
shén jīnɡ xìnɡ lónɡ
  • nervous deafness
  1. 另一例系由不明原因引起双侧重度感音神经性聋,人工耳蜗植入术前CT扫描示双侧迷路骨质正常但术中发现仅一侧迷路正常而另一侧完全骨化。

    One was caused by temporal bone fracture , the other had bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss but the reason for labyrinthine ossification was unknown .

  2. 结论ABR对鼓膜大穿孔所致的混合性聋或感音神经性聋表现灵敏。

    Conclusion Mixed deafness and sensorineural hearing loss caused by big perforation of tympanic membrane are sensitive on ABR .

  3. 首先,对几种常见MP3编码算法做频谱测试和听音测试,根据测试效果确定要选择哪种MP3音频编码算法;感音神经性聋患者助听前后言语测试分析

    LAME is a idiographic audio encode algorithm . Speech test in patients with sensorineural deafness before and after hearing aid

  4. 感音神经性聋患者听觉皮层BOLD-fMRI研究

    BOLD-fMRI Study of Auditory Cortex in Patients with Sensorineural Hearing Loss

  5. 结果:3例均在腮腺肿胀3~7d内突然听力下降,呈极度感音神经性聋,2例伴前庭障碍症状。

    Result : All patients had sudden bilateral total deafness in 3 to 7 days after mumps . 2 had vestibular symptoms .

  6. 结果(1)全组感音神经性聋患儿中有CNS病变者比例较高(105例205耳/310例500耳)。

    Results ( 1 ) The rate of SHL with CNS lesions was very high ( 105 cases 205 ears / 310 cases 500 ears ) in study group .

  7. 非综合征性前庭水管扩大(non-syndromicEnlargedVestibularAqueduct,EVA)是一种最常见的内耳畸形,其在感音神经性聋的患者中约占10%左右。

    Non-syndromic Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct ( EVA ) is one of the most common inner ear malformations , which account about 10 % of patients with sensorineural hearing loss .

  8. 方法:选成人感音神经性聋患者33例(65耳),行ASSR阈值纯音听测试。

    Method : ASSR and pure tone threshold were examined in 33 adults ( 65ears ) with sensorineural hearing loss .

  9. 结论LVAS患者可表现为感音神经性聋,也可表现为混合性聋。

    Conclusion The patient with LVAS can present either sensorineural hearing loss or mixed hearing loss .

  10. 研究背景:我国新生儿的先天性聋发生率为1/1000-6/1000,其中以先天性感音神经性聋(congenitalsensorineuralhearingloss,CSNHL)居多。

    Background : In mainland of our country , the incidence of congenital hearing loss is 1 / 1000-6 / 1000 in newborn . Most of the congenital hearing loss is sensorineural hearing loss ( CSNHL ) .

  11. 方法受试者分别为37名感音神经性聋儿童、30名传导性聋患者以及28名听神经病患者。感音神经性聋儿童进行MASSR、Tb-ABR和行为测听。

    Method 37 sensorineural hearing loss children were tested with MASSR , Tb-ABR and behavior measures .

  12. 对27例正常人及25例末梢性前庭病变和15例重度感音神经性聋患者的前庭诱发肌源性电位(VEMP)进行了研究。

    A research into vestibular evoked myogenic potentials was made among 27 normal subjects , 25 patients with peripheral vestibular pathologic change and 15 patients of severe sensorineural hearing loss .

  13. 结果:由ASSR测定结果推测客观听力状况,在正常人及轻度、中度和中重度感音神经性聋患者的符合正确率分别为100%、90.7%、76.0%和100%;

    Result : The correct diagnosis percent of normal hearing people was 100 % , of mild , moderate and moderately severe sensorineural deafness people were 90.7 % , 76.0 % and 100 % .

  14. 目的:观察自身免疫性感音神经性聋(ASNHL)雌性豚鼠子代内耳听觉生理功能及组织结构病理变化,探讨内耳自身免疫因素与子代内耳听觉损伤的相关性。

    Objective To explore whether the autoimmune against inner ear could induce the pathological impairment of hearing function and labyrinth structure in newborns of the mothers with autoimmune sensorineural hearing loss ( ASNHL ) . Methods The pregnant guinea pigs were immunized with crude inner ear antigens ( CIEAgs ) .

  15. 耳声发射在低频感音神经性聋诊断中的应用

    Using otoacoustic emission for diagnosis at low frequences sensorineural hearing loss

  16. 不明原因感音神经性聋血浆热休克蛋白抗体的研究

    Plasma autoantibodies to heat shock proteins in idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss

  17. 感觉神经性聋患者的听觉脑干诱发电位

    Research on the auditory brain stem response in sensorineural deaf patients

  18. 感音神经性聋患者助听前后言语测试分析

    Speech test in patients with sensorineural deafness before and after hearing aid

  19. 自身免疫性感音神经性聋基因治疗的实验研究

    Experimental study of autoimmune sensorineural hearing loss with gene therapy

  20. 单侧低频感音神经性聋(附40例分析)

    Unilateral Low - frequency Sensorineural Hearing Loss ( 40 Cases Analysis )

  21. 各种听力学检查提示感音神经性聋或混合性聋;

    All kinds of auditory checks indicated sensorineural deafness or mixed deafness .

  22. 慢性阻塞性肺病与感音神经性聋的相关性分析

    Observation of relationship between chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and sensorineural hearing loss

  23. 隐性遗传性感音神经性聋隐性遗传性聋4家系听力学调查分析

    An audiological analysis of four families with autosomal recessive hereditary hearing loss

  24. 儿童先天性感音神经性聋的影像学评估

    Evaluation of Imaging in Children with Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss

  25. 人工耳蜗植入术治疗重度和极重度感音神经性聋

    The Treatment of Profound Sensorineural Deafness by Cochlear Implantation

  26. 不同内耳组织抗原免疫致自身免疫性感音神经性聋的研究

    Cochlear and retrocochlear deafness induced by immunity with different inner ear tissue antigens

  27. 鼻咽癌患者放疗后引起感音神经性聋的临床观察

    Clinical observation of sensorineural hearing loss in patients suffering from nasopharyngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy

  28. 儿童感音神经性聋77例分析

    Analysis of sensorineural hearing loss in 77 children

  29. 穴位按摩治疗感音神经性聋的研究(Ⅲ)

    Study of point massage on sensorineural deafness (ⅲ)

  30. 结果内淋巴囊肿瘤的临床症状包括进行性加重感音神经性聋、耳鸣、眩晕、颅神经受累等症状。

    Results The clinical symptoms of patients were progressive sensorineural deafness , tinnitus and vertigo .