
  • 网络Neurogenic damage;neurogenic injury
  1. 28块拇短展肌中8块患侧拇短展肌呈神经源性损害,5块存在纤颤或(和)正锐波;

    Among 28 cases of short abductor muscles of thumb , the neurogenic injury was shown in 8 cases of wounded side , and the fibrillation and positive sharp wave were shown in 5 cases .

  2. 针电极肌电图检查可见明显的慢性神经源性损害特征,部分患者有巨大单位。

    Obvious features of chronic neurogenic injury were found by needle electrode electromyography , and some patients had giant units .

  3. 患侧组的EMG表现为短时限、低波幅,病理干扰相或者混合相的波形,提示肌源性损害,未发现神经源性损害的典型EMG。

    The EMG of SOM diseased group show that short duration , low amplitude and pathological interference pattern or mixed pattern , which indicate damage of muscular source , not found the typical EMG of nerval damage . 4 .

  4. 结果共检查肌肉390块,341块肌肉表现为出现少量~大量(+~+++)纤颤电位、正锐波;57例MND病例均表现广泛神经源性损害。

    Results overall 390 muscles were examined . among which , small amount ~ large amount ( + ~ + + + ) of fibrillation potential and positive sharp wave were found in 341 muscles . Extensive neurogenic damage was discovered in the 57 cases of MND .

  5. 在有肌源性损害同时,15%的患儿肌电图尚有神经源性损害。

    Electromyogram showed muscle damage in all and15 % of them also showed neuropathy .

  6. 肌电图检查均为神经源性损害,肌活检37例均为神经源性肌萎缩;

    Muscle biopsy in 37 patients showed neurogenic amyotrophy . Sural nerve biopsy was performed in 25 patients .

  7. 肌电图显示,上下肢周围神经源性损害,右侧正中神经感觉传导速度下降20%,波幅下降80%。

    EMG showed impaired peripheral nerves injury of upper and lower limbs , the conduction speed of the right median nerve reduced 20 % and amplitude reduced 80 % .

  8. 结论:①两组患者的肌电图均呈神经源性损害改变,而肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者胸段棘旁肌自发电位异常率明显高于脊髓型颈椎病。

    CONCLUSION : ① Neurogenic impairments occurred in patients with ALS and CSM , but the abnormality rate of spontaneous potential of tho-racic paraspinal muscles was higher in ASL than in CSM .

  9. 47例神经源性损害中,脊肌萎缩症29例,急性脊髓炎4例,脊髓灰质炎后遗症2例,12例诊断不明。

    In 47 neurogenic patients , the diagnosis were spinal muscular atrophy ( SMA , 29 cases ), sequela of poliomyelitis ( 2 cases ), acute transverse myelitis ( ATM , 4 cases ), and the other 12 patients had no definite diagnosis .

  10. 例2和例3肌电图和神经传导速度测定示,多发周围神经源性损害,以感觉神经纤维轴索损害为主。

    EMG and NCV showed multiple peripheral neuropathy with predominant sensory a-conal lesion in the 2nd and 3rd cases .

  11. 损伤神经支配的2411块肌肉,肌电图为神经源性损害占98.8%,运动神经传导速度减慢占97.6%。

    In 2411 muscles innervated by injured peripheral nerve , neural injury and the slowing of motor nerve conduction velocity shown on EMG accounted for 98 . 8 % and 97 . 6 % respectively .

  12. 血清抗乙酰胆碱受体抗体阴性,重复神经刺激出现肌电图波幅低频递减,远端肌电图显示神经源性损害。

    Electromyography ( EMG ) showed neurogenic features in the distal muscles and decrement response was showed with low frequency repetitive nerve stimuli . The acetylcholine receptor antibody test was negative .

  13. 结果:3例以尺神经肘上-肘下段传导速度减慢大于10m/s及第一背侧骨间肌神经源性损害为主,诊断为肘管综合征;

    Result : Of 14 cases , 3 cases were diagnosed as CTS , electromyographic examination showed the decrease of conduction velocity of ulnar nerve in above to below elbow segment over 10m / s and the neurogenic damage of first dorsal interossei .