
  • 网络Social Information;Social Informatics
  1. 对新型接入网的需求不仅是提供宽带接入的需要,而且也是建设可靠的社会信息基础设施SII(SocialInformationInfrastructure)的需要。

    The requirements for new access network technology are not only the provision of broadband services but also reliability as a social information infrastructure .

  2. 随着当今社会信息爆炸式的增长,Internet作为信息传播的重要媒介,在过去几十年也迅速发展起来,随之而来的拥塞问题也是越来越严重。

    With the current explosive growth of social information , Internet as an important medium of information dissemination in the past few decades have also developed rapidly , accompanied by congestion problems are more serious .

  3. 政府是社会信息资源、知识资源的最大拥有者、生产者、使用者和传送者,构架基于KM的电子政务系统已是大势所趋。

    Government is the biggest owner , producer , user and conveyer of social information resource , knowledge resource . Construct E-Government system based on KM has been the trend of the times already .

  4. 公共政策与社会信息的制约作用

    On the Mutual Restrictions of Public Policies and Social Information

  5. 政府信息是社会信息资源的一个极其重要的组成部分。

    Governmental information is a very important component part of social information resources .

  6. 论地震谣传与社会信息沟通

    On the seismic rumors and social message communication

  7. 政府信息公开当然成为整个社会信息公开制度的核心。

    The disclosure of government information certainly becomes the core of freedom of information .

  8. 多动症和品行障碍儿童有相似的社会信息加工特点。

    Hyperactivity Disorder children and Conduct Disorder children had same social information processing styles .

  9. 信息社会信息犯罪与信息安全

    Information Society Information Crime & Information Security

  10. 论社会信息能力的演化

    On the Evolution of Social Information Capacity

  11. 知识社会信息共享

    Knowledge - based Society and Information Share

  12. 接着分析了社会信息能力的层次结构和要素结构;

    Then , the level structure and the key elements of social information capacity are analyzed .

  13. 社会信息学引论

    An Introduction to Social Informatics

  14. 编辑学的研究对象,本质是社会信息和社会信息过程。

    The study subjects in editology are in essence related to the social information and its dissemination process .

  15. 可见,社会信息加工过程与视知觉过程存在着密切的交互。

    It implies that the processing of social and physical information starts to interact during automatic visual perception .

  16. 信息化指的是人类社会信息文化衍生、发展并最终占据主导地位以实现现代化的过程;

    Informationization is the process for information culture to emerge , develop and finally occupy a dominant position .

  17. 结果表明,学习不良儿童在社会信息加工过程中的反应数量与质量总体上不如学习优良儿童;

    The result indicates during the whole process the latter reacts worse than the former as far as quantity .

  18. 首先新媒体再造社会信息环境,促使社会信息环境发生变革。

    First , new media reengineer the social information environment and promote the revolution in the social information environment .

  19. 数据库系统是当今社会信息存储和处理的核心,其安全性尤为重要。

    Database system is the core of the information storage and processing in this society , its security is significant .

  20. 政府是信息资源和信息市场的基本控制者,大量的社会信息资源被政府部门掌握着。

    As a controller of information resources and market , the Government masters a large number of social information resources .

  21. 从宏观的角度,它由政府信息实力、产业信息实力、社会信息实力三部分构成。

    From the macroscopic angle , NIS is composed of governmental information strength , industrial information strength and social information strength .

  22. 政务信息资源是国家信息资源的重要组成部分,从数量上约占到全社会信息资源总量的80%。

    Government information resource , as a major part of national information resource , accounts for 80 % of whole social information .

  23. 这其中引入社会信息加工模型中表述最为清楚,最有预测力的模型之一的情境模型,并且证实舞弊行为同样适用于此模型。

    Among this part , situation model that is one of the most distinct and prophetic is used to construct fraud accounting one .

  24. 社会信息环境的变化与知识经济的发展对当代图书馆的知识组织工作提出了新的要求。

    The change of social information environment and the development of knowledge economy make a new demand on the grouping work of library knowledge .

  25. 随着现代社会信息网络技术的飞速发展以及在生活中的日益普及,网络侵权在现实社会中也开始泛滥。

    With the rapidly development of modern society and increasing popularity of information technology in life , the network infringement in reality began to spread .

  26. 但作为社会信息服务业的一个重要组成部分,当前湖北省公共、高校图书馆的发展并不处于一个平衡的状态。

    But as an important part of social information services , public and university libraries in Hubei are not currently in a state of balance .

  27. 比较研究多动症和品行障碍儿童社会信息加工特点的异同,从而发现导致多动症与品行障碍具有高共病性的心理机制。

    Explore the psychological mechanism which caused the high rates of comorbidity by comparing the social information processing features of Hyperactivity Disorder children and Conduct Disorder children .

  28. 在关于传播的众多描述中,我们最熟知的是:传播是指社会信息的传递或社会信息系统的运行。

    In the descriptions of communication , the most well-known is : Communication refers to the transmission of social information or the operation of social information systems .

  29. 如今社会信息和通信技术的飞速发展,正在快速地改变世界,个全新的时代已经到来。

    Nowadays the rapid development of information and communication technology is changing the world at an amazing rate , and a new era of information has approached .

  30. 其中最主要的是政治体制、政治文化、社会信息体制、质询主体的履职能力和技术等因素的制约。

    The most important is the political system , Political culture , Social Information System , Question the ability and technology in performing its duties subject to such constraints .