organizing pattern of society , and the reformation of the mode of production .

  18. 《诗经》与祭祀文化的关系究竟如何?本文在前文讨论的基础上做出了总结,并侧重于祭祀文化对《诗经》的影响。

    What is the relationship between Book of Songs and sacrificing culture on earth ? The thesis has made a conclusion on the basis of the previous discussions and it focuses on the influence sacrificing culture exerts on Book of Songs especially .

  19. 祭祀及宗教文化与建筑艺术

    Worship and Religion Culture and Art of architecture

  20. 伏羲祭祀变迁中的文化内涵分析

    An Analysis on Culture Connotation of Change in FuXi 's Sacrifice

  21. 书院祭祀所体现的文化载体功能,表明了它作为社会组织在文化传播活动中的独特地位。

    The Academy fete embodies in rich connotations , which reveal that it play special role in diffusing culture .

  22. 这些特性对理解明朝国家祭祀体系的政治文化寓意都是重要的。

    These characteristics are important to comprehend the connotation of the political culture in the state sacrificial system of the Ming dynasty .

  23. 本论文把成吉思汗祭祀管理现状从文化人类学,旅游人类学及文化遗产管理方法等角度进行研究。

    This paper studies Genghis Khan ritual management status from the point of cultural anthropology , tourism anthropology and management methods of cultural heritage .

  24. 而祭祀是中国礼文化的一种,礼又产生于原始宗教的祭祀活动,礼与祭祀相辅相成,缺一不可。

    And sacrifice ceremony is a kind of ritual culture in China and produced in primitive religious sacrificial activities , ritual and the sacrificial offering supplement each other , be short of one cannot .

  25. 初中生偶像崇拜现象及其教育对策研究生殖崇拜是指人们为祈求生殖,对男女生殖器官执以宗教的崇拜与祭祀的一种文化现象。

    The Research on Idolatry of Junior High School Students and Its Educational Countermeasures Generative adoration refers to the cultural phenomenon that people worship at the male and female genitalia to beget and conceive offspring .

  26. 祭祀节日是对外文化传播的一个重要载体,本文以中元节和清明节为例进行了教学案例分析,目的是让外国学生更好地理解中国祭祀节日中所蕴含的文化意义。

    Ritual festivals are an important carrier of the spread to foreigners , this article puts Hungry Ghost Festival and Ching Ming Festival as examples for teaching case studies , the purpose is to let foreign students to understand the cultural significance inherent in the Chinese ritual festival better .

  27. 这些研究,最值得注意的是将语言与文化相结合,从祭祀词语出发研究古代祭祀文化的性质、功能、目的及各种祭祀仪式的考订,这是由祭祀本身的特性决定的。

    What is most notable about the studies is that language is studied associated with culture . People begin to study the characters , functions , purposes and various ceremonies of sacrifice by studying vocabulary about sacrifice , which is decided by the characteristics of sacrifice itself .

  28. 从《诗经·周颂》与《楚辞·九歌》祭祀诗的祭祀对象看南北文化的差异

    The Difference between the Cultual of North and South in the Sacrificial Offering Poem of Shijing · Zhousong and Chuci · jiuge

  29. 国之大事,在祀与戎。北岳祭祀作为我国传统国家祭祀文化的重要组成部分,由来已久、历代因之。

    " Affairs of state , worship and military matters . " The Northern ritual , as an important part of the ritual culture of China , has last for a long time and every dynasty follows .

  30. 时至今日,土家族、苗族的自然崇拜的祭祀仪式依然频繁,在这些祭祀仪式中体育文化得到了充分地展示,体育的具体实践也得到了充分的体现。

    Sports culture and sports practice have fully embodied in these ceremonies .