
  1. 随着Internet的广泛使用,越来越多的人通过网络这一新型的交往工具实现着社会信息交流。

    Along with the Internet widespread use , more and more people are realizing the society communication through the network this new contact tool .

  2. 随着网络技术、通讯技术、计算机技术等信息技术的广泛应用,网络已经成为社会信息交流的一种重要交流工具。

    With the extensive application of information technology , the Internet has become an important communication tool .

  3. 它在促进社会信息交流,方便人际交往,促进社会经济、文化发展等方面越来越显现出重要作用。

    It is playing a more significant role in promoting the exchange of social information , facilitating human communication and developing economy and culture .

  4. 搬掉文山,这是社会信息交流与人的接受能力之间均衡的需要,也是当代信息社会对公文的渴求。

    Getting rid of " hills " of official documents is a requirement for equilibrium between social information exchange and man 's ability to receive information .

  5. 信息资源管理研究生培养目标的确立,是与社会信息交流的模式、信息交流的理论息息相关的。

    It is closely related to the model of social information communication and the theory of information communication to build up the aim for postgraduate education in information resources management .

  6. 大众媒体作为社会信息交流系统、心理疏导系统、文化建构系统、管理控制系统,在风险认知、风险沟通、风险规避等方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    The mass media , a system of social communication , psychological counseling and cultural building , plays a pivotal role in the aspects of noticing , communicating and controlling risk .

  7. 尽管目前的通信网络、存储媒介正在逐步向高速率、大容量方向快速发展,但是随着社会信息交流的日趋广泛,通信已成为全社会的共同需求,因此,信道带宽永远不会绰绰有余。

    Although the communication network , storage media are gradually to the high speed , high capacity , but communication has become increasingly extensive common demand of the whole society . Therefore , channel bandwidth never enough .

  8. 网页设计作为一种新的视觉表现形式,它既兼容了传统平面设计的特征,又具备其所没有的优势,从而成为现代社会信息交流的一个非常有影响的途径。

    Webpage design is as a kind of new form of expression of vision , its already compatible characteristic of traditional planer design and possess its unexistent advantage , it has become a very influential way to modern social information interchange .

  9. Internet已经成为现代社会中信息交流的重要工具,但是随着科学技术的发展人们对网络信息资源共享有更高的要求,互联网将被更先进的技术所取代,这就是网格(Grid)。

    Internet is an important tool for communication in modern society , with the development of science and technology people have a higher request to the share of the network information resources , internet will be substituted by a more advanced technology , this will be Grid .

  10. 传播文化是人与人、群体与群体之间的社会文化信息交流与互动过程。

    Circulating culture is the process for people and groups to exchange information .

  11. 作为二十世纪最伟大的发明之一,互联网深刻地改变了人类社会的信息交流方式,给人类的信息交往和信息获取,传播带来了极大的便利。

    As one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century , the Internet has profoundly changed the way of information exchange , brought great convenience to humans .

  12. 另一方面,农民抱团组成合作社组织后,首先在传播渠道上得到了拓展,有专门的高素质人员使用更高效的信道与社会进行信息交流。

    On the other hand , when farmers formed cooperative organizations , at first , communication channels have been expanded , with a special high-quality staff to use more efficient channels of information exchange with the community .

  13. 它作为信息传播的第四媒体,极大的开阔了人们的视野,更新了人的观念,促进了社会信息的交流,方便人际交往,也改变了人们的生活方式。

    As the fourth media of information transmission , it brings us a broad vision , renewed ideas , efficient exchange of social information , convenient social communication and a great change in people 's life style .

  14. Internet是信息社会中进行信息交流和知识获得的强有力工具,从20世纪60年代末至今,短短的几十年时间里得到了迅速的发展。

    Internet is a powerful tool in the information society for the exchange of information and knowledge , from the late 1960s to the 20th century , it has enjoyed rapid development in a period of decades .

  15. 英语是当今社会吸收信息和交流信息的重要工具。

    English is an important tool to search information and communication .

  16. 招贴设计在现代平面设计中扮演着重要的角色,是现代社会传达信息和交流的重要方式。

    Poster Design in Modern Graphic Design plays an important role is to convey information and communication in modern society an important way .

  17. 有声语言和无声语言是社会交往、信息交流、表情达意的最重要的交际工具。

    Articulate speech and subvocal speech are important tools for social intercourse , information exchange , and for the conveying of ideas and feelings .

  18. 在现代社会中没有信息交流是不可能的,但是我们每天所接受的信息有许多是不真实的。

    It is impossible for us to imagine a society without information communication , but we could suppose that we get much untrue information everyday .

  19. 在建筑设计中用互动方式组织人、环境、社会之间的信息交流,作为新的设计方向可以有效地促进学科自身演进。

    By interactively organizing the information exchange among human beings , environment , and society , interactive architecture , as a new design direction , will effectively promote the evolution of architecture .

  20. 外来文化的冲击以及现代化社会信息的频繁交流,导致了少数民族文化的削弱,使传统的具有民族特色的民俗文化和景观表现不尽人意。

    The frequent exchange of information of the impact of foreign culture and modern society , leading to a weakening of minority cultures , and traditional folk culture with national characteristics and landscape performance unsatisfactory .

  21. 信息载体的演变与社会对信息存储、交流及传承需求之间是辩证关系。

    A dialectical relationship exists among the evolution of information carrier and social needs for information storage , exchange and transmission .

  22. 政府绩效评估指向的是政府公共部门的特殊职能;意味着政府公共部门与社会公众之间信息的交流与沟通。

    Performance measurement of government refers to the particular functions of public administration and indicates the information communication between public administrations and the public .

  23. 人类社会是建立在信息交流的基础上的,因而通信是推动人类社会文明、进步与发展的巨大动力。

    The human society is based on the information communication . So communication greatly drives the civilization , progress and development of human society .

  24. 信息学科目标定位于信息知识与信息技术领域,信息社会目标定位于信息交流和信息问题解决领域,信息人材目标定位于情感、态度与价值观领域。

    The goals of information subject local in the domain of information knowledge and information skills ; the goals of information society lie in information communication and information problem solving ;

  25. 在社会需求瞬息万变,信息交流日趋频繁的今天,为了能够适应这种动态环境,大型企业或组织的业务处理需要强有力的管理和控制。

    In order to adapt to dynamic environment , business processes of large enterprises or organizations need powerful management and controlling especially in the age of society requirement changing rapidly and information communicating frequently .

  26. 书法是中国传统文化中十分重要的一部分,它承载着世俗日常生活和社会各个方面的信息交流与文化传递的任务,这一功能同样体现在佛教发展中。

    Calligraphy is a very important part of traditional culture in Chinese , it undertake task of communication and culture heritage extensively in a secular society , the same function in the development of Buddhism .

  27. 叙事是与人类历史本身共同产生的,通过对事件的叙述传递社会信息,从而实现交流并达成对自然、对社会的认识,进而改造自然、改造社会,促进社会发展。

    With the emergence of human history , narrative emerged . Through the exchange and transmission of information about the events , the human could reach the understanding of nature and society , thereby promote social development .

  28. 我们的社会日益信息化,信息交流技术对社会和教育的发展均起着非常重要的作用。

    Our society is becoming an information society , in which information and communicative technologies ( ICT ) have a great impact on society and education . Information is the trend of the world , and the tendency of social development .

  29. 当今,社会流动规模空前,社会信息交流趋向多元。

    Today , the social mobility is unprecedented , and the exchanges of the social information become multiple .

  30. 分析网络环境下文献信息交流过程中存在的5种权力形式及其特点,并试图从社会权力的角度,对社会文献信息交流的影响机制进行探讨。

    Analyzes the five types of power and their characteristics in the course of document-information communication under the networked environment , and tries to discuss how social power influences document-information communication .